The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Time Recording MOD009CQP From DB 39.5.13

Description for versions < DB 39.5.13

Access path


From DB 39.5.14

  • This module is a dialog module and therefore it has no independent function. It is used to record working hours of stakeholders which are already planned in a project from the Stakeholder area in the Project Core Data module.
    • The type of time recording applied in this module (whether the times are entered in the from/to fields or hours are entered as Actual load) is controlled via the usage_actual_load_reporting global parameter.

Up to DB 39.5.14

  • This module is a dialog module and therefore has no independent function. It is used to record working hours of stakeholders which are already planned in a project from the Stakeholder area in the Project Core Data module.
    • The type of time recording applied in this module (whether the times are entered in the from/to fields or hours are entered as Actual load) is controlled via the usage_actual_load_reporting global parameter.
  • Procedure

    From DB 39.5.14

    • Right-click on the required stakeholder in the Project Core Data module and select the Time Recording context menu command.
    • The Time Recording module is opened, in which the selected project is already preset.
    • Enter hours in the Actual load field.
    • Save.

    Up to DB 39.5.14

  • Right-click on the required stakeholder in the Project Core Data module and select the Time Recording context menu command.
  • The Time Recording module is opened, in which the selected project is already preset.
  • Enter the hours in the Actual load field or enter the time in the from/to fields depending on the setting of the usage_actual_load_reporting= parameter.
  • Save.
  • The following restrictions apply

    • Stakeholder without modification rights are only allowed to record their own working time.
    • Stakeholders with modification rights, project managers, and multi-project managers can report hours worked for all stakeholders of the project.

    See also: Overview: Working Time Recording

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