The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

ERP Import MOD009BTI Up to S 39.5.4

From server version 39.5.4, PLANTA provides PLANTA link, a universal interface which replaces the previous ERP interface. To learn more, please refer to the Universal Interface topic.


  • The settings for the file which is imported are defined in the technical (indirect) 009BTR ERP Import Actual Load and 009BTU ERP Import Liability modules.
  • If individual settings are required by the customer (regarding filter, summarization, structure etc.) the above mentioned modules have to be adapted.
  • Please consider that the sequence of data fields in the modules (data areas) corresponds to the sequence in the file.
    • Data field 1 in the module = column 1 in the file etc.


  • The import is carried out in two steps.
    • In the first step, the data from a import file is copied to the interim table (DT591).
    • In the second step, the data is imported from the interim table to the PLANTA load table (DT472 for actual loads) or to the PLANTA project table (DT461 for liability data).


  • Step 1
    • In the input field in the Import parameter area, select the ID of the required configuration with the preset import parameters.
    • Click on the Select button.
    • A copy of the selected configuration is created and saved in the current module.
      • Therefore, changes can be made afterwards before the transaction is started so that the original setting (in the Import Parameter Maintenance module) is overwritten.
    • Click on the Import file button.
    • The data of the file is read and saved in the pool table DT591.
      • While reading, their format and availability in PLANTA project is checked.
    • After import, the data is listed and displayed sorted by SAP status.
      • Incorrect records receive SAP status 13 with a comment in the SAP information column.
      • Valid data receive SAP status 10 for actual loads and SAP status 11 for liability data.
      • If the data is imported in the wrong format or if the columns are not specified in their correct order, they receive SAP status 99. The error description is saved in a log file in the server directory.
      • If the Approval by PL required field is filled, these records are marked with SAP status 12 and must be approved by the project manager responsible.
        • For this purpose, activate the Approved checkbox. This checkbox is hidden by default but can be displayed.
      • If there are resource assignment records in the external system that do not exist in the PLANTA system (DT466), they are created automatically in PLANTA.
    • The import file is also marked as imported so it cannot be imported again.
  • Step 2
    • Correct records can be transferred to DT472 or DT461 by clicking on the Transfer to DT472 button; incorrect records remain.
    • By activating the Post all incorrect records to checkbox and clicking on the Post to button, you can post incorrect records to projects, tasks etc.
      • If you have not transferred the valid data before, this is now done automatically.
  • The data imported to DT472/461 cannot be changed afterwards via the corresponding modules (e.g. Schedule). If you try to do so, an error message appears.

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