Die Dokumentation ab Version 39.5.17 von PLANTA project finden Sie in der neuen PLANTA Online-Hilfe.

Client Parameters

Client Configuration Parameters


  • The following parameters can be set in the
    • command line or url in case of ClickOnce client
    • planta.ini
  • All parameters have to be defined in lowercase.
  • The settings in the command line overwrite settings from planta.ini.


Type Example Comment
command line planta.exe server = planta4:21345 E.g. useful in Windows short cuts
url (only works with ClickOnce) http://example.com/Release_ClickOnce/planta.application?server=testserver:21043&reuse_client_instance=true&individual_parameters=123 Works the same way like command line
planta.ini File planta.ini is located in the directory of the planta.exe
  • Binary file (planta.exe) can be started directly.
  • Or default Parameters can be set for several server instances that uses the same client.
  • Additional characters like spaces or quotes are not stripped and should thus be avoided

Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv=_ppms_production Client will connect to the server refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server=planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 0 NEW, 1, 2, protocol 1 log=protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 0: no log NEW
  • 1: support log
  • 2: programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore true, false false explore=true Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log=protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
This is a debug parameter and for internal use only.
encrypted true, false false encrypted=true Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol. PLANTA recommends using PLANTA secure.
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    The Client will send XML to server in form: individual_parameters={para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
These values are stored in system variable @83 on server side
credential_manager true, false false credential_manager=true Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect=true If this parameter has value "true", the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error
authentication kerberos kerberos authentication=kerberos Use Kerberos authentication on Client side
spn PLANTA/planta_server
Kerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication
compressed true, false true compressed=false Optional parameter that enables compression
compress_level {0..9} 6 compress_level=9 Compression level defines the compression effort: 0 for no compression, 9 for best compression
enable_exec_python_script true, false true enable_exec_python_script=false Allows deactivation of the processing of client_exec()/server_exec() API calls
reuse_client_instance true, false false reuse_client_instance=true Prevents multiple clients being opened for the same server. If this parameter is set to "true" and a client for the same server as an existing client with this parameter is opened then the existing client is focused and the reuse_client_instance() method in session.py is called with the value of the individual_parameters parameter.
config Name of the configuration file in the registry allows refering to a configuration defined in the registry    
active_border_color Hex Color Code   active_border_color=#FFFFFF Tabs and frame color of an active module
caption_text_color Hex Color Code   caption_text_color=#808000 Font color of module tab
get_domain_info (bool) Hourglass true, false false   If this parameter is true, then Client will add info about domain to handshake message
This parameter will be removed in one of the upcoming Client versions.
get_credential_info (bool) Hourglass true, false false   If this parameter is true, then Client will add info about credentials to handshake message
This parameter will be removed in one of the upcoming Client versions.
distributor pl-ch   distributor=pl-ch If the value of "pl-ch" is selected, the website address planta-gmbh.ch of PLANTA Switzerland will be displayed in the program background
ole_shrinking Hourglass true, false true   If this parameter has value false, the dynamic OLE resizing functionality will be disabled.
The dynamic OLE resizing functionality is planned to be implemented as default in an upcoming Client release, from which on this parameter will not be supported anymore.
client_dragndrop true, false true client_dragndrop=false If this parameter is false the client side drag&drop functionality will be disabled and the old server side implementation will be enabled, so that the Undo functionality for Drag&Drop field to field will not work.
autologin true, false false autologin=true If user and password parameters are specified but the autologin is false, the user data fields in the login box will be filled with the defined parameters but to login, the user has to confirm by pressing Enter or clicking OK. If autologin is set to "true" and the user and password parameters are defined, the Client will login automatically.
user       Define user name which will be applied to user text field in login dialog window
password       Define password for given user which will be applied to user text field in login dialog window
keepalive int value, possible 1-900 60 keepalive=300 Defines how long server will keep connection to client since last received message
mutual true, false true mutual=false Switches on mutual ssl authentication
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv=_ppms_production Client will connect to the server refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server=planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 1, 2, protocol 1 log=protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 1: support log
  • 2: programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore true, false false explore=true Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log = protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
This is a debug parameter and for internal use only.
encrypted true, false false encrypted=true Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    The Client will send XML to server in form: individual_parameters : "{para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}"= These values are stored in system variable @83 on server side
