The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Performance Recording New from S 39.5.10


  • Finding performance problems
  • Consistent recording of time and resource data
  • Transparency with respect to scaling and resource utilization
  • Usability with low effort
  • Analyzability by PLANTA, if possible without dispatch of user data (in the form of a database copy)

Configuration and Usage Hints


From DB 39.5.7

Up to DB 39.5.7

  • The recording of the performance data in DT324 Statistics can be activated as follows:
  • The advantage of the Python function is, that from the moment of execution, all started and running sessions are recorded. * For time descriptive performance counting, the soft limit should be deactivated with respect to the record amount (@G80109) (for information on this, see Release Notes of Server Version 39.5.9.
  • Tip

    • With the following Python code, a macro module can be created which switches the performance history on when it is run for the first time and switches it back off in the second run.
      • PCOUNT: ON is output after activation of the performance counting, and PCOUNT: OFF after deactivation.
    '''Toggles performance counting globally and 
    shows a message depending on current setting'''
    cur_title = ppms.ui_get_system_title() 
    on_str = 'Performance Counting: ON' 
    off_str = 'Performance Counting: OFF'  
    if ppms.performance_counting_is_enabled():     


    • A status message upon start of a new session informs on the performance counting.
    • Since the PLANTA server writes a record for every event, measuring can reduce the system performance significantly.
      • It only makes sense to use it to detect errors or performance problems
    • If data is no longer needed, the DT324 Statistics table should be emptied in order to prevent the data storage of the database from being used excessively.
    • Please make sure that performance history evaluation is activated or deactivated globally for the entire system, not only for a particular session.

    View the Data, Transfer to PLANTA


    • The performance data can be displayed via the Performance History Evaluation module.
    • For an overview of the single data fields, see here.
    • You have to consider that measurement uncertainties and rounding errors may cause negative values, like in the Unspecified (real) field.

    Export for transfer

    • The Excel format should be used for data export:
      1. For this purpose, open the above mentioned Performance History Evaluation module.
      2. Load all data by pressing CTRL + Q, or via the Data Filter menu item.
      3. Select the Extras Send data to Microsoft Excel menu item.
      4. Select Bulk Export.
      5. Select the Statistics data area.
      6. Activate the Activate the "split" Excel Function for window 1 checkbox.
      7. Start the export via Export.
      8. After the progress dialog has been closed, an Excel window opens in which the exported files are located.
    • The export result can now be saved and sent to PLANTA via e-mail.
    • In addition to the performance counting, PLANTA requires information on the usage context of the PLANTA server.
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    Docdoc Checkliste_Performance-Probleme_5.doc r2 r1 149.0 K 2015-04-29 - 14:54  

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