Python API Reference

  • All PPMS-specific modules are stored in the top-level package called "ppms"
    • modules currently available
      • ppms_.ppms
        • contains the core SWIG-generated functions and classes
  • In case a result of a method or function call could not be retrieved or did not exist, Python's None will usually be returned.
  • Empty alpha numeric fields returns an empty string.
  • For detailed information about coding conventions see:
  • String values being stored into DIs via Python API will be trimmed to fit into the maximum length specified by respective DI's DB length if necessary.

Macro example

mod_obj = ppms.get_target_module()

def on_load():
    if (ppms.uvar_get('@G119') == 'foo'):
        ppms.uvar_set('@G119', 'bar')

def on_initial_focus():

def on_focus():
    ppms.ui_message_box('focus message', 'Hello World')

def on_reset():

Custom exceptions

  • Python/C API makes it possible to define and use custom exception types (classes)
  • PPMS/Python API now has a possibility of using custom exceptions as well
  • custom exceptions definitions are part of ppms.i
  • with PpmsError class intended to be used as a base class for all other PPMS-related exceptions


  • raised by some of DBIF functions ( db_select(), db_modify(), etc.) when things go wrong during communicaiton with DB
  • attributes:
    • parameter: string with a description of the error

General Functions

Python events

Function Execution time
  Python code which is not encapsulated in a specific function will be called at module load (default behaviour)
on_load() code in this function is executed also on module load
on_initial_focus() code in this function is executed when module is focused the first time
on_focus() code in this function will be called everytime a module is focused
on_reset() code in this function will be called everytime after a module was reset
on_before_mv_switch(old_mv, new_mv) code in this function will be called prior to application of a different MV / takes two arguments - ModuleVariant objects representing "old" and "new" MV
on_after_mv_switch(old_mv, new_mv) code in this function will be called after application of a different MV / takes two arguments - ModuleVariant objects representing "old" and "new" MV

Generic functions

Method Parameter Return value Comment
get_target_module()   returns a target module (the one which receives any module-related commands) of the running macro (returns a Module instance) can't be used in value ranges; when a module is opened from the macro, the opened module will become the target module; when the target module is closed, it's invoker becomes target module.
get_macro_module()   returns the module the python macro is in, this can be the same as from macro_gettargetmod, but in case of pure macro modules, it will be different (returns an instance of Module class) can't be used in value ranges
get_panels()   returns a Python list containing instances of class Panel of all currently opened panels can't be used in value ranges
get_context_df()   returns the DataField instance from which the macro was called when accessible

if no instance can be found, "None" object is returned

can't be used in value ranges
client_exec(script) script: string, when dealing with line breaks, the string must be encapsulated in """, e.g. """import os import sys""", othewise you get an error like "EOL while scanning single-quoted string"    
ge_set_auto_layout_gap(gapwidth: i2_t) gapwidth: int   sets the value of the graphic-editor-setting auto-layout-gap to gapwidth and sends it to the client
echo_off()     switch to echo-off-mode (don't send updates, also enables message-off-mode)
echo_on()     switch to echo-on-mode (send all updates immediatly)
msg_off()     switch to message-off-mode (suppress user-queries). Messages that have no assumption set are confirmed with the default answer.
msg_on()     switch to message-on-mode (do not suppress user-queries). Messages that have no assumption set are confirmed with the default answer.
msg_pop()   returns MessageStackItem instance or none get last MessageStackItem from message-stack
msg_set_assumption(message-id, reply) message-id: String

reply: int

  set assumption for message-id that should be used in message-off-mode. Stack is kept, as long as the macro runs
msg_get_assumption(String message-id) message-id: String   get assumption for message-id
msg_delete_assumption(String message-id) message-id: String   remove assumption for message-id
msg_clear_assumptions()     remove all assumptions
changeset_number()     returns the changeset number of the server program
reload_server()     advise the planta deamon to reload all preloaded server-instances to let data-dictionary-changes take effect
change_password(username, password) username: string, password: string   set password of the given user to the new one
distribute_effort_for_list(records) records: list of MtsRecord   used internally by effort distribution functionality provided via Schedule Module subclass, not to be used directly
get_session_dict()   Dictionary Session-specific dictionary used to read and write data. This dictionary can be used to hold global variables that are accessible in all modules of this client session.
If you are planning to update to Venus, you should replace all references to !builtins in your Python modules with ppms.get_session_dict(), because !builtins (as well as other globals in Python) are not thread-safe and therefor not supported in Venus anymore.
get_query(id) id: id of a record in DT342 SQL query used to read a query of table dt343.

