The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT886 Recipient

DI041347 Recipient

Code (ID) of the news recipient. The description see under Recipient name.

DI041352 Read

Here, a message is marked as read.


  • Checked : read
  • Unchecked : not yet read

DI041509 Info Title

Here, the info title is displayed.

DI041510 News Text

Here, the news text is displayed.

DI041512 Sent by

For sent messages, the code (ID) of the sender is displayed.

DI041513 Recipient Name

Here, the name of the news recipient is displayed.

DI041514 Recipient Name

Incarnation field for the news recipient. Here, the news recipient is selected from the listbox.

DI041516 Sent by: Name

For sent messages, the sender's full name is displayed.

DI041517 Written at

Here, the time of creation of the corresponding message is displayed.

DI041518 File

Here, the file sent is displayed.

DI041519 Written at

When you create a record, the creation date is automatically entered in this field.

DI041526 Project

Here, the number of the project, to the team members (stakeholders) of which messages were sent, is displayed.

DI041527 Project Name

Here, the name of the project, to the team members (stakeholders) of which messages were sent, is displayed.

DI051815 VDI: 1

Virtual data item. With the aid of this data item, the number of messages available is displayed here in the Info in the In-Box, Read Info and Sent Info areas.

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