The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Customizing with Threshold Values


From DB 39.5.0

  • In PLANTA, there are different data items that calculate the threshold values (limiting values) and change the output value accordingly.
    • Traffic light data items
      • They are customized as complex DIs with sub Dis and assigned to the required DIs.
        • The threshold values are defined in the sub DIs
        • or global variables for threshold values are entered in sub DIs. For further information, see Traffic Light Customizing
      • NEW Traffic light Dis can be customized as regular DIs with value ranges with VR type=PY by calculating the threshold values via the check_limit() function and the global variables in which the threshold values for the traffic light colors are saved are read.
    • OLE data items for traffic light values
      • NEW Traffic light DIs can be customized as regular DIs with value ranges with VR type=PY by calculating the threshold values via the check_limit() function and the global variables in which the threshold values for the traffic light colors are saved are read.
    • Text data items
      • NEW Most of these data items use value ranges with VR type=PY by calculating the threshold values via the check_limit() function and the global variables in which the threshold values for the traffic light colors are saved are read.

Up to DB 39.5.0

  • In PLANTA, there are different data items that calculate the threshold values (limiting values) and change the output value accordingly.
    • Traffic light data items
      • Here,
        • the threshold values are either defined directly in the sub DIs
        • or global variables are used for threshold values in the sub DIs.
    • OLE data items for traffic light values
      • These data items use value ranges with VR type=CO (calculation upon output), in which the IIFS formula calculates the threshold values and reads out the global variables, in which the threshold values for colors green, yellow, red are saved.
  • Example


    • Text data items
      • These data items use value ranges with VR type=CO (calculation upon output), in which the threshold values are calculated in line with the IIFS formula and the respective text constants are output depending on it.


    Global Variables for Threshold Values

    • PLANTA has defined threshold values for the traffic light colors red, yellow, green, that are controlled via global variables.
    • These threshold values can be adjusted individually in the Global Variables (for users with customizer rights) or Threshold values (for users without customizer rights) module.

    New from DB 39.5.0

    Python Value Ranges for Threshold Value Calculation

    • The check_limit() function is contained in the, which takes care of the calculation of the values and reads out the global variables or text constants.
    • The threshold values are grouped by application area within the function.
    • Groups serve as a key.
    • OLE object and/or text constants are assigned to groups as values.
    • The global variables and text constants are stored in Python classes that are assigned to a threshold value group each.
    • Output is done depending on the PPMS class of the calling data item.
    • Optionally, a mandatory DI can be specified, which defines, that the calculation of the output value only takes place if this DI is filled.


    from ppms import ppms_cu
    def computeOutput(di):
        mod_obj = ppms.get_active_module()
    return ppms_cu.check_limit(di,mod_obj,'dev_misc','cost','misc_budget')
    computeOutput.deps = ('DI028529','DI028545')

    Predefined groups

    Group key OLE Values
    MS Schwellenwerte_ms.PNG without delay/ up to 5% / over 5%
    Date Schwellenwerte_ms.PNG ...
    Date_Circle Schwellenwerte_circle.PNG  
    Date_Trend Schwellenwerte_trend.PNG  
    Cost Schwellenwerte_ms.PNG  
    Effort Schwellenwerte_ms.PNG  
    Trend Schwellenwerte_trend.PNG  
    Tdi   delayed / today / in the future

    Topic attachments
    I Attachment HistorySorted descending Size Date Comment
    Pngpng PythonSchwellenwerte.PNG r2 r1 36.7 K 2015-02-03 - 12:06  
    Pngpng Schwellenwerte_ms.PNG r2 r1 1.0 K 2015-02-18 - 14:45  
    Pngpng DEBOLE_Schwellenwerte.PNG r1 7.7 K 2015-02-18 - 14:40  
    Pngpng Schwellenwerte_Text.PNG r1 23.4 K 2015-02-18 - 14:41  
    Pngpng Schwellenwerte_circle.PNG r1 1.4 K 2015-02-18 - 14:43  
    Pngpng Schwellenwerte_trend.PNG r1 0.7 K 2015-02-18 - 14:46  

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