The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Error Treatment

  • If an error occurs while working with PLANTA project, please proceed as follows:
    • Go to the Known Issues page in the PLANTA Wiki and check whether the occurring error is listed there.
      • If the error is not yet listed, please send us a reproduction description of the error. We will record an SRQ for you which allows you to keep track of the processing status.
        • When reporting the error, please take account of the required information.
      • If the error is listed, please send us a short e-mail referring to the error (without reproduction description), so we can record an SRQ for it as well.
      • If a workaround for the error is described in Known Issues, please carry it out.

Required information

  • When did the error first occur?
    • Have there been any changes prior to the occurrence (e.g. in customizing, technology, was a migration carried out, etc.)?
  • What type of error is it? Go to the classification of error messages
  • What configuration is used, i.a.: which iteration (Hotfix), which database type (MSSQL or Oracle)?
    • The best way is to send us a screen shot of the System Information module (CTRL+B), containing all required information.
  • Do you use Windows or Linux?
  • Is the error reproducible or does it occur sporadically?
    • If the error is reproducible, please send a reproduction description. The following information has to be included:
      • User (e.g. R41)
      • Path, name, and number of the module in which the error occurs (e.g. Multi-Project Management Multi-Project Management Resource Overviews)
        • By pressing CTRL+F2 the Module Information module is opened. Here you find the Module ID of the corresponding module.
      • Which steps lead to the occurrence of the error? (e.g. Changing to the submodule Budget and Costs by Groups: Connection to server lost)
    • Notes
      • When describing the steps, please state precisely how a certain action was carried out. E.g. whether a new record was inserted via right-click, via the Insert menu, via F4, or by clicking on the green plus in the heading.
      • For error messages, please attach a screen shot of the error message or copy the content of the error message.
        • You can copy the entire message content by activating the message and pressing CTRL+C. You can copy particular text parts of the message by marking them with CTRL+A and then pressing CTRL+C.
        • For screen shots, it is important that the entire text of the error message is visible.
    • If the error is not reproducible, please state as precisely as possible which steps were taken prior to the occurrence of the error.


  • In case server or client log files are requested by the PLANTA hotline, you'll find a description of the appropriate steps hereinafter.

Client Log

  • For the error analysis of the client, the XML protocol must be activated.


  • Enter the [ClientParameters#Log][log]] parameter with the required values (e.g. = log= = protocol)
  • in the file planta.ini or
    • enter the log parameter with the required values (e.g. log = protocol)
Example of a client-link
  • Right-click on client link and select properties.
  • Enter the following in the Target field at the end of the given path: log = protocol.
  • Click on Copy or OK.
  • Restart PLANTA project. As a result, the log directory in which the client log files are saved is created within the client directory (in the example above, the client directory is shown in the Run in field).
    • There are 3 different types of client log files:
      • planta_programmer: This log file is created once and contains technical information relevant for developers.
      • planta_support_yyyy_m_d_hh_mm_ss: Contains various client error and status messages
      • protocol_dump_yyyy_m_d_hh_mm_ss: Contains XML-messages that are sent back and forth between client and server
        • The date or time in the log file name is the start time of the corresponding session.
  • Reproduce the error.
    • In order to keep the size of the log file at a minimum and thus facilitate its analysis, please carry out those steps necessary for the reproduction of the error only.
  • Send the entire client log directory as a zip archive to PLANTA, specifying the session ID in which the error occurs. The session ID can be found in the System Information module (CTRL+B) in the Session ID data field.
    • Please remember to encrypt the data when sending the log directory to PLANTA since log files may contain sensitive data.
  • Deactivate the log file subsequently.

Server Log

  • For the error analysis of the server, session based logging must be activated.

From S 39.5.9

  • From version S 39.5.9, two configuration file versions are supplied (logback.xml and logback_debug.xml). In order to activate the creation of a session based log file, you simply have to rename the files as follows.


  • NEW Rename the logback.xml file in the PLANTA Server directory arbitrarily.
  • NEW Rename the logback_debug.xml file to logback.xml.
  • Restart PLANTA project.
    • Upon restarting PLANTA project, the log file, or possibly multiple log files, is saved in the log directory.
  • Reproduce the error.
    • In order to keep the size of the log file at a minimum and thus facilitate its analysis, please carry out those steps necessary for the reproduction of the error only.
  • Send the entire client log directory to PLANTA, specifying the session ID in which the error occurs. The session ID can be found in the System Information module (CTRL+B) in the Session ID data field.
    • Please remember to encrypt the data when sending the log directory to PLANTA since log files may contain sensitive data.
  • In order to deactivate the log file, subsequently undo the renaming of files carried out at the beginning.

