The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Individual Customizings and Update Safety

Releaseability After Customizings

  • Objects in the PPMS standard system (e.g. modules, data areas, data fields, data items) are reset to PLANTA’s standard settings by every update. Due to further development, there may be variations between versions.
  • If you do not want these to be changed by the PLANTA standard system, you are advised to set up your own customizing objects such as modules and data areas, as these are not changed by the update.
    • ICON{tip}% This can be done by copying standard objects, which can be adjusted subsequently.


  • Customizer objects belong to the parameter database and must not be changed.
  • The name allocation must be subject to a convention to be defined, which must not intersect with the names of standard objects. The recommended procedure is to prefix column names, or object names in general, with a license number in the form of "L[nr]_project_id".
  • When creating real individual DI, you also have to select a DB position which cannot be reached by the Standard (e.g. starting from 5000).

Releaseability of Individual Module Variants in Standard Modules

  • If the module has been exchanged completely in the standard (new ID), the variants get lost.
  • If the module has only been changed, individual variants are retained but may have to be adjusted manually to the changes made to the base module.
  • This allies for both system wide as well as customized module variants.

Change Standard Objects

  • In some cases, the complete individualization described above is not realizable or not realizable with reasonable effort and standard objects are changed.
  • If you choose this procedure, the customizing must be carried out again in part after the update .
  • Of course, this is only possible if the changes made are documented accordingly.
    • Tip Before each customizing or at least before an update, you have to check whether it is recommendable to individualize certain objects by copying them.
  • The extent of the „post editing" depends on the type of change made.
    • If parameters of the standard objects are changed, they will be reset to their default values after the update.
    • If an assignment in a stndard object is deleted, it will be available again after the update.
    • If an individual object is assigned to a standard object additionally, this assignment is maintained when performing an update.


  • Standard module 004711 has been changed.
    • data field 999001 was adopted to standard data area 004712
    • in standard data area 004713, the default value of data item 004714 was changed from @Y to @N.
    • individual data area 999002 was assigned instead of standard data area 004714.
  • After the update,
    • you have to check whether
      • data field 999001 in standard data area 004712 is still correct (e.g. layout parameters in forms)
      • the parameters of individual data area 999002 are still correct (e.g.pos, o-pos, satisf. rule, etc.)
    • in standard data area 004713, the default value of data item 004714 has been changed from @Y to @N.
    • the assignments (available again now) of standard data area 004717 are to be deleted

Further Rules to be Considered

Rules for the most frequently performed changes made to standard objects

Adjustment to be considered
Module, panel, module variant, data field and data item names All names must be adjusted in all licensed languages.
In the standard documentation (Wiki), the standard name will be used further on.
Data item name Completeness
  • Some fields (e.g. project) are used directly, or indirectly by means of fetch exits, in further data tables, sometimes abbreviated as well (e.g. Task/TA)
  • Some fields have a corresponding data field (e.g. manager name as ID and as incarnatonfield)
  • In some modules, the DF heading is output instead of the data item name
Effects on layout
  • Depending on the length, the changes affect form or print layouts
DF length of a data item
  • Effects on form or print layouts
  • Adjust data content before a data item is shortened.
Data area, work area, role assignment, listboxes Nefore you make any changes, you have to check the frequency of usage in order not to change other objects simultaneously by mistake
Recommendation for multiple usage::
  • Copy standard object ( = individualize) and replace it with the copy in the required assignment
  • Adjust copy


  • Before the database update you have to check whether individual adjustments made to standard objects could be affected.

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