The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT457 Currency New from DB 39.5.6

In DB 39.5.6 DT 457 Currency conversion has been renamed to Currency. If you use a DB version < 39.5.6, please go to DT457CurrencyConversion.

DI003043 Currency code

Here, the currency code is entered or displayed.

DI026509 Currency

Complete name of the respective currency

DI003083 Country

Country in which the respective currency is used

DI003056 Currency symbol

Here, the currency symbol is entered or displayed.

DI003055 Conversion factor

Here, the conversion factor of the respective currency is entered or displayed.


  • This field is a mandatory data field, i.e., saving is not possible if this field has not been filled.

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