The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT 956 Apa

DI010515 Apa

ID of the contact person. Upon creation, the number is generated automatically.

DI010516 Person

ID of the person that is selected as a contact person. For description, see Name.

DI020053 E-mail local part

Here, the e-mail address of the contact person can be entered.


  • E-mail addresses of the contact persons are person-related supplements to e-mail addresses of business partners. The address is specified without @, e.g. john.smith

DI020054 Tel. dir. dial

Here, the tel. dir. dial of the contact person is entered without number and area code.

DI020055 Fax

Here, the fax dir. dial of the contact person is entered without number and area code.

DI020056 Mobile

Here, the complete mobile number of the contact person is entered.

DI020057 Department

Here, the department in which the contact person works is entered.

DI020061 Name

Name of the person that is selected as a contact person. For description, see Name.

DI020062 First name

Here, the first name of the contact person is displayed.

DI020065 Gender

Here, the gender of the contact person is displayed.

DI020066 Title

Here, the title of the contact person is displayed (if available).

DI020067 Classification

Classification by importance. The values are selected from the listbox.


  • no entry - unknown
  • A - very important, receives sales mailings
  • B - important, receives sales mailings
  • C - not important, does not receive sales mailings
  • X - uninteresting, archive

DI020068 Categorization

Categorization of the CP by various criteria, e.g. function, responsibility

DI021538 Name

Incarnation field of the person that is selected as a contact person. In this field, the name of the contact person is selected from the listbox.

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