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The pojo module provides all basic functions for interacting with pojos

Basic POJO Functions

Function Parameters Return Value Description
create_pojo(entity_name, attributes=None, set_object_protection=True, _generate_auto_numbers=True) entity_name: Entitätsbezeichnung

attributes: Optional attributes that will be passed to set_pojo_attributes
set_object_protection: When True the object protection fields are set automatically.
_generate_auto_numbers: When True all autonumber fields get a generated autonumber
A pojo Create a new POJO with the given entity name
get_pojo_by_uuid(entity_name, uuid) entity_name: Entitätsbezeichnung
uuid: The UUID of the POJO
A POJO or None Gets a POJO via UUID
save_pojo(pojo) pojo: A pojo True if the pojo could be saved Throws a PojoSaveFailedException when saving fails
delete_pojo(pojo) pojo: A pojo True if the pojo could be deleted Throws a PojoDeleteFailedException when deletion fails

Helper Functions

get_pojo_entity_name(pojo) pojo: A pojo object Entitätsbezeichnung Gets the entity name of the pojo
set_pojo_attributes(pojo, attributes, set_object_protection=True) pojo: A pojo
attributes: A dictionary of {python_id: value}

set_object_protection: When True the object protection fields are updated automatically
  Sets the attributes of a pojo. See below for detailed description.
is_valid_date(pojo_attribute_date) pojo_attribute_date: A date read from a pojo True or False Checks if a date is valid, eg. not 01.01.1970
generate_auto_numbers(pojo) pojo: A pojo   Generates the autonumbers for a pojo


set_pojo_attributes makes setting values on a pojo easier by handling some of the tedious work for you:

  • The function expects python ids and will automatically convert the python id to the correct attribute name
  • Values are converted according to the column type of the attribute:

Column Type Accepted typesSorted descending
UUID uuid.UUID objects or a string as expected by java.util.UUID.fromString
Alpha / Alpha, E-Mail / Alpha, gross / Alpha, Telefonnummer / Clob Everything that can be converted to text
Zahl ohne NK, bis 4/9 Stellen Everything that can be converted to int. Strings like '5.32' as well as '5,32' are both accepted
Currency / Zahl mit NK Everything that can be converted to float. Strings like '5.32' as well as '5,32' are both accepted
Ja/Nein Everything that can be converted to bool
Uhrzeit datetime.datetime objects or a string in the format HH:MM
Datum datetime.datetime objects or a string in the format dd.mm.YYYY


Creating a project and setting the pr_manager

from customizing import utilities

pojo = utilities.create_pojo(entity_name='Project')

attributes = {'pr_manager': 'R41'}
utilities.set_attributes(pojo=pojo, attributes=attributes)

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