Die Dokumentation ab Version 39.5.17 von PLANTA project finden Sie in der neuen PLANTA Online-Hilfe.


The database module provides functions for interacting with the database


Function Parameters Return Value Description
db_select(query) query: String containing a valid HQL select query
A list of rows containing lists of column values Note that only the HQL language is supported!

Data will always be returned in the same format:
multiple_rows = [[column_a, column_b], [column_a, column_b]] single_row = [[column_a, column_b]]
db_modify(query) query: String containing a valid HQL modify query
Amount of rows modified Note that only the HQL language is supported!
sanitize_value(value) value: Object you want to put in a HQL query
Your object sanitized and embedded in quotation marks Sanitize a input for usage in a HQL query. This should always be used when formatting data into a query! The following objects are put into the correct format for a HQL query: uuid.UUID, java.util.UUID, java.util.Date
convert_python_id_for_hql_query(python_id) python_id: String containing a python id
Valid HQL attribute name Several words are reserved in Java and overlap with python ids that were used in customizing. To refer to them in a HQL query or when interacting with a pojo object you must specify the correct attribute name. This function returns the valid attribute name for a given python id.

Reserved words changed by convert_python_id_for_hql_query:

Customizing Attribute NameSorted ascending
class class_
const const_
enum enum_
uuid id
id id_


Selecting all objects where a date attribute is unset

from customizing import utilities
# Select all resource assignments that don't have an actual end set
query = """SELECT ras.id 
           FROM ResourceAssignment ras
           WHERE ras.actual_end != '01.01.1970'"""


Using sanitize value to use a java.util.Date object in a query

from customizing import utilities

# Data event that is run when attendance is modified
def write_attendance_to_period(event, entity):
    # Read data from pojo
    resource = entity.resource  # String
    date = entity.date  # java.util.Date

    query = """select
                 Attendance a
                 a.resource = {resource}
                 a.date = {date}""".format(resource=utilities.sanitize_value(resource), 

    result = utilities.db_select(query)
    # ...

Reading a pojo attribute safely with convert_python_id_for_hql_query

from customizing import utilities

def read_pojo_attribute(pojo, python_id):
    attribute_name = utilities.convert_python_id_for_hql_query(python_id)
    return getattr(pojo, attribute_name)

pojo = utilities.create_entity('Project')
# Querying pojo.uuid raises an exception, the correct attribute is pojo.id!
uuid = read_pojo_attribute(pojo, python_id='uuid')

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