The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Conflicts for Table 333 MOD009D3C New from DB 39.5.14

Access path

  • DB Update / ICOU Configuration Conflicts Click on the link in the area of the required data table


  • In this module, the conflicts of the data table are listed.
  • Solutions can be selected for and applied to each conflict.


  • In the header area of the module there are the buttons via which the (marked) conflict solutions can be applied.
  • In the next lines the adjusted records are displayed with the current data from the customizing (live data). Only the columns of the data table in which there is a conflict in any record are displayed, i.e. the displayed columns are defined via the customer adjustments.
    • The DI which has changed is highlighted in color by means of a traffic light.
      • Individuell.png : The current customizing state corresponds to the individual change.
      • Referenz.png : The current customizing state corresponds to the reference value , i.e. the PLANTA value from the PLANTA standard system is equivalent to the state of the PLANTA system which is currently being used at the customer’s site.
      • Standard.png : The current customizing state corresponds to the new PLANTA value, i.e. to the value from the new PLANTA standard system (PLANTA system to which the customer is just updating).
      • Neu.png : The current customizing state does not correspond to any of the three values, i.e. the customizing has been adjusted in the meantime after the DB update.
  • In the area below the DI changed respectively is displayed with the reference value, the individual value, and the PLANTA value and you can decide how the conflict is dealt with.

Apply conflict solutions

  • In the right area, select an action for the respective conflict via the Action listbox:
    • Unedited: No conflict solution is used for the conflict.
    • Change to PLANTA Standard: The new PLANTA value is used.
    • Change to individual value: The individual value is used. This change is automatically applied to all subsequent updates if the initial situation has not changed.
    • Change to individual value (do not ask again): The individual value is always used, i.e. also if the initial situation has changed.
      • The Change to individual value option is selected by default.
  • Mark the required records and click on the Use marked conflict solutions button if you only want to apply a part of the conflict solutions.
  • Otherwise click on the Use conflict solutions for this table button to apply all conflict solutions in the table.
    • Alternatively you can apply the conflict solutions in the Conflicts module to all data tables at once.

See also: Conflict Management in Database Update, Database Update

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