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The user_interface package provides functions for interacting with files to and from the client.


Function Parameters Return ValueSorted descending Description
choose_remote_file(save_file=False, title=None, filter=None, suggested_filename=None) save_file: True or False

title: Dialog title text
filter: FileDialog.Filter text
suggested_filename: Text
Path to the remote file or None if no file was chosen Shows a open dialog on the Client to let the user select a file
store_file_without_dialog(local_file, remote_path, remote_file_name) local_file: A file-like descriptor
remote_path: Path to a folder on the Client side
remote_file_name: Filename
  Copies the content of a file on the Server to the Client. The local file must be opened with 'rb' to read binary
store_file(local_file, title, filter, suggested_filename=None) local_file: A file-like descriptor
title: Dialog title text
filter: FileDialog.Filter text

suggested_filename: Filename
Amount of bytes written or None Open a save file dialog on the Client to store the content of the local_file object. The local file must be opened with 'rb' to read binary
copy_local_file_remote(local_file, remote_path) local_file: A file-like descriptor
remote_path: Path to a folder on the Client side
Amount of bytes written Copy a file from the Server to the Client
copy_remote_file_locally(remote_path, local_file) remote_path: Path to a folder on the Client side
local_file: A file-like descriptor
Amount of bytes written Copy a file from the Client to the Server
read_remote_file(remote_path, encoding=utf-8) remote_path: Path to a folder on the Client side

encoding: Encoding
A file-like object to read from (io.TextIOWrapper) Read a file located on the Client from the Server
get_file(title, filter, encoding=utf-8) title: Dialog title text
filter: FileDialog.Filter text

encoding: Encoding
A RemoteFile object that behaves like a local file object Shows a open dialog and reads the selected file
open_remote_file(remote_path, mode, encoding=None) remote_path: Path to a folder on the Client side
mode: The mode in which the file should be opened (For example 'r' for reading or 'wb' for writing binary

encoding: Encoding
A RemoteFile object that behaves like a local file object Open a remote file to read or write it


  • When you try to copy files that are several megabytes or higher the execution might be interrupted due to a service timeout


Select a logfile and send it to the Client

import os

from ppms.user_interface import ask_user_to_select_from_list, store_file

def get_all_logfiles():
    return [logfile for logfile in os.listdir('log') if logfile.endswith('.log')]
def ending_stripper(logfile):
    return logfile.rstrip('.log')
logfiles = get_all_logfiles()
selected_logfile = ask_user_to_select_from_list(possible_values=logfiles, heading='Please select a logfile:', transform_value_to_text=ending_stripper)

if selected_logfile is not None:
    logfile_path = os.path.join('log', selected_logfile)
    with open(logfile_path, 'rb') as logfile:
        title = 'Where do you want to save this logfile?'
        filter = 'Log files (*.log)|*.log|All files (*.*)|*.*'
        store_file(local_file=logfile, title=title, filter=filter, suggested_filename=selected_logfile)

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