From S 39.5.5

Information NEW
  • In order to activate the setting of a session-based logfile for error analysis, certain adjustments in the logback.xml configuration file must be made. The file is located in the installation directory under conf/logback.xml.


  • In order to enhance the degree of detail for the error analysis, you have to adjust the log level for the "de.planta.server" PLANTA name space first.
<!-- enable this for tracing/debugging logs in the PLANTA namespace -->
<logger name="de.planta.server" level="debug"/>
  • Furthermore, session-based logging must be activated. To do so, the following block is to be uncommented in the supplied configuration.
<!-- enable the following to enable session logs; don't forget to
uncomment the appender-ref to SESSIONLOG additionally
<appender name="SESSIONLOG" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.sift.SiftingAppender">
<appender name="FILE-${sessionId}" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
<pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %level %marker %logger{35} - %msg%n</pattern>
  • The "SESSIONLOG" appender must be referenced now:
<!-- enable logging for messages with level <= info -->
<root level="info">
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />
<appender-ref ref="SERVERLOG" />
<appender-ref ref="SESSIONLOG" />

  • Restart PLANTA project.
    • Upon restarting PLANTA project, the log file or possibly multiple log files, are saved in the log directory.
  • Reproduce the error.
    • In order to keep the size of the log file at a minimum and thus facilitate its analysis, please carry out those steps necessary for the reproduction of the error only. If the error does not occur, please leave logging activated until the error occurs.
  • Send the entire server log directory as a zip archive to PLANTA, specifying the session ID in which the error occurs. The session ID can be found in the System Information module (CTRL+B) in the Session ID data field.
    • Please remember to encrypt the data when sending the log directory to PLANTA since log files may contain sensitive data.
  • In order to deactivate the log file, subsequently reset the changes you made to the logback.xml file at the beginning.

From S 39.5.0

  • Set the following parameters in the PLANTA Server directory in the ppms.conf or planta.conf (depending on which PLANTA version you currently use):
  • In case of a program crash, additionally set:
  • NEW The server has to be restarted. This can be done within PLANTA project through the Restart Server button in the Data Items module, the Restart Server menu item, or the reload_server() python function. Changes in the .conf now apply to all newly opened sessions (. If changes have been made to data items, data tables, etc., after rebooting, they apply to all newly launched sessions as well.
  • Restart PLANTA project.
  • When restarting PLANTA project, a directory log is created in the server directory. For each session, 2 server log files are saved into this folder.
    • NEW planta.Session ID.yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.debug.log
    • NEW planta.Session-ID.yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.log
      • The debug-log file contains all information, while the other log file type only displays specific information.
      • NEW If several sessions are running at the same time, the corresponding log file can be identified by the session ID. The session ID can be found in the System Information module (CTRL+B) in the Session ID field.
  • Reproduce the error.
    • In order to keep the size of the log file at a minimum and thus facilitate its analysis, please carry out those steps necessary for the reproduction of the error only.
  • Send the log files of the corresponding session to PLANTA.
  • Deactivate the log file subsequently.


  • The date or time in the log file name is the start time of the corresponding session.

Up to S 39.5.0


  • Set the following parameters in the PLANTA Server directory in the ppms.conf or planta.conf (depending on which PLANTA version you currently use):
  • In case of a program crash, additionally set:
  • If PLANTA project is running on Windows, the computer has to be rebooted at this point.
  • Restart PLANTA project. As a result, a directory log is created in the server directory. For each session, 3 server log files are saved to this folder.
    • ppms.PID.yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.debug.log
    • ppms.PID.yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.log
    • ppms.PID.stderr.log
      • The debug-log file contains all information, while the other log file type only displays specific information.
      • If several sessions are running at the same time, the corresponding log file can be identified by the PID. The session ID can be found in the System Information module (CTRL+B) in the PID field.
  • Reproduce the error.
    • In order to keep the size of the log file at a minimum and thus facilitate its analysis, please carry out those steps necessary for the reproduction of the error only.
  • Send the log files of the corresponding session to PLANTA.
  • Deactivate the log file subsequently.


  • The date or time in the log file name is the start time of the corresponding session.

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