The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Costs by Cost Type Groups MOD009ALZ

Access path


  • In this module, Budget, Planned, Actual, Remaining and Total Costs of projects (planning objects) are displayed grouped by cost type groups (e.g. investments, personal costs, etc.).


  • The projects displayed in this module are grouped by Code by default. It is, however, possible to change groupings or have projects displayed ungrouped.
    • In the Group by field, you can either change the grouping criterion by making a selection from the listbox, or delete it. After you have clicked on the Use changes button, the projects are either displayed grouped by the selected criterion or they are displayed ungrouped.
    • If a grouping criterion is selected in one of the modules which use grouping criteria, it automatically takes effect in all modules with groupings.
  • In the Total area the sums of Budget, the Planned costs, Actual costs, Remaining costs and Total costs of the appropriate projects are displayed.
    • The sum values for Budget and Total costs are displayed in pie charts segmented by cost type groups.
  • If you expand the tree structure on a required cost type group, the assigned projects are displayed.

         PLANTA project

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