The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Directory Structure

  • In the following, the directory structure in the PLANTA Client and Server is depicted with a short description.


From S 39.5.19

Directory structure Description
/ Besides the subdirectories described below, it contains the Java core of the program in PlantaServer.jar as well as some scripts for installing or starting the server.
The server should not be started via these scripts but via the corresponding scripts of the PLANTA service .
Dot_udr config Here, the config files are located, that determine how PLANTA behaves. hibernate.cfg.xml (defines the database connection), planta_server.conf and globals.conf (server behavior, connection to the client) are of particular importance.
Note: These files are already configured during the PLANTA server installation and usually don't have to be adjusted manually. Further Information on the config files
Dot_udr dlls Contains native libraries (system close code in C) including the core library of the PLANTA Server (planta.dll /
Dot_udr jars Contains files for the Java server (hence, for the configurable connection to the database, multi-client connections), especially for hibernate libraries
Dot_udr log Contains the logfiles created by the server
Dot_udr migration NEW Contains migration packets and the corresponding SQL files. They are usually run automatically after the installation (see carrying out the migration). For further information on the migration, see migration process.
Dot_udr py Contains the Python files. Further information can be found at Python integration.
Empty Dot_udr api Contains the API methods of the PLANTA software
Empty Empty Dot_udr ppms Contains the current API
Empty Empty Empty Dot_udr customizing Contains the customizing relevant API methods
Empty Empty Empty Empty Dot_udr earth Contains the customizing files for 39.4
Empty Empty Empty Empty Dot_ur venus Contains the customizing files for 39.5
Empty Empty Empty Dot_udr server Contains the customizing relevant API methods
Empty Empty Empty Dot_ur wrapper Contains the wrapper structure
Empty Empty Dot_udr planta Contains the new API
Empty Dot_udr distribution Contains the default Python library
Empty Dot_ur pysrc Contains program libraries of third party providers for remote debugging with eclipse
Dot_udr sql Contains sql subdirectories
Empty Dot_udr migration Here, three scripts are located (for each, MSSQL, or Oracle), which are automatically run during the installation.
Empty Dot_ur planta_de Contains sql-scripts that are run by the migration scripts during the automatic migration of the database (see Carrying out the Migration).
Dot_ur yajsw Short for „yet another java service wrapper" – contains functionality for starting and administrating the PLANTA Server as a service (PLANTA service)
Empty Dot_udr bat Contains scripts (for Windows or Linux, depending on the operation system used), with which the PLANTA service can e.g. be installed, started, stopped, or its status can be retrieved (see PLANTA service )
Empty Dot_udr conf Contains configuration files for the PLANTA service. These files are already configured during the installation and are not to be adjusted manually.
Empty Dot_ur lib, scripts, temp Contains internal libraries for the Java Service Wrapper

