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interface - Transfer

This topic discusses the functions to execute a transfer with the PLANTA link API and how to read the results.



The CounterDimmer class displays a dimmer during the transfer and records the results

  • All transfer methods return the CounterDimmer instance so you can check what happened


Property GetterSorted descending Setter Description
CounterDimmer.critical Checked Unchecked True when a critical error aborted the transfer before it could finish
CounterDimmer.duration Checked Unchecked The duration of the transfer in seconds
CounterDimmer.errors Checked Unchecked The amount of records that couldn't be received by the target module
CounterDimmer.received_records Checked Unchecked The total amount of records received by the target module
CounterDimmer.sent_records Checked Unchecked The total amount of records sent by the source module
CounterDimmer.was_successful Checked Unchecked True when no errors were encountered


All transfer functions need a instance that is derived from ppms.interface.Config to execute the interface

  • If you don't have a reason to explicitly use the base ppms.interface.Config class you should use the ppms.interface.StaticConfig class as it outperforms the former heavily

Function Parameters Return Value Description
direct_transfer(invoker_module, config) invoker_module: A Module instance
config: A ppms.interface.Config instance
CounterDimmer Transfer the data from the source module to the target module. Use this if you have no pool module.
transfer_both_steps(invoker_module, config) invoker_module: A Module instance
config: A ppms.interface.Config instance
CounterDimmer Perform transfer_step_one() and if it succeeded, call transfer_step_two(). When the source to pool step fails, the transfer is aborted and the CounterDimmer for that transfer returned. When it succeeded the CounterDimmer for the second step is returned.
transfer_step_one(invoker_module, config) invoker_module: A Module instance
config: A ppms.interface.Config instance
CounterDimmer Transfer the data from the source module to the pool module.
transfer_step_two(invoker_module, config) invoker_module: A Module instance
config: A ppms.interface.Config instance
CounterDimmer Transfer the data from the pool module to the target module. Make sure to call transfer_step_one() before calling this!

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