The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Text Constants MOD000012

Access path
  • Customizer Master Data Text Constants


  • Text Constants are multilingual texts (I-texts). One and the same text constant can be used by both the customizing and the source.


  • Constants can be created by the system customizer. They are assigned their ID number automatically. The ID number consists of the license number plus a three-character counter.
    • Example of text constants: File names for the construction of OLE objects in legend data areas.
  • Some constants are fixed programmed text constants that must not be changed. E.g.
    • names of the days of the week
    • names of the months
    • yes, no (for dialog messages)

From DB 39.5.14

Create text constants
  • Select Insert Constant from the context menu.
  • Enter the name of the text constant in the Constant field.
    • The ID of the constant is automatically generated as soon as you click outside the Constant field.
    • NEW Furthermore, the entry of the constant, which can then be used in the Python code, is generated in the Python code field.
  • Save.

Up to DB 39.5.14

Create text constants
  • Select Insert Constant from the context menu.
  • Enter the name of the text constant in the Constant field.
    • The ID of the constant is automatically generated as soon as you click outside the Constant field.
  • Save.


  • Changes to Standard text constants are not update secure.

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