From S 39.5.18

Directory structure Description
/ Besides the subdirectories described below, it contains the Java core of the program in PlantaServer.jar as well as some scripts for installing or starting the server.
The server should not be started via these scripts but via the corresponding scripts of the PLANTA service .
Dot_udr config Here, the config files are located, that determine how PLANTA behaves. hibernate.cfg.xml (defines the database connection), planta_server.conf and globals.conf (server behavior, connection to the client) are of particular importance.
Note: These files are already configured during the PLANTA server installation and usually don't have to be adjusted manually. Further Information on the config files
Dot_udr dlls Contains native libraries (system close code in C) including the core library of the PLANTA Server (planta.dll /
Dot_udr jars Contains files for the Java server (hence, for the configurable connection to the database, multi-client connections), especially for hibernate libraries
Dot_udr log Contains the logfiles created by the server
Dot_udr migration Contains migration packets for the migration of database to S 39.5.0 They are usually run automatically after the installation (see carrying out the migration). For further information on the migration, see migration process.
Dot_udr py Contains the Python files. Further information can be found at Python integration.
Empty Dot_udr customer Contains the customized Python files as well as files that change or expand the standard functionalities.
  • If new individual files are created in the customer directory, the session must be restarted in order to generate the wrapper files under system.
Empty Dot_udr planta_ch Contains the Python files by PLANTA Switzerland
Empty Dot_udr planta_de %Contains the new import wrapper. The real files are located at /customizing/ and /server/.
Empty Dot_udr pysrc Contains the files for the Python debugger
Empty Dot_ur system Contains the former import wrapper. The files in the subdirectories of this directory
  • show the structure of the other directories.
  • import the code from planta_de, planta_ch and customer in this sequence. So if a function is defined under planta_de, it can be overwritten in the respective file in the customer directory.
Empty Dot_udr api NEW Contains the API methods of the PLANTA software
Empty Empty Dot_udr ppms NEW Contains the current API
Empty Empty Empty Dot_udr customizing NEW Contains the customizing relevant API methods
Empty Empty Empty Empty Dot_udr earth NEW Contains the customizing files for 39.4
Empty Empty Empty Empty Dot_ur venus NEW Contains the customizing files for 39.5
Empty Empty Empty Dot_udr server NEW Contains the server relevant API methods
Empty Empty Empty Dot_ur wrapper NEW Contains the wrapper structure
Empty Empty Dot_ur planta NEW Contains the new API
Empty Dot_udr distribution NEW Contains the default Python library
Empty Dot_ur pysrc NEW Contains program libraries by third party providers for remote debugging with eclipse
Dot_udr sql Contains sql subdirectories
Empty Dot_udr migration Here, three scripts are located (for each, MSSQL, or Oracle), which are automatically run during the installation.
Empty Dot_ur planta_de Contains sql scripts that are run by the migration scripts during the automatic migration of the database (see Carrying out the Migration)
Dot_ur yajsw Short for „yet another java service wrapper" – contains functionality for starting and administrating the PLANTA Server as a service (PLANTA service)
Empty Dot_udr bat Contains scripts (for Windows or Linux, depending on the operation system used), with which the PLANTA service can e.g. be installed, started, stopped, or its status can be retrieved (see PLANTA service )
Empty Dot_udr conf Contains configuration files for the PLANTA service. These files are already configured during the installation and are not to be adjusted manually.
Empty Dot_ur lib, scripts, temp Contains internal libraries for the Java Service Wrapper

From S 39.5.1

Directory structure Description
/ Besides the subdirectories described below, it contains the Java core of the program in PlantaServer.jar as well as some scripts for installing or starting the server.
The server should not be started via these scripts but via the corresponding scripts of the PLANTA service .
Dot_udr config Here, the config files are located, that determine how PLANTA behaves. hibernate.cfg.xml (defines the database connection), planta_server.conf and globals.conf (server behavior, connection to the client) are of particular importance.
Note: These files are already configured during the PLANTA server installation and usually don't have to be adjusted manually. Further Information on the config files
Dot_udr dlls Contains native libraries (system close code in C) including the core library of the PLANTA Server (planta.dll /
Dot_udr jars Contains files for the Java server (hence, for the configurable connection to the database, multi-client connections), especially for hibernate libraries
Dot_udr log Contains the logfiles created by the server
Dot_udr migration Contains migration packets for the migration of database to S 39.5.0 They are usually run automatically after the installation (see carrying out the migration). For further information on the migration, see migration process.
Dot_udr py Contains the Python files. Further information can be found at Python integration.
Empty Dot_udr customer Contains the customized Python files as well as files that change or expand the standard functionalities.
  • If new individual files are created in the customer directory, NEW the session must be restarted in order to generate the wrapper files under system.
Empty Dot_udr planta_ch Contains the Python files of PLANTA Switzerland
Empty Dot_udr planta_de Contains the standard Python files as provided with the standard
Empty Dot_udr pysrc Contains the files for the Python debugger
Empty Dot_ur system Contains the old import wrapper. The files in the subdirectories of this directory
  • show the structure of the other directories.
  • import the code from planta_de, planta_ch and customer in this sequence. So if a function is defined under planta_de, it can be overwritten in the respective file in the customer directory.
Dot_udr sql Contains sql subdirectories
Empty Dot_udr migration NEW Here, three scripts are located (for each, MSSQL, or Oracle), which are automatically run during the installation.
Empty Dot_ur planta_de Contains sql scripts that are run by the migration scripts during the automatic migration of the database (see Carrying out the Migration)
Dot_ur yajsw Short for „yet another java service wrapper" – contains functionality for starting and administrating the PLANTA Server as a service (PLANTA service)
Empty Dot_udr bat Contains scripts (for Windows or Linux, depending on the operation system used), with which the PLANTA service can e.g. be installed, started, stopped, or its status can be retrieved (see PLANTA service )
Empty Dot_udr conf Contains configuration files for the PLANTA service. These files are already configured during the installation and are not to be adjusted manually.
Empty Dot_ur lib, scripts, temp Contains internal libraries for the Java Service Wrapper

