The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

index.gif See also: Release Notes: Version Overview
Release Notes: all Server Versions
Release Notes of individual database versions: S 39.5.29 / S 39.5.28 / S 39.5.27 / S 39.5.26 / S 39.5.25 / S 39.5.24 / S 39.5.23 / S 39.5.22 / S 39.5.21 / S 39.5.20 / S 39.5.19 / S 39.5.18 / S 39.5.0 up to S 39.5.17

Beta features BETA are not approved for use in a productive system.

Version S 39.5.22


Known issue with workaround

  • Please note: After updating to server S 39.5.22, no more status reports can be created. For problem solution, please click here.


  • New Load Profiles for the manual distribution of effort in time intervals have been implemented. For using the new load profiles, the PortLoadCurves migration packet needs to be executed.
  • The configuration of can be carried out directly via the installer.
  • The monitoring and web service parameters were moved from globals.conf to web.conf.
  • When installing with the help of the installer, an alternative directory is specified for SQL scripts which are carried out when installing the server to assure the launchability of the server.
  • The config_tests.txt file is not required and has been deleted from the subdirectory of the DB installer.
  • For background data fields, the Blank effect type has been added, which causes the margin to be drawn a bit bolder on the left hand side. * This function requires Client version S 39.5.20.
  • Implicit listboxes (DF behavior = li) now behave like explicit listboxes during input (DF behavior = le), i.e. if a manual value only differs with respect to upper/lower case spelling, it is automatically corrected.

Bug fixes

  • The problem, that manual changes to the Remaining load and Planned load fields in the Schedule module affected each other if actual loads were already available or an actual start had already been set, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that in Oracle databases the System Change Number (SCN) could not be read out without access rights to the Oracle DB System View (V$DATABASE), has been resolved.
  • The problem that effort which was posted to summary tasks is not summarized to the project, has been resolved with the EFFORT_AGGREGATION_FOR_COLLECTION_TASKS server fix.
  • īThe error message which was caused by an empty storage DI under MSSQL when unloading hyperlinks has been fixed. The published workaround is no longer required.
  • The error message during installation, system start, or import/export, that in Windows systems without Java installation Javac or Java could not be found, has been resolved
  • To prevent ITL shortage deadlocks in Oracle data bases, the INITRANS parameter was set to 5. As a result, these specific deadlock types can no longer occur and the database performance has been improved slightly, with higher storage allocation in Oracle at the same time.

Migration Packets

Category Packet name Function Type
Optional packet PortLoadCurves Completes the display of new load profiles in the Load Profiles module. Feature
Mandatory packet PortRemainingLoad Ports value ranges for remaining effort to secure compatibility with the new load profiles when using DB Feature
Mandatory packet AddIndexToDt468 Indexes DT468 to improve the performance when this table is accessed. Feature
Mandatory packet MoveDeviationOutOfScheduling Adds value ranges for DI001296 and DI001177 and deletes DIs. Problem in status report creation when using a DB version DB 39.5.9 see Known Issues. Feature
Mandatory packet AddNewEffectTypeBlank Completes the new Blank effect type. Note: This function requires Client version S 39.5.20. Feature
Mandatory packet AllowDelayedDurability Activates the delayed transaction sustainability (DELAYED_DURABILITY) for MSSQL Server up to version 2014. Feature
Mandatory packet CorrectSchemaDefinitionVenus Corrects the TEMP_PERIOD_CHANGES field in the database schema for Oracle, which lead to errors in the processing of the periods when resource names with umlauts were used. Bug fix
Optional packet PortCAPRasterCurves This migration packet is obsolete and will be removed - including all the changes that were made when it has been run - in one of the upcoming Server versions. Feature

Customizing Hotfix

Bug fixes
  • The problem, that in export to Excel percentages were displayed in boolean values, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the A_ReplaceOldFrameworkCustomizing migration packet did not delete all required data due to a wrong deletion command sequence, has been resolved.
  • The problem, that the system got stuck if several records were to be transferred via PLANTA link under DB and MSSQL Link, has been resolved.

Migration Packets

Category Packet name Function Type
Mandatory packet FixPortfolioModuleCustomizingErrors Resolves problems when opening the Portfolio module under DB Bug fix
Mandatory packet MoveDeviationOutOfScheduling Makes changes which cause the deviation values of DI001296 and DI001177 not to be calculated via scheduling but via the value ranges of these DIs and deletes these DIs from the database. Problem in status report creation when using a DB version DB 39.5.9 see Known Issues. Feature
Mandatory packet LogUnsupportedKoAGrCUVoE Logs all modules that use no longer supported cost type group IDs under DB, and fails if some are found. Feature

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