The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Risk/Opportunities MOD009C8Y New from DB 39.5.0

From DB 39.5.9

Access path

Up to DB 39.5.9

Access path
  • Program panel Risks/Opportunities


  • In this module, risks and opportunities are collected and edited based on the program.


  • In the respective area heading bars, summarized damage and profit values are displayed, which result from all collected risks and opportunities of the program, regardless of whether they are active or inactive, except the Probability value. Since this value is only calculated for active risks and opportunities (see notes under Create Risk), it is only summarized for active risks and opportunities in the sum area.
  • By clicking on the Hide/display charts button, both the bubble charts for risks and opportunities NEW as well as a matrix diagram for risks are displayed in addition.
    • If the button is clicked on once more, the bubble charts are hidden again.

Module Variants

Base Risks and opportunities are displayed single-lined and ungrouped in the respective area (Risks and Opportunities). This module variant is loaded by default.
By category In this module variant, risks and opportunities are displayed in the respective area, single-lined and grouped by the Category parameter.
By priority In this module variant, risks and opportunities are displayed in the respective area, single-lined and grouped by the Priority parameter.


  • Risk management is the systematic collection, evaluation, and controlling of different risks.
  • Risks increase costs or lead to provisions.
  • In order to achieve suitable preventive and protective measures you have to identify new risks at an early stage and re-evaluate known risks continuously.

Create Risk

  • Create a new risk record by right-clicking on the module header or on an already existing risk record and selecting Insert Risk from the context menu.
  • Enter the name in the Risk field.
  • Select the required category from the listbox.
  • The amount of damage possible due to the occurring risk is specified in the Possible field (EUR).
  • Enter the probability in the Probability field (in %).
  • The probable amount of damage is calculated in the Probable field from the values in the Possible and Probability fields. If measures are subsequently added to the risk, their values are taken into account in the calculation of the probable damage as well.
  • If required, you can go ahead and fill other fields and save subsequently.
  • All newly created risks are active by default (Active checkbox).
  • If risks are deactivated,
    • they are not considered in evaluations and status reports.
    • they are not displayed in the charts.
    • the probable damage in the Probable field is not calculated for such risks either.

Insert Risk Measures


  • Insert a measure record by right-clicking on the required risk record and selecting Insert Measure from the context menu.
  • Select the required Status from the listbox.
  • Define the measure in the Measure name field.
  • Enter the date in the Date field.
  • If required, you can go ahead and fill other fields.
  • Save.

Risk Charts


From DB 39.5.7

  • By clicking on the Display/hide charts button, the following graphical representations are displayed:

Up to DB 39.5.7

  • By clicking on the Display/hide charts button, a bubble chart based on the numbers of the Possible damage (x axis), Probability (y axis), and Probable damage parameters (size of the bubbles) is displayed.
  • Opportunities


    • Opportunities management is the early identification, evaluation, and management of future gross profit potential.
    • Opportunities increase revenues and/or the opportunity to increase sales/revenues.
    • New strategies and innovations can be implemented through the initiation of adequate measures.


    • The procedure for collecting and editing opportunity and risk measures equates to that for risks.

    Opportunity Charts


    From DB 39.5.9

    Up to DB 39.5.9

  • By clicking on the Display/hide charts button, a bubble chart based on the numbers of the Possible gross profit (x axis), Probability (y axis), and Probable gross profit parameters (size of the bubbles) is displayed.
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