The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Module Subclasses


  • In order to understand what a subclass is, you should get an overview of how the Python linkage in PLANTA works:

How is the native C-Code turned into a Python class?

  • The native functions are linked in a special module (ppms.i).
  • These functions are compiled with the SWIG tool.
    • A kind of .dll / .so file named _ppms.pyd is created, which provides the respective functions.
    • A Python file named is created, which provides the complete functions from the _ppms.pyd library.
  • In the Python directory there is the Python file which is imported from and extends the code by further functions written in Python.
  • If you now use an API function which returns a Module instance, this module instance will not be returned directly, instead you receive a module subclass: either the class specified in the 405 record, or the Base standard class.


What does the module subclass do?

  • The module subclass serves to enhance a module with new functions and attributes.
  • If you try to open a function which does not exist in the module subclass, the “real” module instance is searched for it.
  • By means of this facade, modules can easily be enhanced with further functions.


  • Every new module has the ppms.module_subclasses.base_class.Base module class by default.
  • All module subclasses are to inherit from this class.


  • As is the case for all other swapped-out Python files, the client must be restarted after changes have been made.

Module Subclasses and Macros

PLANTA advises you against using macros. Instead, module subclasses should be used, which have the following advantages over macros:
  • Can be edited with an IDE (Pycharm, PyDev, Visual Studio, ...)
  • Enhanced searchability
  • Can easily be exchanged (enables central adjustments)
  • Functions can be used again
  • Functions can easily be adjusted in particular modules
  • Can be versionized in a source code administration system (traceability of adjustments)


  • If a module has a macro and a module subclass, it behaves as follows:
    • The module macro is run after the module is opened. Code on the highest level is run.
    • If the same function exists in both macro and module subclass (e.g. on_load()), only the function of the module subclass is opened.
    • If a function only exists on one side, it is opened.

Open Methods

  • To enable a method of the module subclass to be opened, e.g., via a button, proceed as follows:
    • Implement the method in the module subclass
      • The method signature must look like this: (self, applied_dfc, clicked_df)
    • Insert a new button DI (004336) in a data area with:

Overwrite Menu Items

  • To overwrite a menu item, proceed as follows:
    • Overwrite the menu_override(self, menu_id) method in its module subclass
    • With if you can check whether the menu item to be overwritten is currently running.
    • Treat the menu item and use one of the following two return values:
      • self.MENU_OVERRIDE_SUCCESS: The menu item has been treated successfully.
      • self.MENU_OVERRIDE_FAILURE: The menu item has not been treated successfully.
    • Finally, open the super() function to ensure regular program flow for other menu items.


from ppms import ppms
from ppms.module_subclasses.base_class import Base
from ppms.constants import MENU_FILTER, MENU_RESET, MENU_SAVE

class ModuleThatOverwritesSave(Base):
    def menu_override(self, menu_id):
        if menu_id == MENU_SAVE:
            ppms.ui_message_box('No saving allowed!')
            return self.MENU_OVERRIDE_SUCCESS

        # Don't allow resetting as that brings up a save prompt
        elif menu_id == MENU_RESET:
            return self.MENU_OVERRIDE_SUCCESS
        return super(ModuleThatOverwritesSave, self).menu_override(menu_id)
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Size Date Comment
Pngpng ModulUnterklassen.png r1 93.8 K 2019-01-15 - 15:00  
Pngpng ModulUnterklassenEN.png r1 51.6 K 2019-08-28 - 11:28  

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