The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT 827 Load/Report

DI008516 Project ID

Technical ID of the project

DI008517 Task

ID of the task

DI008519 Cost type

ID of the cost type which was entered on the selected load record

DI008523 Load date

Date of the load record at the time of creation/update of the selected status report. Upon creation/update of the status report, the value is copied from the DI of the same name in the current planning (DT472 Load).

DI008535 Report

Code (ID) of the selected status report

DI040183 Report date

Date on which the selected status report was created

DI059487 Report name

Name of the selected status report

DI059488 Active baseline

Parameter that marks a status report as an active baseline. If several baselines have been created, the last created baseline is always marked as an Active baseline.

DI008660 Planned load

Initially planned load of the resource on the selected day (in the selected load record) at the time of creation/update of the selected status report. Upon creation/update of the status report, the value is copied from the DI of the same name in the current planning (DT472 Load).

DI008662 Actual load

Actual load (hours actually worked) of the resource on the selected day (in the selected load record) at the time of creation/update of the selected status report. Upon creation/update of the status report, the value is copied from the DI of the same name in the current planning (DT472 Load).

DI008664 Remaining load

Remaining load of the resource on the selected day (in the selected load record) at the time of creation/update of the selected status report. Upon creation/update of the status report, the value is copied from the DI of the same name in the current planning (DT472 Load).

DI008661 Planned costs load

Initially planned costs of the resource on the selected day (in the selected load record) at the time of creation/update of the selected status report. Upon creation/update of the status report, the value is copied from the DI of the same name in the current planning (DT472 Load).

DI008665 Remaining costs load

Remaining costs of the resource on the selected day (in the selected load record) at the time of creation/update of the selected status report. Upon creation/update of the status report, the value is copied from the DI of the same name in the current planning (DT472 Load).

DI008663 Actual costs load

Actual costs (calculated on the basis of hours worked) of the resource on the selected day (in the selected load record) at the time of creation/update of the selected status report. Upon creation/update of the status report, the value is copied from the DI of the same name in the current planning (DT472 Load).

DI057581 Total costs by resource type

Total costs of all resources (except revenue resources) on the selected day (in the selected load record) at the time of creation/update of the selected status report. Upon creation/update of the status report, the value is copied from the DI of the same name in the current planning (DT472 Load).

DI029528 Total revenues by resource type

Total revenues of all revenue resources on the selected day (in the selected load record) at the time of creation/update of the selected status report. Upon creation/update of the status report, the value is copied from the DI of the same name in the current planning (DT472 Load).

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