The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Standard Web Interface for Time Recording in PLANTA Hybrid New from DB 39.5.16

User-Related Interfaces

All user-related interfaces have a parameter in their URL via which the PLANTA pulse user ID is transmitted.

Query parameter:

Name Mandatory field Data type Format
userID X String Pulse ID of the user

GET /pulse/timeTracking/1.0/users/{userID}/postingObjects

Query parameter:

Name Mandatory field Data type Format
plannedOnly   String If the value "true" (upper/lower case irrelevant) is transmitted for plannedOnly, only the posting objects on which the user is planned are returned.
queryText   String Permits the transmission of a string for a restriction of the results. Implementation is based on the pulse search implementation. Example: projectId:4711 Konzept
projectsOnly   String If the value "true" (upper/lower case irrelevant) is transmitted for projectsOnly, no tasks are displayed in the result.

Retrieves the postable planning objects of the system for the transmitted user:

  • The implementation is a faithful imitation of the "Add Projects and Tasks for Time Recording" function from the standard time recording module:
    • Projects
      • Not locked
      • No actual end
      • Active
    • Tasks
      • Not locked
      • No actual end
      • No milestone
      • No summary task
      • Not exported to pulse as a board
    • Since DB 13, there is no more department filter in the standard.
      • The interface can then be adjusted individually on the customer’s system, just like one would adjust the function in the time recording module.

Return value:

A list of planning objects:

Name Data type Description
projectUUID String UUID of the project in PLANTA project (DI 060934)
functionalID String Functional ID of the project (DI 041317)
name String Project name (DI 023655)
keyDate String Global key date (DI 000132).
Is displayed here for all projects so that later simple adjustments can be made on the part of PLANTA project in order to restrict postable objects.
Format: yyyy-mm-dd or empty
tasks Array Array of Task objects


Name Data type Description
UUID String UUID of the project in PLANTA project (DI 060936)
functionalID String Functional ID of the task (DI 041467). If it is empty, the technical ID is applicable (DI 001098)
name String Task name (DI 000807)
planned Boolean Specifies whether the user is planned in this task as a resource

GET /pulse/timeTracking/1.0/users/{userID}/attendance

Retrieves the planned/actual hours worked.

  • The data is a combination of the data from DT203 (presence) and DT468 (period).
  • Via the optional query parameter, the period to be retrieved can be restricted.

Query parameter:

Name Mandatory fieldSorted descending Data type Format
startDate   String yyyy-mm-dd
endDate   String yyyy-mm-dd

Return value:

Chronologically sorted array of Attendance

Name Data type Description
periodUUID String UUID from DT468 (DI 060941)
unitPerPeriod Float Hours to be worked on this day (DI 001339)
availCap Float Available capacity on this day (planned * factors) (DI 001337)
vacation Float Number of hours of vacation on this day (DI 001340 converted)
absence Float Number of hours of absence on this day (DI 001341 converted)
date String Date in yyyy-mm-dd format (DI 001327)
time Array Array of Time objects


Name Data type Description
attendanceUUID String UUID from DT203 (DI 065304)
type String Code from the AttendanceType enum (DI 065317)
duration Float Duration in hours (DI 065320)
startTime Time Start of the time slice (DI 065318)
endTime Time End of the time slice (DI 065319)
comment String Comment (DI 065321)

AttendanceType Enum

Key Description
attendance Presence
break Break
travel_billable Travel time (working time)
travel_time Travel time (no working time)
travel 1 journey
overnight_stay 1 overnight stay
unknown Unknown value

GET /pulse/timeTracking/1.0/users/{userID}/workloads

Retrieves the filtered load records of the user. The filter:

  • Actual load = 0
  • Not canceled
  • The hours were not imported from a card via Hybrid

Query parameter:

Name Mandatory field Data type Format
startDate   String yyyy-mm-dd
endDate   String yyyy-mm-dd
modifiedSince   String yyyy-mm-dd
modifiedUntil   String yyyy-mm-dd

Return value

A list of postings:

Name Data type Description
taskUUID String UUID of the task in PLANTA project (DI 060936)
taskName String Task name in PLANTA project (DI 000807)
taskFunctionalID String Functional ID of the task (DI 041467). If it is empty, the technical ID is applicable (DI 001098)
bookingPossible Boolean Maps the filters which make up the "Not postable objects" area in PLANTA project (project/task locked, projects inactive, or resource assignment has actual end)
projectUUID String UUID of the project in PLANTA project (DI 060934)
projectFunctionalID String Functional ID of the project (DI 041317)
projectName String Project name in PLANTA project (DI 000690)
load Number Load as a number (DI 001510)
date String Date in YYYY-MM-DD format (DI 001519)
comment String Comment (DI 001438)
order String Order (DI 027646)
orderItem Number Order item (DI 027647)
loadUUID String UUID of the load in PLANTA project (DI 060945)
created_on String Creation date in YYYY-MM-DD format (DI 001500)
modified_on String Modification date in YYYY-MM-DD format (DI 001501)
created_by String Creating user (DI 001503)
modified_by String Modifying user (DI 001504)
keyDate String Global key date (DI 000132).
Is displayed here for all projects so that later simple adjustments can be made on the part of PLANTA project in order to restrict postable objects.
Format: yyyy-mm-dd or empty

