The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Execution MOD009CIK New from DB 39.5.7

Description for versions < DB 39.5.7

From DB 39.5.9

Access path

Up to DB 39.5.9

Access path


  • The current module serves to execute an interface configuration defined and configured in the Configuration module, i.e. to copy the data from source to target. This process is also called Transaction.

From DB 39.5.9

Start transaction
  • Open the Execution module.
  • Select the required configuration.
  • Configure the transaction type.
  • Fill or change the required configuration parameters if necessary, in case this was not done when the configuration was created.
    • When defining the log type you have to consider that writing log entries in a log file on the server is substantially more performant than writing in a PLANTA table, then again, the log entries written in PLANTA can be searched more comfortably in the Logging module designed for this purpose.
  • Click on the Execute button.
  • Once the transaction is completed, the result traffic light informs you about the success or failure of the transfer and a brief summary of the transaction is displayed in the status line of the module.
    • You can view the results in detail either in the Logging module or in the log file, depending on the log type set for the configuration.
    • If the transaction has run successfully, the configuration is marked as Completed (Completed checkbox NEW activated).

From DB 39.5.8

Start transaction
  • Open the Execution module.
  • Select the required configuration.
  • Configure the transaction type.
  • Fill or change the required configuration parameters if necessary, in case this was not done when the configuration was created.
    • NEW When defining the log type you have to consider that writing log entries in a log file on the server is substantially more performant than writing in a PLANTA table, then again, the log entries written in PLANTA can be searched more comfortably in the Logging module designed for this purpose.
  • Once the transaction is completed, the result traffic light informs you about the success or failure of the transfer and a brief summary of the transaction is displayed in the status line of the module.
    • You can view the results in detail either in the Logging module or NEW in the log file, depending on the log type set for the configuration.
    • If the transaction has run successfully, the configuration is marked as Transferred (activated checkbox).

Up to DB 39.5.8

Start transaction
  • Open the Execution module.
  • Select the required configuration.
  • Configure the transaction type.
  • Fill or change the required configuration parameters if necessary, in case this was not done when the configuration was created.
  • Click on the Execute button.
  • Once the transaction is completed, the Logging module is opened automatically and the result traffic light additionally informs you about the success or failure of the transfer.
    • If the transaction has run successfully, the configuration is marked as Transferred (activated checkbox).

From DB 39.5.9

  • At the beginning of the transaction, the validity of the configuration is always checked.
  • If one of these validation checks fails, the transfer is not carried out.
    • You can view the results in detail either in the Logging module or in the log file on the server, depending on the log type set for the configuration.
  • If some of the records are detected to be erroneous and are therefore not transferred, the configuration can be carried out again after the errors have been corrected. If logging is used via the logging module, it is recommended that the logging module be emptied before new transaction.
  • NEW The Cancelation limit (%) and Cancelation limit (seconds) parameters define whether a transaction is canceled prematurely when either too many records cannot be transferred or the transaction takes too long.

From DB 39.5.8

  • At the beginning of the transaction, the validity of the configuration is always checked.
  • If one of these validation checks fails, the transfer is not carried out.
    • You can view the results in detail NEW either in the Logging module or in the log file on the server, depending on the log type set for the configuration.
  • If some of the records are detected to be erroneous and are therefore not transferred, the configuration can be carried out again after the errors have been corrected. If logging is used via the logging module, it is recommended that the logging module be emptied before new transaction.

Up to DB 39.5.8

  • At the beginning of the transaction, the validity of the configuration is always checked.
  • If one of these validation checks fails, the transfer is not carried out.
    • You can view the check results in detail in the Logging module.
  • If some of the records are detected to be erroneous and are therefore not transferred, the configuration can be carried out again after the errors have been corrected. If logging is used via the logging module, it is recommended that the logging module be emptied before new transaction.

Context menu

From DB 39.5.8

  • Via the context menu in the configuration header, the following actions can be carried out:
    • Configure: Opens the current configuration in the Configuration module.
    • Edit parameters: Opens the Interface Parameters module in which individual parameters of the archived configuration can be edited.
    • View log: Opens the Logging module in which the log entries for the completed transaction can be viewed, NEW provided that the log type was set to ="PLANTA table" for the selected configuration.

Up to DB 39.5.8

  • Via the context menu in the configuration header, the following actions can be carried out:
    • Configure: Opens the current configuration in the Configuration module.
    • Edit parameters: Opens the Interface Parameters module in which individual parameters of the archived configuration can be edited.
    • View log: Opens the Logging module in which the log entries of the transaction carried out can be viewed.

  • See also: Here you can find an overview of all PLANTA link contents

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