The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.



  • The monitoring service is to enable the automated monitoring of the PLANTA service component.
  • As an individual component, it may query the component for status information (HTTP query) and generate a corresponding HTML document displaying the status of every monitored component.
  • Via the HTTP based interface, a connection to different monitoring systems ca be established.
  • The objective of this documentation is to enable PLANTA users to set up and use the monitoring component.
  • Furthermore, the use of status information in an automated monitoring infrastructure is to be enabled by describing the query syntax and the output formats.


  • In the Server Release packet, a monitoring component can now be selected upon installation.
  • If the monitoring component and the server are selected at once during the installation, the parameters for the database and PLANTA server plug-in are entered already, so you will only have to make the following settings later:
    • Port of the monitoring component: On this port, the web interface can be accessed.
    • Network interface: Usually it can remain at the default value (accessible everywhere).
    • Name of the service: Here, a unique name is required (please note this particularly when installing multiple instances!).
  • When the server is installed as well, the port for the monitoring interface must be allocated during the installation.
  • Otherwise, the installation directory of the already installed PLANTA server and a port for the monitoring interface must be specified since in this case, a PLANTA server setting is required.


Connection and Plug-in Configuration via monitoring_configuration.xml

  • The configuration is carried out in XML syntax.
  • When starting the monitoring component, a check of the syntax according to the monitoring_configuration.xsd XML schema file is done.
    • Syntax errors are indicated in the log file.
  • In the Configure main knot, the plug-in directory is defined via the directory attribute.
    • The default setting should be kept:
* Monitoring configuration
* directory: the path where all directories are placed
<Configure directory="plugins">

  • The web server used internally can be configured via the Server knot or its host and port attributes.
  • If the monitoring service is to be accessible only locally, "localhost" is used, otherwise "" permits access to all network interfaces.

Server configuration
* it is also possible to add multiple host/ports by adding another server-tag
* host-attribute: server-host where monitoring is accessable
* port-attribute: server-port

<Server host="localhost" port="9092"/>
<Server host="" port="9092"/>

  • The URL schema is configurable.
  • For this purpose, there is the UrlConfig element, which is illustrated exemplary in the configuration excerpt below.
  • In the table_pattern attribute, a prefix is configured, which is the same for every page URL of the monitoring service.
    • The "?" query separator sign can only be used here.
  • The json_suffix attribute controls the suffix with the help of which the JSON view can be reached.
  • The "page" placeholder refers to the "Page" knots.
  • For all categories and components, there are placeholders that are replaced by the name.
URL configuration
* category and component are variable parameters
* category = categoryname in node "Category"
* component = Plug-In-Title
<UrlConfig table_pattern="/monitoring?monitoring[page]" json_suffix="/view=json">
<Page id="overview" url=""/>
<Page id="detail" url="=detail"/>
<Page id="category" url="=[category]"/>
<Page id="component" url="=component&amp;component=[component]"/>

  • In the PlugIn knot, a plug-in is configured, which checks the availability of a component.
  • It is allocated to a category below which the plug-in can be grouped.
  • The timeout settings enable the availability of the monitoring component in the event of slow or even blocked response from the plug-in.
  • Further configuration knots are there for the internal configuration of the plug-in; this is plug-in specific.
<PlugIn filename="planta_plugin" title="PlantaServer" plugin_data_lifetime="20000" request_timeout="1000" hard_timeout="20000">
<PlugInConfig host="" port="27777"/>
Details on the plugin_data_lifetime, request_timeout and hard_timeout attributes (all values specified in milliseconds):
    • plugin_data_lifetime
      • If you want to relieve a component in the event of frequent or time intense queries, the monitoring service caches the data for the specified time frame.
    • request_timeout
      • For component query runtimes that exceed the specified time frame, the Timeout status is set and the query results are only fetched upon renewed user query.
    • hard_timeout
      • Like in request_timeout, the component request is canceled.
  • A plug-in can also be configured multiple times, whereby different names are used in the title attribute.
    • This way, multiple PLANTA server instances or databases can be monitored.
  • The delivery status of the configuration file already contains the configuration schemas of all plug-ins included in the delivery, so that they only have to be adjusted or copied.

