The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Work Areas MOD0099YT

Access path


  • Work areas are module or menu item groups.
  • In this module,
    • you can create new work areas and edit already existing ones.
    • only module work areas are edited or put together.
  • Work areas to which menu items are assigned are called menu item work areas. They are created or edited in the Menu Items module.


  • The way modules are displayed in the user menu depends on their respective position in the Work Areas module. The positioning of modules can be changed by moving them.
    • To do so, drag the required module with the left mouse button while holding down SHIFT.

Create and Weight Evaluation Criteria


  • The newly created (or already existing) work area can be assembled by assigning modules to it.


  • Open the Work Areas module.
  • A blank work area record is displayed automatically.
  • Assign a name to the new work area in the Work area name field.
  • After the input has been confirmed, a number is generated automatically in the Work area field.
  • Select the GR Module grouping value from the listbox in the Category name field.
  • Assign modules to the work area. To do so,
    • right-click on the work area record and select the Module command.
      • The module record is inserted.
    • Select the number of the required module from the listbox in the MOD field or enter it manually.
    • Save.
      • Assign further modules to the work area in this way.

Edit Work Area


  • The work area can be edited by changing the values in the Work area and Module assignment parameters.
  • Via the Mark double assignment context menu command on the assigned modules, you can control whether the work area contains double module assignments.
  • Via the Edit module context menu command on one of the assigned modules, you can switch to the Modules module in which the corresponding module can be edited.

| See also: Compile work areas section of the User Workflow

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