GET /pulse/timeTracking/1.0/users/{userID}/subordinates

Retrieves the resources for which a particular employee is allowed to make postings.

  • Only internal and external employees are displayed, no departments (DI 003414 = "1I" OR "1E")
  • Is controlled via Access to resources
  • Only resources which are also linked to PLANTA pulse are displayed.
  • The user for whom the query is made is not included in the query output.

Return value:

An array of Resource objects


Name Data type Description
resourceUUID String PLANTA pulse ID of the user
resourceName String Name of the resource (DI 001275)
resourceType String 1I for internal employee, 1E for external employee



Is used to fetch the posting objects which have been marked as a favorite in PLANTA project by the transmitted user.

  • Only data on tasks which would be listed in PLANTA project standard in the time recording module under "My Time Recording Favorites" is sent:
    • Project/task is not locked
    • Project is active
    • Task is no milestone
    • Task is no summary task Resource assignment has no actual end

Return value:


Name Data type Description
taskUUID String UUID of the task in PLANTA project (DI 060936)
taskFunctionalID String Functional ID of the task (DI 041467). If it is empty, the technical ID is applicable (DI 001098)
taskName String Task name in PLANTA project (DI 000807)
projectUUID String UUID of the project in PLANTA project (DI 060934)
projectFunctionalID String Functional ID of the project (DI 041317)
projectName String Project name in PLANTA project (DI 000690)
keyDate String Global key date (DI 000132)
Format: yyyy-mm-dd or empty


Sets the favorite flag on a resource assignment.


Name Mandatory field Data type Description
taskUUID x String UUID of the task in PLANTA project (DI 060936)


Deletes the favorite flag on a resource assignment.


Name Mandatory field Data type Description
taskUUID x String UUID of the task in PLANTA project (DI 060936)


The PUT/DELETE interfaces have a parameter in their URL via which the load ID from PLANTA project is transmitted.

Name Mandatory field Data type Format
workloadID X String UUID of the load (DI 060945)



Name Mandatory field in POST Data type Description
taskUUID x String UUID of the task in PLANTA project (DI 060936)
userID x String PLANTA pulse ID of the user
load x Number Load (DI 001510)
comment x String Comment (DI 001438)
date x String Load date (DI 001519) in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ format
order   String Order (DI 027646)
orderItem   Number Order item (DI 027647)

There are no mandatory fields in PUT (except the workloadID in the URL of course!)

  • Only changed fields must be sent.
  • Since PLANTA project does not permit loads to be moved under another project / another task, it does not make any sense to send the taskUUID.

POST /pulse/timeTracking/1.0/workloads

Creates a load (DT472)

The default cost type of the resource is applied as cost type

Return value:

Name Data type Description
UUID String UUID of the load
taskUUID String UUID of the task in PLANTA project (DI 060936)
userID String PLANTA project ID of the user
load Number Load (DI 001510)
comment String Comment (DI 001438)
date String Load date (DI 001519) (format is currently not defined)



Changes a load

Return value:

Name Data type Description
UUID String UUID of the load
taskUUID String UUID of the task in PLANTA project (DI 060936)
load Number Load (DI 001510)
comment String Comment (DI 001438)
date String Load date (DI 001519) (format is currently not defined)


Deletes a load

Return value:

Name Data type Description
UUID String UUID of the load

Orders / Account Assignment Elements

GET /pulse/timeTracking/1.0/orders

Can be used to return account assignment elements for posting. As soon as this interface is active, respective fields are unlocked on the UI.

Return value:


Name Data type Description
orderId String Identifier
orderName String Name
orderItems Array<OrderPosition> Order items


Name Data type Description
posId Number Identifier
posName String Name

Error Treatment

Error Object

Name Data type Description
statusCode Number HTTP status code
message String Error message
details String e.g. stacktrace
type (opt.) String In PLANTA pulse: PLANTA project Request

HTTP Statuscodes

Status Code Description
200 Returned when successful
400 Bad Request
401 Forbidden
403 Returned when the user is not authorized
404 Returned when no endpoint exists at the given address
500 Internal Server Error

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