The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help
. Open Transactions MOD009CJS New from DB 39.5.7
Description for versions 39.5.9
Access path
- In the Open Transactions module, open transactions, i.e. interface configurations that have not been run yet, are displayed.
- The individual configurations are displayed grouped by calendar weeks.
- The configurations can be set to Transferred manually in case the configurations are not to be run, or they can be deleted completely.
- Furthermore, different actions can be carried out via the context menu on the required configuration:
- Open log: Opens the Logging module with the log information for the selected configuration.
- Open parameter: Opens the Interface Parameters module in which the parameters of the selected configuration can be viewed.
- Open configuration: Opens the Configuration in Read Only Mode module in which the parameters of the selected configuration can be viewed.
See also:
PLANTA project