The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

index.gif See also: Release Notes: Version Overview
Release Notes: all Server Versions
Release Notes of individual database versions: S 39.5.29 / S 39.5.28 / S 39.5.27 / S 39.5.26 / S 39.5.25 / S 39.5.24 / S 39.5.23 / S 39.5.22 / S 39.5.21 / S 39.5.20 / S 39.5.19 / S 39.5.18 / S 39.5.0 up to S 39.5.17

Beta features BETA are not approved for use in a productive system.

Version S 39.5.26


  • When updating to S 39.5.26 under MSSQL, the AddAndChangeDisLongestPathAndBucketId migration packet is missing, which causes the date scheduling not to work. To resolve the problem,
    • Replace the <server-Verzeichnis>/migration/server/S_39_5_26/WI21970_create_aob_longest_path_di_mssql.sql file by the following file: WI21970_create_aob_longest_path_di_mssql.sql
    • Open customizer.
    • Reload the migration packets in the migration module.
    • Run the AddAndChangeDisLongestPathAndBucketId and AddObjectsForScheduler migration packets again.
    • Restart server.

Stable 3

Bug fixes
  • The auto position is now calculated correctly again if a new record with an auto position is inserted between two existing records. #22369

Stable 2

Bug fixes
  • Under MSSQL, statements generated by the server are now run correctly even if they contain more parameters than permitted by MSSQL. #16209

Stable 1

Bug fixes
  • After running the migration packet RollbackCriticalPathInBar delivered with the stable folder, tasks in schedules are now displayed correctly as critical and uncritical. #22585
  • In case a date field in the SQL parameter is marked as NOT NULL, all NULL values in date fields are treated as if their default value was 0 (which equates to 1/1/1970). #22573


  • With the S 39.5.26 update packet, the update from Venus on Earth to Venus can be carried out in one step again. #21786 #22147
  • In the installer directory, property templates for different typical installation types (e.g. a reinstallation with existing database or a migration from Venus on Earth to Venus) are made available.
    • These installation types only work in console installations and cannot be used for graphical installation.
    • If they are to be used, please select the appropriate template, copy it to the top area of the installer (overwrite existing .properties file) and then run install_planta_with_template.bat or for console installation. #21933

Bug fixes

  • The performance of the scheduling afterrun (scheduler_enabled parameter = 1 in planta_scheduler.conf) has been improved. #21842
  • If no filter is specified for scales, it is now zoomed to the exact point at which all graphical objects (tasks, milestones , links, etc.) are visible. Therefore, a client version C 39.5.16 is required. #17789 #16991
  • The overlappings of tasks of different projects which are connected via soft links is now always displayed. In the course of this, the calculation of DIs 009351, 009352, and 009353 has been removed from scheduling. They are now calculated via value ranges. For this purpose, the VirtualizeOverlappingDIs migration packet must be run. #22195 #21768
  • The incorrect display of links in S 39.5.25 which occurred if the task successor was changed retroactively has been corrected. #21754 #22150
  • If a remaining effort is assigned to a person resource which already has actual effort, (or if an already existing remaining effort is changed), this no longer causes the remaining effort of an assigned department resource to be increased in successive actual postings. Instead, actual postings are subtracted directly from the remaining effort of the person resource as if the person resource had possessed this remaining effort from the beginning. The remaining effort of the assigned department resource is no longer changed by actual postings on this person resource. #22175
  • The error, that when using the MAN load profile manually created actual postings were deleted during scheduling if the resource had an end date and an empty record was inserted between already created loads, has been corrected. #20923
  • The arithmetic overflow error error, which occurred when reporting hours under MSSQL, has been resolved. For this purpose, the FixDT430DT472 migration packet must be run in MSSQL systems. #22183
  • During migration for MSSQL, views are no longer misinterpreted as tables. #22377
  • The error message which occurred when there is no UUID in a data table has now been formulated more specifically. #22276
  • The log message which is displayed when an invalid date is generated during scheduling (later than 12/31/2069), has been formulated in greater detail. #22286
  • The installer now also deletes its manually defined temporary directory if the installation fails. #21640
  • Action IDs of data items which are longer than 8 characters are possible again. For this purpose, the ExtendActionIDinDT411HIS migration packet must be selected. #21977
  • The MaintainIndexOnDt468 migration packet (in S 39.5.25) no longer fails if the index specified in it already exists. #22148
  • The FixPeriodAggregationQuery migration packet (in S 39.5 24) no longer fails when migrating from Venus on Earth. #22053

Migration Packets

Category Packet name Function Type WI
Mandatory packet AddAndChangeDisLongestPathAndBucketId Carries out preparatory changes for the recalculation of the critical path by (BETA feature) Feature #22545
Mandatory packet AddObjectsForScheduler Creates new objects for date scheduling. Feature #22545
Mandatory packet RollbackCriticalPathInBar Resets the calculation of the critical tasks to total float Bugfix #22585
Mandatory packet VirtualizeOverlappingDIs Virtualizes the DIs 009351, 009352, and 009353, which represent the overlappings between tasks with soft links. Bugfix #21768
Mandatory packet ExtendActionIDinDT411HIS Increases the maximum number of characters for DI027481 in DT411_his Bugfix #21977
Mandatory packet FixDT430DT472 Corrects the length of the Position DI in V_DT430_DT472 in MSSQL Bugfix #22183

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