credential_manager true, false false credential_manager=true Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect=true If this parameter has value "true", the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error
authentication kerberos kerberos authentication=kerberos Use Kerberos authentication on Client side
spn PLANTA/planta_server
Kerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication
compressed true, false true compressed=false Optional parameter that enables compression
compress_level {0..9} 6 compress_level=9 Compression level defines the compression effort: 0 for no compression, 9 for best compression
enable_exec_python_script true, false true enable_exec_python_script=false Allows deactivation of the processing of client_exec()/server_exec() API calls
reuse_client_instance true, false false reuse_client_instance=true Prevents multiple clients being opened for the same server. If this parameter is set to "true" and a client for the same server as an existing client with this parameter is opened then the existing client is focused and the reuse_client_instance() method in session.py is called with the value of the individual_parameters parameter.
config Name of the configuration file in the registry allows refering to a configuration defined in the registry    
active_border_color Hex Color Code   active_border_color=#FFFFFF Tabs and frame color of an active module
caption_text_color Hex Color Code   caption_text_color=#808000 Font color of module tab
get_domain_info (bool) Hourglass true, false false   If this parameter is true, then Client will add info about domain to handshake message
This parameter will be removed in one of the upcoming Client versions.
get_credential_info (bool) Hourglass true, false false   If this parameter is true, then Client will add info about credentials to handshake message
This parameter will be removed in one of the upcoming Client versions.
distributor pl-ch   distributor=pl-ch If the value of "pl-ch" is selected, the website address planta-gmbh.ch of PLANTA Switzerland will be displayed in the program background
ole_shrinking Hourglass true, false true   If this parameter has value false, the dynamic OLE resizing functionality will be disabled.
The dynamic OLE resizing functionality is planned to be implemented as default in an upcoming Client release, from which on this parameter will not be supported anymore.
client_dragndrop true, false true client_dragndrop=false If this parameter is false the client side drag&drop functionality will be disabled and the old server side implementation will be enabled, so that the Undo functionality for Drag&Drop field to field will not work.
autologin NEW true, false false autologin=true If user and password parameters are specified but the autologin is false, the user data fields in the login box will be filled with the defined parameters but to login, the user has to confirm by pressing Enter or clicking OK. If autologin is set to "true" and the user and password parameters are defined, the Client will login automatically.
user NEW       Define user name which will be applied to user text field in login dialog window
password NEW       Define password for given user which will be applied to user text field in login dialog window
keepalive NEW int value, possible 1-900 60 keepalive=300 Defines how long server will keep connection to client since last received message
mutual NEW true, false true mutual=false Switches on mutual ssl authentication
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv=_ppms_production Client will connect to the server refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server=planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 1, 2, protocol 1 log=protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 1: support log
  • 2: programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore true, false false explore=true Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log = protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
This is a debug parameter and for internal use only.
encrypted true, false false encrypted=true Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    The Client will send XML to server in form: individual_parameters : "{para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}"= These values are stored in system variable @83 on server side
credential_manager true, false false credential_manager=true Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect=true If this parameter has value "true", the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error
authentication kerberos kerberos authentication=kerberos Use Kerberos authentication on Client side
spn PLANTA/planta_server
Kerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication
compressed true, false true compressed=false Optional parameter that enables compression
compress_level {0..9} 6 compress_level=9 Compression level defines the compression effort: 0 for no compression, 9 for best compression
enable_exec_python_script true, false true enable_exec_python_script=false Allows deactivation of the processing of client_exec()/server_exec() API calls
reuse_client_instance true, false false reuse_client_instance=true Prevents multiple clients being opened for the same server. If this parameter is set to "true" and a client for the same server as an existing client with this parameter is opened then the existing client is focused and the reuse_client_instance() method in session.py is called with the value of the individual_parameters parameter.
config Name of the configuration file in the registry allows refering to a configuration defined in the registry    
active_border_color Hex Color Code   active_border_color=#FFFFFF Tabs and frame color of an active module
caption_text_color Hex Color Code   caption_text_color=#808000 Font color of module tab
get_domain_info (bool) Hourglass true, false false   If this parameter is true, then Client will add info about domain to handshake message
This parameter will be removed in one of the upcoming Client versions.
get_credential_info (bool) Hourglass true, false false   If this parameter is true, then Client will add info about credentials to handshake message
