# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
from ppms import ppms
from ppms import ppms_cu
from ppms import interface
BELASTUNGS_EXPORT = '0f0b2965-0e7a-4ff3-a515-6c8dc5b547fd'
NOTIFICATION_MAIL_ADRESS = 'interface@company.com'
RECIPIENTS_MAIL = 'support@company.com'
def on_load():
# We need a module instance to copy the config
mod = ppms.get_macro_module()
# Initialize the template config we want to use. Use a StaticConfig for better performance
template_config = interface.StaticConfig(config_id=BELASTUNGS_EXPORT)
if template_config is None:
raise ValueError('No config with id "%s"' % BELASTUNGS_EXPORT)
# Since templates can't be executed we need to make a copy before executing the interface. Since our parent is a StaticConfig our copy will also be one!
config = template_config.copy(invoker_module=mod)
config_id = config.config_id
# Change the name to be able to identify this config more easily later
new_description = 'Nachtlauf %s' % time.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')
config.description = new_description
# Load the data into the pool
counter = interface.transfer_step_one(invoker_module=mod, config=config)
if not check_results(config, counter, 'Source -> Pool'):
# Load the data into the target
counter = interface.transfer_step_two(invoker_module=mod, config=config)
check_results(config, counter, 'Pool -> Target')
# If we didn't have a pool we would call direct_transfer like this:
#counter = interface.direct_transfer(invoker_module=mod, config=config)
#check_results(config, counter, 'Datensätze ins Ziel übertragen')
# This function checks the results from a transfer and sends a mail when errors were encountered
def check_results(config, counter, subject):
sent_records = counter.sent_records
received_records = counter.received_records
failed_records = counter.errors
critical = counter.critical
body = 'PLANTA Link Report\n\n'
if critical:
body = 'Critical Error during transaction!\n'
if failed_records:
body += 'Sent: {sent_records}\n\n' \
'Succeeded: {received_records}\n' \
'Failed: {failed_records}'
body = body.format(sent_records=sent_records, received_records=received_records, failed_records=failed_records)
if critical or failed_records:
# This only works if you're logging to PLANTA and not a file
body += '\n\n' \
'Last 20 rows from the log:\n\n'
body += '\n'.join(config.log_content.split('\n')[-20:])
subject='PLANTA Link %s - %s' % (time.strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), subject),
return False
return True