PatternSkinCssCookbook Recipe: Hide the top bar

This recipe shows how to hide the top bar and to put the logo in the left bar.

This line loads the extra style definition:
   * Set USERSTYLEURL=%ATTACHURL%/notopbar.css
You can write this line in TWikiPreferences, in WebPreferences, in your user topic or on a single page.

Add the dynamic variable link to the logo image to the topic text:

<style type="text/css" media="all">
#patternLeftBar { background-image:url("%PUBURLPATH%/%WEB%/%WEBPREFSTOPIC%/logo.gif"); }
If you don't write this overloading style in a template and use an external .css file, you need to set the image to the absolute url:
<style type="text/css" media="all">
#patternLeftBar { background-image:url(""); }
You can always write a <style> in a topic - all current browsers support this - but the page won't validate as valid XHTML.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Size Date CommentSorted ascending
Csscss notopbar.css r1 0.4 K 2005-10-22 - 23:35  

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