The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT525 Stakeholder

In DB 39.5.6, DT 525 Stakeholder has been renamed Stakeholder/person. If you use a DB version 39.5.6, please go to the DT525StakeholderPerson topic.

DI026520 Stakeholder

Code of the stakeholder

DI026521 Person

ID of the person

DI026601 Name

From DB 39.5.10

Is no longer filled in the Fast Creation of Employee Data. This DI will be removed with DB version DB 39.5.12.

Up to DB 39.5.10

DI026631 Name

DI026632 First name

First name of the person

DI040092 from

Date from which on the person is a stakeholder

DI040093 to

Date up to which the person is a stakeholder

DI040184 Stakeholder name

Name of the stakeholder. It is composed of the name and first name of the person.

DI041531 Internal e-mail

Internal e-mail address of the person

DI041532 available?

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