Global DTP functions

Method Parameter Return value Comment
search_record(dt_num, key_list, di_list, dblookup) dt_num: int for data table number
key_list: list containing key values for the searched record (values in appropriate type of the key DIs: string for textual keys DIs, int for N2 or N4 key DIs)
di_list: int list containing required DI numbers
dblookup: boolean, telling whether DB-query may be send if requried DIs are missing
returns a DtpRecord instance or None when no record was found or any of the required dis is missing  
create_record(dt_num, di_dict) dt_num: int for data table number
di_dict: dictionary with elements in form [DI python name]:[value]
DtpRecord instance on success, None on failure (e.g. no validation possible)

Dictionary must be populated with all primary key dis and their values except autoid dis.

  • create_record() returns an existing record if there is one
  • use the DtpRecord.state() method to check whether it is a duplicate
  • function awaits that all values fit with db column type and returns none otherwise

User interface

  • list of functions:
Method Parameter Return value Comment
ui_statusbar_set(text) text: String   display a message in the main statusbar
ui_statusbar_clear()     clear main statusbar
ui_message_box(caption, text, blocking = 1, ole_id = None, button_list = ['OK'], number_of_input_fields = 0) caption: String
text: String
blocking: Boolean (stop processing macro until user-reply is available)
ole_id: String (id of message icon)
button_list: list of String (list of names of buttons of message)
number_of_input_fields: Int (number of text fields of message)
  displays a global modal message box with specified parameters. First 2 parameters are mandatory. See example below and MessageStackItem class description.
ui_message_id(id: string) id: String   displays a message for the given PPMS id
ui_set_system_title(title: string) title: String   sets the system title. Empty string sets back to default system title
Example of ui_message_box
buttons = ['OK','Cancel']
ppms.ui_message_box('Test','Extended message box.', 1, '000207', buttons, 3)

msg = ppms.msg_pop()
ppms.ui_message_box('Replied', buttons[msg.get_reply()-1])
ppms.ui_message_box('Input', msg.get_input())

Session export

Used to start and export the logfile information of the current session. Can be used for monitoring or testing purpose for example.
Method Parameter Return value Comment
session_export_start(filename) filename: String function returns boolean: True if starting session export succeeded, False otherwise may not succeed when another session export is started or file could not be opened
session_export_stop()   returns the filename as string if export succeeded, None otherwise no success may indicate that no session was started or e.g. disk full
session_export_is_enabled()   return boolean True if enabled, False otherwise


  • The file is encoded in UTF-8. It can be opened in Python with the correct encoding:
  • Example:
with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as log: log_txt = 

Server execute script

Method Parameter Return value Comment
get_current_server_script()   returns the last executed server script (in string format) or None is used in source provider for debugger only

Service functions

Method Parameter Return value Comment
start_service(function, timeinterval) function: function
timeinterval: Integer
add into service function list python function that will be executed periodically on the server in passed timeinterval (miliseconds)  
get_services()   returns list of service functions from server  
stop_service(function) function: function removes python function from service function list, so server stops periodical execution  


  • Function has to be defined independently of the module it's called from - since it is called independently.
  • All used modules have to be imported in the body of the function, other elements (functions, classes, attributes) of the current module are not implicitly available.

User variables

Method Parameters Return value Comment
uvar_get(uvar_id: string) uvar_id: String returns a value of the given variable.

Note: When there's more than one value, this values are unsorted.

uvar_id is a variable name (e.g. "@15", "@G191", "@M4")
uvar_set(uvar_id: string, value: respective data type) uvar_id: String

value: respective data type

boolean: true when setting the variable successfully, false otherwise sets value of the given variable (@D, @G or @M )

Timer functions

The collected information is stored in the session table: DT324Statistik.

Method Parameters Return value Comment
start_timer(timer_name: string) timer_name: String, name of timer under which the statistics are saved   It starts to measure statistics about execution of code after calling this function.

  It ends up the measuring of the statistics and insert the new record into DT324 with collected information.

DB interface

  • notice that Python API uses the same DB connection as the server program itself, which means that for instance db_commit() call will have an effect on all pending operations, even those that were not issued from Python API
  • starting with Release 394 Earth, autocommit is disabled throughout the application by default, though emulated for backwards compatibility with existing Python code relying on this setting to be enabled
  • new code should disable autocommit at the beginning, perform DB operations as seen fit, and finish with either commit or rollback when done, in order to deliver the best performance possible

Method Parameter Return value Comment
db_get_auto_commit()   returns True if the auto commit is on, False otherwise  
db_set_auto_commit(state) state: Boolean   takes boolean argument, enables or disables auto commit
db_commit()     commits the pending DB operations
db_rollback()     rolls back any pending operations
db_get_dbms_name()   Number indicating the database type This corresponds to the config parameter Q1TYPE in planta_server.conf (e.g. return value "000002" = Oracle database; return value "000004" = MSSQL database)
db_modify(query) query: String, takes SQL query string (without a trailing semicolon) as the only argument. returns a number of affected records
can raise DatabaseError exception
intended for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements or other "non-selects" like ALTER SESSION
db_select(query) query: String, takes SQL query string (without a trailing semicolon) as the only argument. returns the result of the query in the form of a list of sublists (each sublist will contain a list of column values for the specific DB record)
can raise DatabaseError exception
intended for SELECT statements conversion of numeric data (column) types from Oracle to PPMS (C)
NUMBER (any configuration thereof) will always be represented as double (r8_t) in PPMS, and as float in Python (due to the current PPMS DB interface implementation)