This parameter will be removed in one of the upcoming Client versions.
distributor pl-ch   distributor=pl-ch If the value of "pl-ch" is selected, the website address planta-gmbh.ch of PLANTA Switzerland will be displayed in the program background
ole_shrinking Hourglass NEW true, false true   If this parameter has value false, the dynamic OLE resizing functionality will be disabled.
The dynamic OLE resizing functionality is planned to be implemented as default in an upcoming Client release, from which on this parameter will not be supported anymore.
client_dragndrop NEW true, false true client_dragndrop=false If this parameter is false the client side drag&drop functionality will be disabled and the old server side implementation will be enabled, so that the Undo functionality for Drag&Drop field to field will not work.
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv = _ppms_production Client will connect to the server refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server = planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 1,2,3, protocol   log = protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 1: Support log
  • 2: Programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore on, off off explore = on Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log = protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
encrypted yes, no no encrypted = yes Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    client will send XML to server in form: individual_parameters value = "{para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}" These values are stored in system variable @83 on server side
credential_manager on, off off credential_manager = on Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect = true If this parameter has value true the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error
authentication kerberos kerberos authentication = kerberos Use Kerberos authentication on Client side
spn PLANTA/planta_server
spn = PLANTA/planta_server
Kerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication
compressed yes, no yes compressed=yes Optional parameter that enables compression
compress_level {0..9} 6 compress_level=9 Compression level defines the compression effort: 0 for no compression, 9 for best compression
enable_exec_python_script yes, no yes enable_exec_python_script=no allows deactivation of the processing of client_exec()/server_exec() API calls
reuse_client_instance True, False False reuse_client_instance=True Prevents multiple clients being opened for the same server. If this parameter is set to True and a client for the same server as an existing client with this parameter is opened then the existing client is focused and the reuse_client_instance() method in session.py is called with the value of the "individual_parameters" parameter.
config name of the configuration in the registry allows refering to a configuration defined in the registry    
active_border_color tab and frame color of an active module      
caption_text_color font color of module tab      
get_domain_info (bool) Hourglass   false true, false If this parameter is true then Client will add info about domain to handshake message
This parameter will be removed in one of the upcoming Client versions.
get_credential_info (bool) Hourglass   false true, false If this parameter is true then Client will add info about credentials to handshake message
This parameter will be removed in one of the upcoming Client versions.
distributor NEW     pl-ch If the value of pl-ch is selected, the website address planta-gmbh.ch of PLANTA Switzerland will be displayed in the program background
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv = _ppms_production Client will connect to the server refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server = planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 1,2,3, protocol   log = protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 1: Support log
  • 2: Programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore on, off off explore = on Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log = protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
encrypted yes, no no encrypted = yes Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    client will send XML to server in form: individual_parameters value = "{para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}" These values are stored in system variable @83 on server side
credential_manager on, off off credential_manager = on Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect = true If this parameter has value true the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error
authentication kerberos kerberos authentication = kerberos Use Kerberos authentication on Client side
spn PLANTA/planta_server
spn = PLANTA/planta_server
Kerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication
compressed yes, no yes compressed=yes Optional parameter that enables compression
compress_level {0..9} 6 compress_level=9 Compression level defines the compression effort: 0 for no compression, 9 for best compression
enable_exec_python_script yes, no yes enable_exec_python_script=no allows deactivation of the processing of client_exec()/server_exec() API calls
reuse_client_instance True, False False reuse_client_instance=True Prevents multiple clients being opened for the same server. If this parameter is set to True and a client for the same server as an existing client with this parameter is opened then the existing client is focused and the reuse_client_instance() method in session.py is called with the value of the "individual_parameters" parameter.
config name of the configuration in the registry allows refering to a configuration defined in the registry    
active_border_color tab and frame color of an active module      
caption_text_color font color of module tab      
get_domain_info (bool) NEU   false true, false If this parameter is true then Client will add info about domain to handshake message
get_credential_info (bool) NEW   false true, false If this parameter is true then Client will add info about credentials to handshake message
distributor NEU     pl-ch If the value of pl-ch is selected, the website address planta-gmbh.ch of PLANTA Switzerland will be displayed in the program background

Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv = _ppms_production Client will connect to the server refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server = planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 1,2,3, protocol   log = protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 1: Support log
  • 2: Programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore on, off off explore = on Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log = protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
encrypted yes, no no encrypted = yes Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    client will send XML to server in form: individual_parameters value = "{para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}" These values are stored in system variable @83 on server side
credential_manager on, off off credential_manager = on Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect = true If this parameter has value true the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error
authentication kerberos kerberos authentication = kerberos Use Kerberos authentication on Client side
spn PLANTA/planta_server
spn = PLANTA/planta_server
Kerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication
compressed yes, no yes compressed=yes Optional parameter that enables compression
compress_level {0..9} 6 compress_level=9 Compression level defines the compression effort: 0 for no compression, 9 for best compression
enable_exec_python_script yes, no yes enable_exec_python_script=no allows deactivation of the processing of client_exec()/server_exec() API calls
reuse_client_instance True, False False reuse_client_instance=True Prevents multiple clients being opened for the same server. If this parameter is set to True and a client for the same server as an existing client with this parameter is opened then the existing client is focused and the reuse_client_instance() method in session.py is called with the value of the "individual_parameters" parameter.
config name of the configuration in the registry allows refering to a configuration defined in the registry    
active_border_color NEW tab and frame color of an active module      
caption_text_color NEW font color of module tab      
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv = _ppms_production Client will connect to the server refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server = planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 1,2,3, protocol   log = protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 1: Support log
  • 2: Programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore on, off off explore = on Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log = protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
encrypted yes, no no encrypted = yes Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    client will send XML to server in form: individual_parameters value = "{para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}" These values are stored in system variable @83 on server side
credential_manager on, off off credential_manager = on Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect = true If this parameter has value true the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error
authentication kerberos kerberos authentication = kerberos Use Kerberos authentication on Client side
spn PLANTA/planta_server
spn = PLANTA/planta_server
Kerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication
compressed yes, no yes compressed=yes Optional parameter that enables compression
compress_level {0..9} 6 compress_level=9 Compression level defines the compression effort: 0 for no compression, 9 for best compression
enable_exec_python_script yes, no yes enable_exec_python_script=no allows deactivation of the processing of client_exec()/server_exec() API calls
reuse_client_instance True, False False reuse_client_instance=True Prevents multiple clients being opened for the same server. If this parameter is set to True and a client for the same server as an existing client with this parameter is opened then the existing client is focused and the reuse_client_instance() method in session.py is called with the value of the "individual_parameters" parameter.
config NEW name of the configuration in the registry allows refering to a configuration defined in the registry
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv = _ppms_production Client will connect to the server refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server = planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 1,2,3, protocol   log = protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 1: Support log
  • 2: Programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore on, off off explore = on Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log = protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
encrypted yes, no no encrypted = yes Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    client will send XML to server in form: individual_parameters value = "{para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}" These values are stored in system variable @83 on server side
credential_manager on, off off credential_manager = on Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect = true If this parameter has value true the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error
authentication kerberos kerberos authentication = kerberos Use Kerberos authentication on Client side
spn PLANTA/planta_server
spn = PLANTA/planta_server
Kerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication
compressed yes, no yes compressed=yes Optional parameter that enables compression
compress_level {0..9} 6 compress_level=9 Compression level defines the compression effort: 0 for no compression, 9 for best compression
enable_exec_python_script NEW yes, no yes enable_exec_python_script=no allows deactivation of the processing of client_exec()/server_exec() API calls
reuse_client_instance True, False False reuse_client_instance=True Prevents multiple clients being opened for the same server. If this parameter is set to True and a client for the same server as an existing client with this parameter is opened then the existing client is focused and the reuse_client_instance() method in session.py is called with the value of the "individual_parameters" parameter.
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv = _ppms_production Client will connect to the servööer refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server = planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 1,2,3, protocol   log = protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 1: Support log
  • 2: Programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore on, off off explore = on Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log = protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
encrypted yes, no no encrypted = yes Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    client will send XML to server in form:
<individual_parameters value = "{para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}"/>
These values are stored in system variable @83 on server side
credential_manager on, off off credential_manager = on Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect = true If this parameter has value true the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error
authentication kerberos kerberos authentication = kerberos Use Kerberos authentication on Client side
spn PLANTA/planta_server
spn = PLANTA/planta_server
Kerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication
compressed NEW yes, no yes compressed=yes Optional parameter that enables compression
compress_level NEW {0..9} 6 compress_level=9 Compression level defines the compression effort: 0 for no compression, 9 for best compression
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv = _ppms_production Client will connect to the server refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server = planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 1,2,3, protocol   log = protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 1: Support log
  • 2: Programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore on, off off explore = on Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log = protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
encrypted yes, no no encrypted = yes Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    client will send XML to server also in form:
<individual_parameters value = "{para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}"/>
credential_manager on, off off credential_manager = on Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect = true If this parameter has value true the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error
authentication NEW kerberos kerberos authentication = kerberos Use Kerberos authentication on Client side
spn NEW PLANTA/planta_server
spn = PLANTA/planta_server
Kerberos service principal name (SPN) used in authentication
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
srv A service record in DNS   srv = _ppms_production Client will connect to the server refered by the give service record in DNS
server <host name or IP address>:<port number>   server = planta4:20000 Client will connect to the given server and IP
  • It is possible to add more than one server. The used server is selected randomly.
log 1,2,3, protocol   log = protocol Possible (Client) loglevels are:
  • 1: Support log
  • 2: Programmers log
  • protocol: support log, programmers log and protocol dump of the XML client<>server
The Client logfiles can be found in %client folder%/Log. This folder is created when it is missing, logging is activated and the user starts the Client for the first time.
explore on, off off explore = on Shows all the XML messages in the client (must be used with log = protocol )
  • CTRL+Double click expands a node and all its children
  • SHIFT+Double click opens a node in you favorite XML viewer
encrypted yes, no no encrypted = yes Communicates with server using encrypted SSL protocol
individual_parameters {para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}
(no space)
    client will send XML to server also in form:
<individual_parameters value = "{para1:'value1',para2:'value2'}"/>
credential_manager on, off off credential_manager = on Enable password credentials on client side.
close_on_server_disconnect true, false false close_on_server_disconnect = true If this parameter has value true the Client closes automatically on server crash or network error

