The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Technical Documentation

General information
  • The PLANTA server component uses the Java platform in substantial parts.
    • Some of the libraries used here are: Hibernate, Envers, Logback.
  • Additionally, parts of the business logic are written in C/C++ and Python.
  • The smart client is a .NET application developed in C# (Windows forms/WPF) and requires the respective runtime on part of the client.

Category Explanation
In Case of Problems Here, known issues are pointed out and error messages are explained.
Installation and Update Here you can find detailed information on installation and update of the PLANTA software
Server and Client Configuration Here, you find information concerning the server and client configurations.
Special Functions Here, different functions and settings are explained, e.g. Object Protection or Headless Client.
Technical FAQ Here, frequently asked questions are answered.
Overview of New Technical Features Here, you find a detailed description of technical renovations of Server 39.5.0 compared to earlier versions


  • Some parts of the technical documentation are only available in English.

         PLANTA project

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