MTS data

General functions

Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_active_module()   returns a module (Module instance) that was a target of the currently processed event e.g. during processing of "modify DF value" or "activate DF" event, this will be the module that contains the modified DF. If the event targets a listbox module, the module that contains the listbox is returned instead.
get_focused_module()   returns latest client side-focused module (Module instance) None might be returned e.g. when the currently focused module is closed (as no new focus events are processed during event processing)

Panel class

Method Parameters Return value CommentSorted descending
set_title_suffix(suffix:string) suffix: string (a string to be appended to the panel's title) None Set suffix to panel title
get_main_module()   Module instance: the main module in panel  
get_modules()   Python list of modules in Panel includes main module

Module class

(module instance) Attributes: Sub-DAs can be directly accessed via their Customizing-Name (same thing as using get_da(string cust-name))

Method Parameters Return Value Comment
get_uid()   int: Internal UID of the module  
get_id()   string: customizing ID of the module (e.g. 009845)  
get_root(position) position: int (root position, 0..4) Root instance: root at the given position  
get_das()   list: of all data areas in the module (DataArea instances)  
get_da (name) name: string (customizing-name) DataArea instance: DataArea with specified customizing-name from dg410  
get_customizing()   ModuleCustomizing instance: customizing for this module instance  
set_statusbar(text) text: string (text to be displayed) int: 0 for failure, anything else for success  
clear_statusbar()   int:  
message_box(caption, text) caption: string
text: string
  displays a module-specific modal message box with OK button, specified caption and text message
get_roots()   list: of Root instances from the given module  
menu(id) id: ID of the menu item (command) to activate. See Menüpunkte for a list of possible IDs bool: False on failure, True on success  
set_title_suffix(suffix) suffix: string (a string to be appended to the module's title) None:
open_module(id, skip_macro=False, forced_status = 0, dock_to_module = -1, dock_style = -1, dock_proportion = -1.0, foreground = -1, auto_hide = -1, focus = 1, disable_submodules) id: string (ID of the module to be opened)

skip_macro: int/bool (optional argument, the default value is False; when True, modules macro will not be executed)

forced_status: int [0,1,2] defines wether

  • stored setting is used(0),
  • module is mainmodule(1) or
  • submodule(2)

dock_to_module: int (uid of module to be attached to, -1 dock to panel)

dock_style: int (0..4),

  • 0:fill,
  • 1:right,
  • 2:left,
  • 3:bottom,
  • 4:top

dock_proportion: double (0..1)

foreground: -1 is default, in which case client uses its default value; 0 (or False) and 1 (or True) are also possible

auto_hide: -1 is default, in which case client uses its default value; 0 (or False) and 1 (or True) are also possible

focus: 1 to focus the module after opening, 0 for otherwise

disable_submodules: A list of strings containing the IDs of the submodules of opened module which should not be loaded in this call

Module instance or None if an error occurred during opening of the module Opens a new module in the context of this module.

If a module macro is running, the newly opened module will become a current target module of the macro.

is_stub()   bool: True if the module is a stub module (= it was only loaded as a framework for performance reasons), False if module was loaded completely  
get_invoker_module()   Module instance or None if no invoker module is linked  
get_panel()   Panel instance: of Module  
get_invoker_rec()   MtsRecord instance: returns the record from which module was invoked  


  DataFieldCustomizing: returns the data field which defined thef context menu that invoked the module (or NULL if module was not invoked by context menu) It is recommended that this function is called for the macro_module, not the target_module, since modules do NOT inherit this attribute to their sub modules or their invoked modules. Therefor, if a menu item calls a macro module, only this macro module knows the df which defined its context menu.
get_new_L_var()   dict:: key is variable number, value is list of strings returns the modules @L Structure that is used for passing it to an invoked module
get_current_L_var()   dict: key is variable number, value is list of strings returns the modules @L Structure that was given by the invoking module  
set_new_L_var(var_no, values) var_no: number of @L variable

values: a list of values

bool: Sets the @L variables of the next module that will be called from the current one
set_current_L_var(var_no, values) var_no: number of @L variable

