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This package lets you interact with sap psp elements from table 963.




Function Parameters Return Value Description
PspElement.__enter__(self)   The PspElement instance Enter the context.
PspElement.__eq__(self, other) other: Another PspElement instance True or False Check if a PspElement is equal to another
PspElement.__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) exc_type: Exception type
exc_val: Exception value
exc_tb: Traceback
  The PspElement is deleted when the context is left
PspElement.__init__(self, uuid) uuid: UUID PspElement or None if the uuid isn't valid Initialize a new PspElement instance
PspElement.can_be_deleted(self, show_error_dialog=False) show_error_dialog: Shows a dialog message when the element can't be deleted True or False Check if this PspElement may be deleted
PspElement.create_child_psp_element(self, attributes=None) attributes: Dictionary of attribute/value pairs in DT 563 to set PspElement Create a child PspElement. It will belong to the same project and have its parent property set automatically
PspElement.delete(self)     Deletes the record from table 963


Function Parameters Return Value Description
PspElement.create(cls, attributes=None) attributes: Dictionary of attributes to be passed to ppms.create_record The new PspElement instance Create a new psp element


Property Getter Setter Description
PspElement.amount_of_assigned_tasks Checked Unchecked The amount of tasks assigned to this element
PspElement.amount_of_child_elements Checked Unchecked The amount of child elements assigned to this element
PspElement.has_costs_or_effort_from_sap Checked Unchecked Returns True when any of the cost or effort fields are filled
PspElement.is_bottom_child_in_structure Checked Unchecked Returns True when there are no child elements
PspElement.level Checked Unchecked Returns the level of structure a PspElement is at. The top parent has level 1, his children level 2, their children level 3 and so on
PspElement.parent_element_sap_id Checked Unchecked Returns a ID generated like this: "Projekt-SAP-PSP-Element-ID"
PspElement.parent_psp Checked Unchecked Übergeordnetes SAP-PSP-Element
PspElement.parent_psp_element Checked Unchecked Returns a PspElement instance or None of the parent element
PspElement.project_id Checked Unchecked Projekt-ID
PspElement.psp_id Checked Unchecked SAP-PSP-Element-ID
PspElement.sap_costs Checked Unchecked Returns a named tuple with 3 attributes that tell you the costs: planned, actual and remaining
PspElement.sap_effort Checked Unchecked Returns a named tuple with 3 attributes that tell you the effort: planned, actual and remaining
PspElement.sum_of_costs_of_assigned_resources Checked Unchecked Returns a named tuple with 3 attributes that tell you the sum of the costs booked on the assigned resources: planned, actual and remaining
PspElement.sum_of_costs_of_assigned_resources_and_own_costs Checked Unchecked sap_costs + sum_of_costs_of_assigned_resources
PspElement.sum_of_effort_of_assigned_resources Checked Unchecked Returns a named tuple with 3 attributes that tell you the sum of the efforts booked on the assigned resources: planned, actual and remaining
PspElement.sum_of_effort_of_assigned_resources_and_own_effort Checked Unchecked sap_effort + sum_of_effort_of_assigned_resources
PspElement.summarized_costs Checked Unchecked Returns a named tuple with 3 attributes that tell you the sum of the costs imported from SAP combined with the costs booked in PLANTA: planned, actual and remaining
PspElement.summarized_effort Checked Unchecked Returns a named tuple with 3 attributes that tell you the sum of the effort imported from SAP combined with the costs booked in PLANTA: planned, actual and remaining
PspElement.tasks Checked Unchecked Return a list of psp_elements.Task instances where this element is assigned



Function Parameters Return Value Description
Task.__init__(self, project_id, task_id) project_id: Projekt-ID
task_id: Vorgangs-ID
The Task instance Initialize a new Task object
Task.assign_psp_element(self, psp_element) psp_element: A PspElement instance True or False, depending on if the operation succeeded Assign a psp element to a task
Task.can_psp_element_assignment_be_removed(self, show_error_dialog=False) show_error_dialog: Shows a dialog message when the psp element assignments to this task can't be removed True or False Checks if the psp element assignment can be removed from this task
Task.can_psp_element_be_assigned(self, psp_element, show_error_dialog=False, ignore_current_assignment=False) psp_element: A PspElement instance

show_error_dialog: Shows a dialog message when the psp element can't be assigned to this task
ignore_current_assignment: Determines if the method should check for a existing assignment
True or False Check if a psp element can be assigned to this task
Task.clear_psp_element_assignment(self)   True or False, depending on if the operation succeeded Remove the psp element assignment from this task


Function ParametersSorted descending Return Value Description
Task.from_dtp_record(cls, task_dtp_record) task_dtp_record: A DtpRecord from table 463 A Task instance Create a Task instance from a DtpRecord


Property Getter Setter Description
Task.amount_of_child_tasks Checked Unchecked Returns the amount of tasks below this Task
Task.assigned_psp_element Checked Unchecked Returns None if no sap psp element is assigned, else the PspElement instance is returned
Task.has_costs_or_effort Checked Unchecked Returns True or False depending on if the task has nonzero costs or effort
Task.has_psp_assignment_in_status_report Checked Unchecked Returns True or False depending on if a report exists where the task has an assigned psp element
Task.sap_structure Checked Unchecked SAP-Strukturvorgang
Task.summary_task Checked Unchecked Sammelvorgang


Function Parameters Return Value Description
get_all_psp_elements_of_project(project_id) project_id: Projekt-ID A list of PspElement instances based on the assignments of the tasks Fetch all SAP PSP Elements assigned to the tasks of this project

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