Server Parameter

Commandline Options

Option Argument Description
-preload Port-Number Starts the server with preloading on given port number (Linux only, Windows preloading comes with ppmsd)
-config Config-File Overrides path to config file (default: planta.conf)
-debuglisten Port-Number Stops the program execution as early as possible to allow attaching a debugger

planta.conf (ppms.conf)

Environment Variables

Environment variables are only evaluated via xinetd, forking setup needs these inside the global configuration file for the init script instead!
VariableSorted descending Possible values Description
NLS_LANG String Language, territory and character set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH String Directory from which dynamic libraries wil be read
LANGUAGE String Language, territory and character set
CLIENT_CHARSET String Oracle charset name identifier to oracle client (OCI)
    E.g. WE8ISO8859P15, US7ASCII

Configuration Parameters

Parameter Possible values Description
RESTART_BINARY String Absolute path to binary that ppms executes when restarting (default is currently running binary)
BIND_ADDRESS String new394.gif IPv4 address for daemon or forking-server to listen on (default: all network interfaces, as before)
LOG_LEVEL Bit field
  • 1: Error
  • 2: Warning
  • 4: Info
  • 8: Debug
ORACLE_HOME String Home directory of the Oracle
  • Only evaluated via xinetd, forking setup needs this inside the global configuration file for the init script
  • 0: (default) Log information are written in larger block (more effective but information can be in log after a while)
  • 1: Immediately writes log information into the log files
  • 0: (default) XML information in log will be written without spaces to save the disk space
  • 1: XML information in log will be written with spaces to be better readable
  • 0: (default) Silence
  • 1: MTS will print statistics wrt. how often previous record could be re-used for parent/child linkage, as opposed to a mismatch being detected, forcing to search the proper parent.
  • 0: (default) No time information is added to records in log file
  • 1: Time information is added to every record in log file
  • 0: (default) SQL queries are not formatted
  • 1: SQL queries are formatted to be better readable and with values of parameters in comments
PPMS_LICENSE String License of PPMS, default is '000'
Q1CODEPAGE Int Codepage of system database
Q1PATH String Path to system database
Q1PWD String Password to system database
Q1TYPE Int Type of system database
  • 2: Oracle
  • 4: MSSQL
Q1USER String Username to system database
Q1PREFETCH Int Number of records OCI client fetches at once (default: 256). Further information
new394.gif Q1CUTOFF int Number of binding variables, defines how records are fetched from the database.
  • If the found records would result in a number of binding parameters that is greater than this limit, they are fetched using a subselect statement. Otherwise, they are fetched using a key list.
  • Depending on the database and hardware, this parameter could greatly influence the database performance.
    • It should thereby only be set by a system administrator or experienced database administrator.
  • If this parameter is not found in config file, the standard value is 1024.
  • Maximal value is 32767.
  • The number of binding parameter is influenced by the number of primary keys in a data table.
    • Q1CUTOFF = 1000
      • Data table has 1 primary key = 1000 records are fetched in one select.
      • Data table has 2 primary keys = 500 records are fetched in one select
new394.gif Q1CUTOFF _FOR_DT String Defines the Q1CUTOFF value for various tables
  • E.g. DT486:256,DT463:300 tells the system to use the cutoff value 256 for DT486 and 300 for DT463
  • For the effect of these values, see Q1CUTOFF.
  • This value should be a list that consists of nothing but the DT number, : and ,
  • Maximal value is 32767.
Q1TRACE _LEVEL Int Enable oracle server-trace at certain level (default: 0)
  • 0: Trace disabled
  • 1, 2: Basic trace info (parsing, executes and fetches)
  • 4: Include bind information
  • 8: Include wait information
  • 12: Include binds and waits
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE String (e.g. de) Default language for preloading
DEFAULT_CURRENCY String Default currency for preloading (not used atm)
DEFAULT_COUNTRY String Default country for preloading (not used atm)
PRELOAD_LANGUAGES String (e.g. en, fr, ru) Additional languages for preloading
DTP_CUSTOMIZING_MODE {0,1} new394.gif When enabled, customizing metadata will always be up-to-date and no stale values will be used within the session (effectively disables all caching on DTP level).
VG_BIN String Full path to Valgrind Binary (Linux only, otherwise unused)
VG_ARGS String Arguments for Valgrind Binary (Linux only, otherwise unused)
PPMS_PREP_INST Int Number of prepared instances for Windows pre-spawning (default 5)
  • 0: Pre-spawning disable
  • >0: Number of prepared instances

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