values: a list of values

bool: Sets the @L variables of the current module
create_mv(title) title: string string: id of the newly created MV creates new MV with give title using current module CU settings
delete_mv_by_id(id) id: string bool: succes/failure indication deletes MV of given name from DB, updates all affected MV comboboxes and resets to base CU those modules that had the MV applied at the time of its deletion
save_mv_by_id(id = None) id: string, optional bool: success/failure indicator stores current CU changes into MV of given id; the MV must already exist; if id is not specified (is None), currently applied MV's id will be used
apply_mv_by_id(id) id: string bool: success/failure indicator applies MV of given ID to module's CU
apply_mv_by_title(title) title: string bool: success/failure indicator applies MV of given title to module's CU (assumes the title is unique across the entire list of module's MVs)
get_applied_mv_id()   string: id of currently applied MV  
focus()     Gives the module an input focus on client- as well as on server side. Same effect as if user clicked inside the module to give it a focus.
reset_cu()     Sets the module variants back to base setting
refresh_dts(dt_numbers) dt_numbers: a tuple containing numbers of affected DTs   reselects records for all DAs in the module that use one of the given DTs as their determining DT; intended to be used after TCalc to refresh contents of those DTs that can get new records during the TCalc process; example use: mod.refresh_dts((472, 888))
has_unsaved_changes()   bool: True if the module was changed and it wasn't saved, False otherwise  
enableChangesIndicator()     This method will enable the "asterisk"-mechanism of the current module. An asterisk is shown in the title of the module on further changes. The current state of the asterisk is not changed (If it is already not shown it will still be not shown)
disableChangesIndicator()     This method will disable the "asterisk"-mechanism of the current module. An asterisk is no longer shown in the title of the module on further changes. The current state of the asterisk is not changed (If it is already shown it will still be shown).
getChangesIndicator()   bool: True if the module's title would include an asterisk * if it had unsaved changes, False otherwise.  
new394.gif get_python_macro()   returns the python module of a customized macro The returned module object offers access to all functions and names that are customized in the modules macro. This functionality is available from version (Hotfix 10).

Root class

  • a module can have up to 5 different root areas:
    • main
    • fixed header
    • fixed footer
    • print header
    • print footer

Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_uid()   int: Internal UID of the root  
get_das()   list: of all top-level DataAreas in the root  
get_da_by_id(cust_id) cust_id: string (customizing ID of the DA) DataArea instance  
get_da(cust_name) cust_name: string (customizing-name of the DA) DataArea instance  
count_records_by_dac_id(dac_id) dac_id: string (customizing ID of the DA to count records in) int: Number of records in the Root from the given DA  
count_records(dac_name) dac_name: string (customizing-name of the DA to count records in) int: Number of records in the Root from the given DA  
get_record_by_dac_id(dac_id, position)

dac_id: string (customizing ID of the DA)

position: position of the record in the DA

MtsRecord instance Gets top-level record from the given DA at the given position
get_record(dac_name, position)

dac_name: string (customizing-name of the DA)

position: position of the record in the DA

MtsRecord instance Gets top-level record from the given DA at the given position
get_records_by_dac_id(dac_id) dac_id: string (customizing ID of the DA) list: sorted list of MtsRecord instances (as they are sorted in the DA) from the given DA that lies directly in the root.  
get_records(dac_name) dac_name: string (customizing-name of the DA) list: sorted list of MtsRecord instances (as they are sorted in the DA) from the given DA that lies directly in the root.  
get_customizing()   RootCustomizing instance: for this root  
insert_record_into_da(dac_name) dac_name: string (customizing-name of the DA) MtsRecord instance: of the inserted record, None on failure inserts a record into the specified top-level-da
insert_record_into_da_by_id(dac_uid) dac_uid: string (customizing-uid of the da) MtsRecord instance of the inserted record, None on failure inserts a record into the specified top-level-da

DataArea class

Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_uid()   int: Internal UID of the DA  
get_id()   string: customizing ID of the DA  
get_root()   Root instance: root of this DA, or NULL Only top level DAs know their root, all other DAs return NULL
get_customizing()   DataAreaCustomizing instance: for this DA  
count_records()   int: Number of records in the entire DA  
get_marked_records()   list: sorted list (alphabetically) of all marked records in the DA (list of MtsRecord instances) This works only inside the currently active module. Calling get_marked_records on a data area of another module (e.g. invoker module) always returns None, no matter if it is marked or not.
get_records()   list: sorted list (alphabetically) of all MtsRecord instances in DA  

MtsRecord class

(display record, a wrapper for mts_disp_rec data structure) Attributes: Sub-DFs can be directly accessed via their Customizing-Name (same thing as using get_df(string cust-name))

Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_uid()   int: Internal UID of the record  
count_dfs()   int: number of DFs in the record  
get_df_by_id(cust_id) cust_id: string (customizing ID of the DF to get) DataField instance: for the given DF customizing ID  
get_df_by_position(position) position: int (position of the DF in the DA, starting with 0) DataField instance  
get_df (cust_name) cust_name: string (defined in dt412 or alternatively in dg411) DataField instance  
get_dtp_record()   DtpRecord: for this MtsRecord  
count_dfs_in_window(window) window: int (the number of the window in question) int: number of DFs in the given window  
get_df_in_window_by_position(window, position) window: int (window number)
position: position of the DF in the given window)
DataField instance: for the DF at the given position in the given window  
mark()   bool: Also marks on the Client side.
unmark()   bool: Also unmarks on the Client side.
scroll_to()   bool: Advice Client to scroll to this display_record  
is_marked()   bool: True if the record is marked, False otherwise This works only inside the currently active module. Calling is_marked on a record of another module (e.g. invoker module) always returns False, no matter if it is marked or not.
count_children_by_dac_id(child_dac_id) child_dac_id: string (customizing ID of the child DA in which we are counting the child records) int: Number of child records from given DA.  
count_children(child_dac_name) child_dac_name: string (customizing-name of the child DA in which we are counting the child records) int: Number of child records from given DA or from all child DAs. if argument is left blank or NULL the total number of child records from all child DAs is returned
get_children_by_dac_id(child_dac_id) child_dac_id: string (customizing ID of the child DA to get the records from) list: sorted list of child records from the given DA  
get_children(child_dac_name) child_dac_name: string (customizing-name of the child DA to get the records from) list: sorted list of child records from the given DA  
get_da()   DataArea instance: for DA this record belongs to  
insert_child_by_dac_id(child_dac_id) child_dac_id: string (customizing ID of the child DA in which we want to insert) MtsRecord instance of the record we inserted, None if insertion failed Inserts a new child record below the given parent record to the given child DA. The child DA must exist for the given parent record. If DA that is to be inserted to is identical with parent record's DA, the new record will be inserted next to the parent record (after it).
insert_child (name) name: string (customizing-name of the child DA in which we want to insert) MtsRecord instance of the record we inserted, None if insertion failed Inserts a new child record below the given parent record to the given child DA. The child DA must exist for the given parent record. If DA that is to be inserted to is identical with parent record's DA, the new record will be inserted next to the parent record (after it).


  MtsRecord instance of the record we inserted, None if insertion failed Inserts a new inner recursive child into given record
insert_before()   MtsRecord instance of the record we inserted, None if insertion failed Inserts a new sibling record before given record
insert_after()   MtsRecord instance of the record we inserted, None if insertion failed Inserts a new sibling record after given record
get_parent()   MtsRecord instance of parent, None if no parent exists  
get_module()   Module instance: in which Record is  

DataField class

(display DF, a wrapper for mts_disp_df data structure)

Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_uid()   int: Internal UID of this DF  
get_id()   int: customizing ID of this DF  
get_raw_value()   various data types: the value of the DI which is associated with the DF, data type differs based on the DIs DB type  
get_text_value()   The value of the DF as it is displayed in the client  
set_raw_value(value) value: data type must match the one that is used by the DF's underlying DI bool:  
set_text_value(value) value: string representation of the value, is treated the same way as the text value filled in by the user bool:  
focus()   bool: Sets input focus to this DataField. The module which contains the data field needs to be focussed before
scroll_to()   bool: Advice Client to scroll to this display-df. The module which contains the data field needs to be focussed before
get_di()   DataItem instance: underlying DI  
is_input()   bool: True or False Checks if the DF is an input field
make_output()   bool: Overrides DF's customizing, making it behave as an output field
make_input()   bool: Overrides DF's customizing, making it behave as an input field
get_record()   MtsRecord instance: in which Datafield is  
get_customizing_name()   string, None if no customizing id found customizing name from DF customizing with fallback to DI customizing name
get_df_config()   string: Created by python wrapper. Returns value of DI040968
get_customizing()   DataFieldCustomizing  
set_df_symbol(symbol_id) symbol_id: id of symbol of DF to be set bool: true if the symbol was successfully set  

MessageStackItem class

Attributes: id, text and reply (the same attributes the getter-functions are defined for)
Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_id()   String: returns message-id  
get_text()   String: returns message-text  
get_reply()   Int: returns button-id 0 = ERROR, 1 = OK, YES / 2 = NO / 3 = CANCEL OR order (1...number_of_buttons) of pushed button when you are using ui_message_box method
get_input()   PyTuple: returns tuple of strings for msg boxes created by using ppms.ui_message_box constructor: returns tuple of values from input boxes or None if there are no input boxes

Note: To make sure that Python-triggered Messages lay on the stack set blocking to TRUE.

