The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT497 Phase

DI041161 Sequence

The sequence of phases in this module is defined on the basis of the values in this field.
  • The number is generated automatically upon creation and can be changed manually if necessary.
  • The field must be filled ou so that the next phase can be copied in upon completion of the previous phase.


From DB 39.5.12

DI041194 Phase

Name of the process model phase


Up to DB 39.5.12

DI041194 Phase name

Name of the process model phase


DI057962 Comment

Comment on the process model phase


From DB 39.5.12

DI059079 Process rule

Name (incarnation field) of the rule type. In this field the process rule which is to apply upon phase change is selected (or displayed if it has already been selected).
  • The process rules themselves are created or edited in the Process Rules module.



  • Several real load profiles are included in the scope of supply of PLANTA project.
  • They can be adjusted according to the customer’s requirements.

Up to DB 39.5.12

DI059079 Process rule name

Name (incarnation field) of the rule type. In this field the process rule which is to apply upon phase change is selected (or displayed if it has already been selected).
  • The process rules themselves are created or edited in the Process Rules module.



  • Several real load profiles are included in the scope of supply of PLANTA project.
  • They can be adjusted according to the customer’s requirements.

From DB 39.5.12

DI059080 Process rule ID

ID of the process rule. For description, see DI059079.

Up to DB 39.5.12

DI059080 Process rule

ID of the process rule. For description, see DI059079.

New from S 39.5.13

DI063267 Deletion permitted

Here you can define whether the deletion of process steps is to be possible for the phase in general.



  • If the parameter is activated for a particular phase, the deletion of individual process steps is possible in this phase without further ado.
  • In order to enable the deletion of a particular process step, the Deletion permitted parameters must additionally be activated on the process model and Deletion permitted on the respective process step.

DI063271 Insertion permitted

Here you can define whether the insertion of process steps is to be possible for the phase in general.



  • In order to enable the insertion of an individual process step, the Insertion permitted parameter must be activated on phase level.
  • In order for the individual process step to be deletable again, the Deletion permitted parameter should additionally be activated for the respective phase and the process model.

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