Using the "reuse_client_instance" Parameter

  • The reuse_client_instance parameter prevents multiple clients being opened for the same server connection.
  • It only works if the server/port combination is written into the command line parameter or planta.ini.
  • The parameter needs to be True when you open the client and needs to remain True for every subsequent client.
  • If you try opening the 2nd client, the first one will be focused and the reuse_client_instance() method under /Lib/Main/customer/session/session.py or /Lib/Earth/customer/session/session.py will be executed.
  • When the function is called, it has 2 parameters: individual_parameter which contains the value of the individual_parameters client parameter and window_handle which is the handle to the client window.
  • This method can be overwritten by changing the file. If you update to a newer client version, you need to modify the updated file again.


  • An external application contains all the projects in PLANTA project.
  • A user wants to switch quickly from this application to a specific project in PLANTA project.
  • The external application can be modified to have a hyperlink to call the PLANTA application with a specific individual_parameters value, containing an identifier of the project that is known to PLANTA project.
  • The session.py can be modified to use this value to look up the project in PLANTA and open the project workflow.

Client Skin Settings



  • The Resources/defaultSkinSettings file in the Client directory can be used to individually customize the appearance of some UI elements.
  • For now, the following parameters can be personalized:
    • Using the values marked with *, you will get the old UI look that has been used in Client versions < C 39.5.23.

Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
ThemeName Name of color theme file None   Enables the selection of the Client's color theme. There should be a name of the file with theme values. The Client looks for this file in PlantaTheme/ColorThemes/ folder. If no individual color theme defined for the selection, the client uses the defaultColorTheme. PLANTA offers 3 template color theme files: blueTheme, darkTheme, lightTheme
PanelBackgroundIsEnabled NEW True, False True PanelBackgroundIsEnabled:True; With this parameter user can disable colorful background and set one color background using the following parameters in the defaultColorTheme:
StatusBarIsVisible NEW True, False* True StatusBarIsVisible:True; Defines visibility of a panel's statusbar
HideTreeStructureLines True, False* True HideTreeStructureLines:True; Defines whether tree structure lines are to be hidden. If you use the False value, the dashed lines like in systems < C 39.5.23 will be displayed.
TreeViewStyle Default*, Arrow, Square Arrow TreeViewButtonStyle:Arrow; Defines the tree structure symbol. If you use the Default value, the +/- symbols like in systems < C 39.5.23 will be displayed.
BarLinksStartAnchorType None, Circle, Square, Arrow None BarLinksStartAnchorType:None; Defines the start anchor symbol of a link. If you use the None value for this parameter, no start anchor symbols will be displayed.
BarLinksEndAnchorType None, Circle, Square, Arrow* Circle BarLinksEndAnchorType:Circle; Defines the end anchor symbol of a link. If you use the None value for this parameter, no end anchor symbols will be displayed.
BarLinkAnchorSize 1 - 10 4 BarLinkAnchorSize:4; Defines the size of anchor symbols of a link.
PrintingContentGap -4 - 20 0 PrintingContentGap:0; Reduces free field space when printing.
OutlookForever True, False False OutlookForever:False; Defines MS Outlook as default mail application.
GoodOldExcelExport True, False False GoodOldExcelExport:False; Enables the old Excel export method.
ModuleControlGapBottom 0 - 50 2 ModuleControlGapBottom:2; Defines the size of the gap between the module content and the module border to the bottom
ModuleControlGapTop 0 - 50 2 ModuleControlGapTop:2; Defines the size of the gap between the module content and the module border to the top
ModuleControlGapLeft 0 - 50 2 ModuleControlGapLeft:2; Defines the size of the gap between the module content and the module border to the left
ModuleControlGapRight 0 - 50 2 ModuleControlGapRight:2; Defines the size of the gap between the module content and the module border to the right
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
ThemeName blueTeme, darkTheme, defaultColorTheme, lightTheme None   Enables the selection of the Client's color theme. There should be a name of the file with theme values. The Client looks for this file in PlantaTheme/ColorTheme/ folder.
HideTreeStructureLines True, False* True HideTreeStructureLines:True; Defines whether tree structure lines are to be hidden. If you use the False value, the dashed lines like in systems < C 39.5.23 will be displayed.
TreeViewStyle Default*, Arrow, Square Arrow TreeViewButtonStyle:Arrow; Defines the tree structure symbol. If you use the Default value, the +/- symbols like in systems < C 39.5.23 will be displayed.
BarLinksStartAnchorType None, Circle, Square, Arrow None BarLinksStartAnchorType:None; Defines the start anchor symbol of a link. If you use the None value for this parameter, no start anchor symbols will be displayed.
BarLinksEndAnchorType None, Circle, Square, Arrow* Circle BarLinksEndAnchorType:Circle; Defines the end anchor symbol of a link. If you use the None value for this parameter, no end anchor symbols will be displayed.
BarLinkAnchorSize 1 - 10 4 BarLinkAnchorSize:4; Defines the size of anchor symbols of a link.
PrintingContentGap -4 - 20 0 PrintingContentGap:0; Reduces free field space when printing.
OutlookForever True, False False OutlookForever:False; Defines MS Outlook as default mail application.
GoodOldExcelExport NEW True, False False GoodOldExcelExport:False; Enables the old Excel export method.
ModuleControlGapBottom NEW 0 - 50 2 ModuleControlGapBottom:2; Defines the size of the gap between the module content and the module border to the bottom
ModuleControlGapTop NEW 0 - 50 2 ModuleControlGapTop:2; Defines the size of the gap between the module content and the module border to the top
ModuleControlGapLeft NEW 0 - 50 2 ModuleControlGapLeft:2; Defines the size of the gap between the module content and the module border to the left
ModuleControlGapRight NEW 0 - 50 2 ModuleControlGapRight:2; Defines the size of the gap between the module content and the module border to the right
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
ThemeName NEW blueTeme, darkTheme, defaultColorTheme, lightTheme None   Enables the selection of the Client's color theme. There should be a name of the file with theme values. The Client looks for this file in PlantaTheme/ColorTheme/ folder.
HideTreeStructureLines True, False* True HideTreeStructureLines:True; Defines whether tree structure lines are to be hidden. If you use the False value, the dashed lines like in systems < C 39.5.23 will be displayed.
TreeViewStyle Default*, Arrow, Square Arrow TreeViewButtonStyle:Arrow; Defines the tree structure symbol. If you use the Default value, the +/- symbols like in systems < C 39.5.23 will be displayed.
BarLinksStartAnchorType None, Circle, Square, Arrow None BarLinksStartAnchorType:None; Defines the start anchor symbol of a link. If you use the None value for this parameter, no start anchor symbols will be displayed.
BarLinksEndAnchorType None, Circle, Square, Arrow* Circle BarLinksEndAnchorType:Circle; Defines the end anchor symbol of a link. If you use the None value for this parameter, no end anchor symbols will be displayed.
BarLinkAnchorSize 1 - 10 4 BarLinkAnchorSize:4; Defines the size of anchor symbols of a link.
PrintingContentGap NEW -4 - 20 0 PrintingContentGap:0; Reduces free field space when printing.
OutlookForever NEW True, False False OutlookForever:False; Defines MS Outlook as default mail application.
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
HideTreeStructureLines True, False* True HideTreeStructureLines:True; Defines whether tree structure lines are to be hidden. If you use the False value, the dashed lines like in systems < C 39.5.23 will be displayed.
TreeViewStyle Default*, Arrow, Square Arrow TreeViewButtonStyle:Arrow; Defines the tree structure symbol. If you use the Default value, the +/- symbols like in systems < C 39.5.23 will be displayed.
BarLinksStartAnchorType None, Circle, Square, Arrow None BarLinksStartAnchorType:None; Defines the start anchor symbol of a link. If you use the None value for this parameter, no start anchor symbols will be displayed.
BarLinksEndAnchorType None, Circle, Square, Arrow* Circle BarLinksEndAnchorType:Circle; Defines the end anchor symbol of a link. If you use the None value for this parameter, no end anchor symbols will be displayed.
BarLinkAnchorSize 1 - 10 4 BarLinkAnchorSize:4; Defines the size of anchor symbols of a link.


