The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT091 Portfolio SR/Period

DI061646 Period ID

Specification of the period (year) for which data was frozen in the portfolio status report.

DI063170 VDI: effort

Virtual data item. It is used to have the “Effort” heading displayed in the sum lines in which the effort sum of all cost type groups per year, as frozen in the portfolio status report, is displayed.

DI063169 VDI: costs

Virtual data item. It is used to have the “Costs” heading displayed in the sum lines in which the costs sum of all cost type groups per year, as frozen in the portfolio status report, is displayed.

DI062310 VDI: Benefit + revenues

Virtual data item. It is used to have the “Benefit and revenues” heading displayed in the sum lines in which the effort sum of all cost type groups per year, as frozen in the portfolio status report, is displayed.

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