Plug-in Specific Settings


  • In order to use the plug-in, the respective PLANTA service must be configured for monitoring.
  • You can do this via the monitoring, monitoring_interface and monitoring_port parameters described here.
  • According to the installation site or the configuration of the PLANTA service, the host and port attributes of the =PluginConfig" knot must be set.
<PluginConfig host="<Computer name/IP of the server, on which the PLANTA service is running>" port="<specify the monitoring_port - like in globals.conf>" />


  • With this plug-in, the status of the database or its usability by the PLANTA service can be checked by a database user.
  • The configuration values can and should be taken from the hibernate.cfg.xml configuration file.
  • host, port and sid equate to the three values in the text in hibernate.connection.url (schema: <...>@host:port:sid), <...>@host:port:sid).
  • user and password correspond to the respective values in hibernate.connection.username and hibernate.connection.password.
  • license receives the three digit license key of the installation. This key must be available in DT345 System parameter
  • Example
<PlugIn filename="planta_plugin" title="PlantaServer" plugin_data_lifetime="20000" request_timeout="1000" hard_timeout="20000">
<PlugInConfig host="" port="1521" sid="orasrv" user="PL1" password="secret" license="100" />

Logging Configuration via =logback.xml

  • The monitoring component uses SLF4J as a frame work for log messages, while =Logback is used as a backend.
  • Configuration details can be looked up in the Project documentation of logback.
  • Through high verbosity, cause studies are possible in case of errors via the threshold value configuration.
    • Log threshold values (sorted by increasing verbosity)
      • error > warn > info > debug > trace
  • To do so, the level attribute of the root knot must be set to a threshold value with higher verbosity, as described in the following section:
<root level="debug">
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

Details of Use

  • You can access information on the components via URL.
  • The information can be opened in the HTML format (especially for manual viewing) as well as in JSON format (suitable for automatic processing).
  • For JSON output, the configured json_suffix is used, which has been attached to the URL of the HTML output (/json in the default configuration).
  • Below, the query options and output formats are illustrated by using the example of a monitoring server configured to localhost with 9092 port.

Explanation of the Return Format

  • In the following table, the headings of the returned HTML table, or the keys of the directory returned in the JSON query, are specified for the component view.
  • All other views contain a subset of these attributes.
  • The overview page summarizes the State and Component state attributes, so that State remains NOK here, if one of the status attributes is NOK.
Heading/Key Return Value Description
Title Name Description of the component
Description Text Description of the component
Release date Date/Timestamp Approval timestamp
Release version Version description  
Build date Date/Timestamp Date of creation
Build version Version description  
State OK/NOK/TIMEOUT Status of the plug-in instance component
Component state OK/NOK Status of the component
Comment Text Additional information, e.g., exception
Response time Duration in ms Reaction time of the component plug-in
Required system properties Text  
Start time Time stamp Start date of the component, if available
Extended Additional directory Contains further plug-in-specific attributes


  • Configuration: Page ID overview
  • You can receive an overview of all categories as well as the components administered therein, via:
  • The status of the components is the main information here
  • The actuality of this status is specified here to enable you to interpret its validity.

Detail Overview

  • Configuration: Page ID overview
  • Detailled information on all components can be opened via /monitoring=detail:

Category Overview

  • Configuration: Page ID category - the [category] variable is replaced by the category name then
  • The category overview shows detailed information on all components administered in the category (here, shown for the Application category):

Component Overview

  • Configuration: Page ID category - the [category] variable is replaced by the component name then
  • If you want a single component to be monitored, you can open the component view, in which all recorded information is displayed (here shown for the component named PlantaServer):

Operating Information

Service Administration

  • The service is set up automatically during the installation under both Windows and Linux.
  • At the same time, the name of the service is allocated as well.
  • The operator can administer the service via the following scripts in the [Installationsort]/yajsw/bat directory (administrator rights are required):
Action Linux Windows
Query of the current status queryService.bat
Starting the service startService.bat
Stopping the service
Installing the service installService.bat
Deleting the service uninstallService.bat


  • In the log/ directory at the installation site, log files are created.
  • They are configured with a preconfigured warn log threshold value with daily rotation.
  • If the operation of the monitoring component causes problems, these log files are to be checked since they can show hints to the root of such problems.
  • A comprehensive output of log messages can be achieved as described in the Logging configuration section.

Monitoring Interface of the PLANTA Server

  • The interface in the PLANTA server used by the monitoring service can also be used directly.
  • This way, connections to other monitoring systems, like Nagios, can be enabled.
  • Functions implemented by the monitoring service, are then not available, e.g., database monitoring or caching for elaborate monitoring functions.
  • The server interface is activated and configured via the monitoring, monitoring_interface and monitoring_port parameters in the globals.conf configuration file.
  • Example: on the server, the parameters are set as follows:
    • monitoring=true: activates the server interface.
    • monitoring_interface= enables access via all network interfaces.
    • monitoring_port=27777: Port to which the interface listens.
  • On PLANTA servers that have been configured accordingly, server information can now be queried via the URL.
  • A directory in JSON format is returned; for automatic evaluation, the string must be decoded.
  • Return example:

{"Component State":"OK","Release Date":"Fri Feb 28 13:57:14 CET 2014",
"Start Time":"Wed Mar 05 21:55:25 CET 2014","Release Version":"46656",
"Build Date":"Fri Feb 28 13:57:14 CET 2014","Build Version":"46656"}

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