The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT495 Cost type group Up to DB 39.5.0

From DB version 39.5.0, the cost type groups are administrated in DT280.

DI028493 Column

The value of this parameter is fetched to DT470 Cost types (via DI029479 Fetch column) and is read when assigning cost types to a cost type group and copied to the field of the same name (Column) in DT470. It is considered, including by the capacity scheduling, in order to allocate the costs in the user modules to the respective cost type groups. The field also defines the order of cost type groups displayed in application modules such as the Budget module.

DI028504 Cost type group name

Name of the cost type group

DI029477 Cost Type Group

ID of the cost type group

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