From S 39.5.0

Directory structure Description
/ Besides the subdirectories described below, it contains the Java core of the program in PlantaServer.jar as well as some scripts for installing or starting the server.
The server should not be started via these scripts but via the corresponding scripts of the PLANTA service .
Dot_udr config Here, the config files are located, that determine how PLANTA behaves. hibernate.cfg.xml (defines the database connection), planta_server.conf and globals.conf (server behavior, connection to the client) are of particular importance.
Note: These files are already configured during the PLANTA server installation and usually don't have to be adjusted manually. Further Information on the config files
Dot_udr dlls Contains native libraries (system close code in C) including the core library of the PLANTA Server (planta.dll /
Dot_udr jars Contains files for the Java server (hence, for the configurable connection to the database, multi-client connections), especially for hibernate libraries
Dot_udr log Contains the logfiles created by the server
Dot_udr migration Contains migration packets for the migration of database to S 39.5.0 They are usually run automatically after the installation (see carrying out the migration). For further information on the migration, see migration process.
Dot_udr py Contains the Python files. Further information can be found at Python integration.
Empty Dot_udr customer Contains the customized Python files as well as files that change or expand the standard functionalities.
  • If new individual files are created in the customer directory, NEW the session must be restarted in order to generate the wrapper files under system.
Empty Dot_udr planta_ch Contains the Python files of PLANTA Switzerland
Empty Dot_udr planta_de Contains the standard Python files as provided with the standard
Empty Dot_udr pysrc Contains the files for the Python debugger
Empty Dot_ur system Contains the old import wrapper. The files in the subdirectories of this directory
  • show the structure of the other directories.
  • import the code from planta_de, planta_ch and customer in this sequence. So if a function is defined under planta_de, it can be overwritten in the respective file in the customer directory.
Dot_udr sql Contains sql subdirectories
Empty Dot_udr migration Here, there are three scripts each for MSSQL or Oracle, that must be executed manually immediately after the installation has finished (see preparation of the database).
Empty Dot_ur planta_de Contains sql scripts that are run by the migration scripts during the automatic migration of the database (see Carrying out the Migration)
Dot_ur yajsw Short for „yet another java service wrapper" – contains functionality for starting and administrating the PLANTA Server as a service (PLANTA service)
Empty Dot_udr bat Contains scripts (for Windows or Linux, depending on the operation system used), with which the PLANTA service can e.g. be installed, started, stopped, or its status can be retrieved (see PLANTA service )
Empty Dot_udr conf Contains configuration files for the PLANTA service. These files are already configured during the installation and are not to be adjusted manually.
Empty Dot_ur lib, scripts, temp Contains internal libraries for the Java Service Wrapper

Up to S 39.5.0

Directory structure Description
/ Contains, besides the subdirectories described below, a.o. the binaries as well as the ppms.conf or planta_server.conf files in which different server parameters can be set.
Dot_udr log Contains the logfiles created by the server
Dot_ur py Contains the Python files


Directory structure Description
Email If you store an e-mail on a hyperlink, a copy of this mail is created in this directory. If there are no write rights on the client directory, a copy is created.
Help Contains the documentation for the IronPython API of the client
Lib Contains the IronPython files
Licenses Contains the licenses for the used components
Log Contains the logfiles created by the server This drectory is generated if the Client is started after activating the logging with the log client parameter.
Ole Here, the OLE objects are stored in order to be available more quickly later. The OLE directory is generated when the client is started for the first time.
Resources Contains the graphics used in the client

         PLANTA project

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