The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Kerberos Authentication New from S 39.5.0


  • To carry out the administration tasks described below, profound IT knowledge is required.


  • Kerberos is a standardized authentication mechanism which has to be configured on the server as well as on the client.


  • The following requirements must be fulfilled for the Kerberos authentication:

Server Configuration


  • In the config/globals.conf configuration file, the auth.methods configuration variable has to be set accordingly. Options available:
    • osuser (no authentication, not secure, previous behavior)
    • interactive (the usual login message box, secure due to challenge response authentication, previous behavior)
    • kerberos
    • legacy (is composed of the previous authentication methods osuser and interactive)
    • secure (is composed of the authentication methods, enabling a secure login, currently interactive and kerberos)
    • proxy authentication via a preceding software component (required the use of PLANTA secure)
    • any (is composed of all implemented authentification methods)
    • or a random combination of the above mentioned values that are listed, with blank characters and/or punctuation separating them, so that it results in a conjunction of all mentioned individual or combined methods.


  • Non configured authentification methods are not allowed anymore.
  • The configuration options constitute a central point for turning off the osuser login for all users at once.


  • for a backward-compatible behavior, auth.methods is set to legacy by default.
    • As long as this value is set, there will be no changes with regard to previous versions.
  • In config/globals.conf, the krb.conf and auth.conf parameters, each determine a path for particular configuration files.
    • krb.conf is a Kerberos configuration, determining realms, domains, KDCs as well as encrypting algorithms.
    • If a system-wide JAAS compatible configuration file already exists, it can be used as well. Otherwise, the template can also be adjusted to the customer installation.
    • auth.conf determines how the PLANTA server logs on using its own service account. An area named PlantaServer is required in order for the code to be able to find the settings. Here, the principal path as well as the keyTab / ticketCache path can be adjusted according to your needs. All further settings, especially doNotPrompt, should remain unchanged.
  • Keytab files are usually created by the system administrator in order to adjust the corresponding principals and service accounts. The system administrator should know best how to create them correctly and how the corresponding principals in config/auth.conf are to be specified.
  • The dissolution of Kerberos Principal based on the PLANTA user name/code is solved in Python in order for the customer to be able to map any user@REALM combination to a random PLANTA user.
  • In the ppms.krb5_login Python module, a krb5_login_resolve_username(Principal) method is defined, providing a customer specific option to map a Kerberos Principal to its corresponding PLANTA user name. This Python method is documented with respect to the parameters and the expected return value. The actual implementation has to be defined separately for each installation.

Client Configuration


  • The client configuration parameters can be specified in the command line or the ini file.
    • authentication=kerberos
      • Activates the Kerberos ticket editing (required)
    • spn=<service>/<service_account>@<REALM>
      • Here, the canonic SPN must be entered, e.g. PLANTA/planta_server@EXAMPLE.COM (required).
    • mutual=on
      • Activates the mutual authentification (optional)


  • When a configuration parameter is specified in the ini file, no additional quotation marks (e.g. in the SPN) or additional blank spaces (e.g. at the end of a line) must be used.

Configure the Encryption Settings for User Accounts in Active Directory

Exemplary Set-Up of a Service Account for Kerberos Authentification in the Active Directory

1. Creation of a user in the AD tree

  • Open Active Directory Users and Computers on the domain controller
  • Create a new user with the required name (e.g. service name) via Create a new user in the current container
    • Example: planta_service
2. Setting of a service principal name (SPN) via the setspn command
  • Execute setspn -A <SPN> <account>
  • Name schema: <Service name>/<Identifier, z.B. host name>
    • Example: setspn -A PLANTA/ planta_service
  • A SPN must only be allocated once.
    • Otherwise the client aborts the ticket request with the SEC_E_TARGET_UNKNOWN error message.
    • The check can be done via setspn -Q <SPN>: Here, only an account must be returned.
3. Creation of a keytab file via ktpass
  • Syntax: ktpass /princ <SPN> /mapuser <Domain\User@DOMAIN> /pass <password> /out <keytab filename>
    • Example with the previous values: ktpass /princ PLANTA/srv_planta@MYDOMAIN.COM -setupn /mapuser XYZ\planta_service /pass gehe1m /out planta_service.keytab
  • Note
    • The domain must necessarily be specified in capital letters
    • The -setupn parameter used here prevents the user account from being overwritten.
      • This may be required for SPNs which cannot be used as user names.
    • Copy the keytab file to the configuration directory of the server
    • Protect the file against unauthorized reading

See also: Server Parameters, Client Parameters

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