MTS customizing


Attributes: DACs can be directly accessed via their Customizing-Name (same thing as using get_dac(string cust-name))

Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_dac_by_id(cust_id) cust_id: string (customizing ID of the DA) DataAreaCustomizing instance: customizing for the DA with given ID  
get_dac (name) name: string (customizing-name of da) DataAreaCustomizing instance: customizing for the DA with given cust-name of da  


Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_root()   Root instance: For this RC  
get_dacs()   list: of DataAreaCustomizing instances: (the top-level DAs from the given root)  


Attributes: DFCs can be directly accessed via their Customizing-Name (same thing as using get_dfc(string cust-name))

Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_id()   string: customizing id of the DA  
get_name()   string: customizing name of the da  
get_children()   list: of child DataAreaCustomizing instances of this DAC All columns of the child records are loaded from the data base. This includes also all existing sub select of this DT (example: computeSQLvaluerange). This can result in bad performance.
get_parent()   DataAreaCustomizing instance of this DAC's parent This is the first ordinary parent of this DAC, or None if this DAC has no ordinary parents
get_root()   RootCustomizing instance: for this DAC  
count_dfcs()   int: number of DFs in this DA  
get_dfc_by_id(dfc_id) dfc_id: int (ID of the DF, same ID as the one returned by get_id() method of DataFieldCustomizing) DataFieldCustomizing instance: customizing of the DF with given ID  
get_dfc_by_position(position)   DataFieldCustomizing instance customizing of the DF that is currently sitting at the given position in the DA  
get_dfc (name) name: string (cust-name of dfc defined in dg411 or dg412) DataFieldCustomizing instance: customizing of the DF with given cust-name DI041036
set_sym_area_sep_w1(symbol_id) symbol_id: string (ID of the symbol) None: Symbol Datensatztrennung F1
get_sym_area_sep_w1()   string: ID of the symbol Symbol Datensatztrennung F1
set_sym_area_sep_w2(symbol_id) symbol_id: string (ID of the symbol) None: Symbol Datensatztrennung F2
get_sym_area_sep_w2()   string: ID of the symbol Symbol Datensatztrennung F2
set_sym_area_sep_w3(symbol_id) symbol_id: string (ID of the symbol) None: Symbol Datensatztrennung F3
get_sym_area_sep_w3()   string: ID of the symbol Symbol Datensatztrennung F3
set_sym_frame_w1(symbol_id) symbol_id: string (ID of the symbol) None: Symbol Rahmen F1
get_sym_frame_w1()   string: ID of the symbol Symbol Rahmen F1
set_sym_frame_w2(symbol_id) symbol_id: string (ID of the symbol) None: Symbol Rahmen F2
get_sym_frame_w2()   string: ID of the symbol Symbol Rahmen F2
set_sym_frame_w3(symbol_id) symbol_id: string (ID of the symbol) None: Symbol Rahmen F3
get_sym_frame_w3()   string: ID of the symbol Symbol Rahmen F3
disable_satisfaction() None None Erfüllung
enable_satisfaction() None None Erfüllung
only works when satisfaction-rule is not empty
has_satisfaction() None satisfaction enabled ? true : false Erfüllung
get_satisfaction() None string: satisfaction rule Erf.-Regel
set_satisfaction(rule) satisfaction-rule: string None Erf.-Regel
set_to_output() None None Ausgabe
set_to_input() None None Ausgabe
is_readonly() None is output ? true : false Ausgabe
set_never_display() None None Nie anzeigen
unset_never_display() None None Nie anzeigen
is_never_display() None is never display ? true : false Nie anzeigen
set_display_behavior(d-behavior) d.-behavior in [0..3] None Anzeige
get_display_behavior() None display-behavior in {0, 1, 2, 3} Anzeige
set_permission_create() None None Anlegen
unset_permission_create() None None Anlegen
has_permission_create() None has permission create ? true : false Anlegen
set_permission_insert() None None Einfugen
unset_permission_insert() None None Einfugen
has_permission_insert() None has permission insert ? true : false Einfugen
set_permission_move() None None Verschieben
unset_permission_move() None None Verschieben
has_permission_move() None has permission move ? true : false Verschieben
set_permission_delete() None None Löschen
unset_permission_delete() None None Löschen
has_permission_delete() None has permission delete ? true : false Löschen


Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_id()   int: customizing id of the DF DF-ID  
get_window()   int: Number of the window this DF sits in  
set_window(window) window: int (number of window where DF should be placed)    
get_position()   int: Current position of the DF in the DA  
get_dac()   DataAreaCustomizing instance: DAC for this DFC  
get_df_config() string Created by python wrapper. Returns value of DI040968. Useful for the configuration of Python macros.
get_heading()   string: Heading of the DF  


heading: string (heading of DF value to be set)    
get_default_value()   string: Default Value of DF  
set_default_value(dv) dv: string (default value to be set)    
get_regex_criteria()   string: regex search criteria  
set_regex_criteria(criteria) criteria: string (regex search criteria to set) None:  
get_search_criteria()   tuple: of two string values (from and to)  
set_search_criteria(sc_from, sc_to) from, to: string (values of from and to components) None:  
is_mandatory()   bool: True or False  
set_mandatory(mandatory) mandatory: int/bool None:  
set_symbol(symbol_id) symbol_id: string (ID of the symbol) None:  
get_symbol()   string: ID of the symbol  
set_heading_symbol(symbol_id) symbol_id: string (ID of the symbol) None:  
get_heading_symbol()   string: ID of the symbol  
show(window) window: int (window where the field should show up) None: Show this DF column
hide()   None: Hide this DF column


Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_id()   string: customizing id of the MV  
get_title()   string: title of the MV  
get_description()   string: description of the MV  
get_type()   string: type of the MV possible values:"base" (indicates base CU), "standard" (MV created by customizers, not by regular users),"user" (MV created by current user)
is_favorite()   boolean: True if the MV is current user's favorite, False otherwise  



Method Parameters Return value Comment
DtpPool(number) number : int (number of the DT) Iterator for DataRecords within the DTP for the DT with the given number example: "for record in DtpPool(461) ..."


Attributes: Sub-DIs can be directly accessed via their Customizing-Name (same thing as using get_di(string cust-name))

Method Parameters Return value Comment
get_di_by_id(number) number : int (number of the DI) DataItem instance from the DataRecord with the given number  
get_di (name) name: string (customizing-name) DataItem instance from the DataRecord with the given cust-name from dt412  
get_children(dt) dt: int (data table number) returns list of direct children of current record which are from passed data table  
save(dis) dis: (optional) a tuple containing CU names of DIs that are to be saved
(any modified DIs that are not mentioned in this list will not be saved);
this list can be applied only to UPDATE operation, not to INSERT operation
(new record stored into DB using save() method will store all DIs, regardless of the "dis" list (this is a limitation caused by current server-side implementation of storage of DTP records into DB)
bool: Operation success/failure indicator stores (INSERT or UPDATE) all pending changes in the given DTP record into DB


  • for one DI: save(("python_id",))
  • for more than one DI: save(("python_id1","python_id2","python_id3"))
  • delete() bool: Operation success/failure indicator deletes a record and all children, failure when the deletion could not be done (e.g. when children can not be deleted)
    state() int: the state of a record Meaning of the return value:
    0 = DtpRecord.NONEXISTENT: the record does not exist on server (NULL)
    1 = DtpRecord.INVALID: the primary key or relations are not valid
    2 = DtpRecord.NEW: the record is valid, but not stored in database
    3 = DtpRecord.STORED: the record is stored in database


    Method Parameters Return value Comment
    get_value()   Value of the DI, data type differs based on the DIs DB type  
    get_tech_value()   "Technical" value of the DI, data type differs based on the DIs DB type Is different from the ordinary DI's value for I-TEXT type for instance, in which case the ID of an I-TEXT will be returned instead of the I-TEXT itself
    get_dtp_record()   DtpRecord instance: for this DataItem  
    get_dfs()   list: of DataField instances which contain DataItem  
    set_value(value) value: data type of the value must match that of the DI; supported Python data types and their respective PPMS data type counterparts: int (N2, N4, N8), float (N8), string (X) Same as with set_string_value()
    set_string_value(value) value: string (ATTENTION: value will first be converted to actual data type using standard procedures, i.e. the same process as when user inserts a value into a DF for instance) int: some Errorcode:

    0: SUCCESS

    1: General FAILURE

    2: Wrong Format

    3: Refused because DI is used in primary key

    Validation does not happen after filling some DI with values (happens on MTS level). So the method refuses to set a value on DI that is part of primary key
    get_id()   string Customizing id of the DI (value of DI)
    get_customizing_name()   string, None if no customizing id found customizing name from DI
    is_hyperlink()   bool: True if this Data Item connects to a hyperlink  
    get_hyperlink_type()   enum: Identifies the type of Hyperlink this Data Item connects to. Possible values are

    UNSTRUCTURED: A primitive Hyperlink without structures

    CLIENT_BASED: A Client-based Hyperlink without a binary object

    SERVER_BASED: A Server-based Hyperlink with a binary object

    NO_HYPERLINK: This Data item is not a Hyperlink at all

    These values are stored in the Hyperlink class. So, to check if a DI is e.g. a server-based Hyperlink, you would use
    if (di.get_hyperlink_type() == ppms.Hyperlink.SERVER_BASED):
    get_hyperlink()   Hyperlink:The Hyperlink this data item connects to, or None if this di does not have a hyperlink. If this Data Item connects to a Hyperlink, this Hyperlink object is returned. If this is not a hyperlink object, but it belongs to a Hyperlink's record in a schema's Hyperlink data table, the Hyperlink for this record is returned. Else, None is returned
    insert_hyperlink()   Hyperlink:A new (empty) hyperlink object for this Data Item, or None if this di is not a hyperlink di. If this di did not have a hyperlink before, a new record for this Hyperlink is now inserted. If it did already have a hyperlink object, this object is returned without any changes.

