If the transaction has run successfully, the configuration is marked as Transferred (activated checkbox).
Prior to transferring, i.e. at the beginning of the transaction, the validity of the configuration is always checked.
If one of these validation checks fails, the transfer is not carried out.
The log records can be viewed in the Logging module.
If some of the records are recognized to be erroneous and are therefore not transferred, the transaction can be carried out again after the errors have been corrected. It is recommendable to empty the Logging module before carrying out the transaction anew.
Context menu
Via the context menu in the configuration header, the following actions can be carried out:
Go to configuration: opens the current configuration in the Configuration module
Edit source module: opens the module stored in the Source module field in the Modules module
Edit pool module: opens the module stored in the Pool module field in the Modules module
Edit target module: opens the module stored in the Target module field in the Modules module
Go to source configuration: If the current configuration is a copy, the corresponding source configuration is opened. Otherwise, the This configuration is a copy message is displayed.