  • The PantaTheme\ColorThemes\defaultColorTheme file in the client directory contains PLANTA's default client color settings and can be used to individually customize the color of some UI elements. PLANTA provides three other predefined color themes: blueTheme, darkTheme, lightTheme. Which of these color themes is used is controlled by the ThemeName parameter in the defaultSkinSettings file (see above).
  • In the table below some parameters of color themes are listed.

Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
PanelTitleFontColor NEW color name or color code "White" "PanelTitleFontColor": "Black" or
"PanelTitleFontColor": "180, 18, 122" for dark pink
Defines the panel title color in the title bar
PanelBackgroundMainColor color name or color code "1, 178, 245"   Defines main color of a panel's background (upper part)
PanelBackgroundMinorColor color name or color code "188, 220, 188"   Defines minor color of a panel's backgound (bottom left corner)
StatusbarForegroundColor color name or color code "Black" "StatusbarForegroundColor": "Black" Defines the font color of the status bar
StatusbarBackgroundColor color name or color code "Transparent" "StatusbarBackgroundColor": "Transparent" Defines the background color of the status bar
MainMenuBackgroundColor color name or color code "1, 178, 245" "MainMenuBackgroundColor": "1, 178, 245" Defines the background (items and dropdown menu) color of panel's menu
MainMenuForegroundColor color name or color code "White" "MainMenuForegroundColor": "White" Defines the font color of panel's menu
MainMenuMouseOverColor color name or color code "0,55,91" MainMenuMouseOverColor": "0,55,91" Defines background of menu item when mouse is over it
Parameter Values Default Value Example Description
PanelBackgroundMainColor NEW color name or color code "1, 178, 245"   Defines main color of a panel's background (upper part)
PanelBackgroundMinorColor NEW color name or color code "188, 220, 188"   Defines minor color of a panel's backgound (bottom left corner)
StatusbarForegroundColor NEW color name or color code "Black" "StatusbarForegroundColor": "Black" Defines the font color of the status bar
StatusbarBackgroundColor NEW color name or color code "Transparent" "StatusbarBackgroundColor": "Transparent" Defines the background color of the status bar
MainMenuBackgroundColor NEW color name or color code "1, 178, 245" "MainMenuBackgroundColor": "1, 178, 245" Defines the background (items and dropdown menu) color of panel's menu
MainMenuForegroundColor NEW color name or color code "White" "MainMenuForegroundColor": "White" Defines the font color of panel's menu
MainMenuMouseOverColor NEW color name or color code "0,55,91" MainMenuMouseOverColor": "0,55,91" Defines background of menu item when mouse is over it

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