    Note that the hyperlink data structures are only created, they are not yet written into database. To do this, save this di's record (preferably after updating the Hyperlink object by using the Hyperlink's set_value-method)


    Attributes: This class defines the constants CLIENT_BASED SERVER_BASED UNSTRUCTURED NO_HYPERLINK to identify the type of a Hyperlink. See the method get_hyperlink_type of class DataItem for how to use this functionality.

    Method Parameters Return value Comment
    get_id()   int: The internal ID used to identify this hyperlink Together with the schema, this identifies this hyperlink's record in its hyperlink table
    get_schema()   string: A short string for the schema of this Hyperlink, e.g. "Q5B" Together with the id, this identifies this hyperlink's record in its hyperlink table
    get_initial_crc()   int: The crc of this Hyperlink's OLE object when it was requested the last time  
    get_current_crc()   int: The crc of this Hyperlink's OLE object like it is now May be different from initial_crc if another Client updated this object in your database
    get_database_crc()   int: The crc field of this hyperlink in its hyperlink table Should be identical to get_current_crc
    get_title()   string: The title in the data item that connects to this hyperlink  
    get_url()   string: The destination and name of this hyperlink's data file  
    get_hyperlink_di()   DataItem The data item that links to this Hyperlink object  
    get_record()   DtpRecord instance: The record that contains this hyperlink's attributes Every db schema stores its hyperlinks in its own data table. Note that this record also contains the binary file of this hyperlink (as a blob), but you cannot directly access this Blob object with the usual dtp-record-methods. Use the Hyperlink's methods get_blob and set_value to do this.
    get_blob()   ByteArray: The binary object of this hyperlink (Blob object in the database) Note that BLob objects are read into Python as ByteArrays. This allows e.g. easy writing of Blob objects into data files with usual Python binary file methods
    set_value(binary=None, url=None) binary: ByteArray: The binary object that defines this hyperlink (if server-based)

    url String: The destination and name of this hyperlink's file. Important! Since this pathname contains backslashes \, you should use Python’s raw string notation, e.g. r"C:\docs\file.doc" not just "C:\docs\file.doc"

    bool: True if any values have been written into the Hyperlink object, False if not (e.g. because no parameters were given or because this Hyperlink's data item type does not support this parameter) Updates the values of this hyperlink object. Note that the values are only updated, they are not yet written into the database. To do this, save this hyperlink's record.

    The displayed title of the hyperlink will be the filename of the url (= the part of the url after its last backslash \).

    Both parameters can be empty (None). If a parameter is empty, this attribute is left unchanged. The method only updates the Hyperlink object if at least one parameter is not empty.

    Note that an empty string "" is different than None. If this method is called with url = "", the current url will be overwritten by an empty string (= deleted). If this method is called without the parameter url, the url of this hyperlink will be left unchanged.

    Note that only server-based hyperlinks have their own blob-object. If this Hyperlink belongs to a di that is client-based, only the parameter filename is updated, the parameter binary will be ignored.

    delete_blob()   string: True if deleting was successful, False otherwise Removes the binary object that defines this hyperlink. The hyperlink itself (= the structural representation including title and filename) remains unchanged. Note that the binary is not yet deleted in the database, but it will be once its hyperlink di (or the hyperlink record itself) is saved
    delete()   string: True if deleting was successful, False otherwise Deletes the complete Hyperlink object with all its data, as well as the record of this hyperlink, setting the internal value of the data Item that links to this hyperlink to 0

    Attention: This means that the Hyperlink object can no longer be used after this method was called!

    Server Python modules

    • Included with the installation of PLANTA are several Python modules that aren't automatically imported in a PLANTA module.
    • These Python modules provide further functionality to enhance the base functions provided by

    What is a Python module?

    • A Python module is a *.py file that contains code
    • This code can be reused by another module by importing the original module to the new script
    • This makes all classes, functions and variables of the imported module available to the new script
    • For a basic introduction to Python modules see the corresponding chapter in A Byte of Python

    • Important modules:
    Python module Usage Provides further access to the PLANTA API


    • Importing ppms_cu to access the Helper.get_global_setting() function to read the content of DI051828 Alpha (120) with the Python-ID "startup_module_persons_users_roles" in module Globale Einstellungen and then opening the module
    from ppms import ppms_cu
    def on_load():
        mod_id = ppms_cu.Helper.get_global_setting('startup_module_persons_users_roles').alpha120.get_value()

    Value Ranges

    Further methods for Python value ranges

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