The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Configure Parameters MOD009CTJ New from DB 39.5.10

Access path

  • PLANTA link role Web Interfaces Configuration panel Web Entities Configure transformer parameters button on the required web attribute of the selected web entity Configure Parameters
    • The button via which you can open this module from the Web Entities module is only displayed if the PLANTA link web services have been activated and configured in the web.conf. For more information on this subject, please refer to the description of the Web Entities module under notes.


  • You can configure transformer parameters in this module.

New from DB 39.5.16

Relative parameters:
  • Instead of entering a fixed value, the result of another column may as well be referenced.
  • If the value of a transformer parameter is set to "@Name", the value for this parameter is applied to each line from this field.
    • In the case of a GET request, the value is handed over before transformation; in the case of a POST request, it is handed over afterwards.

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