Change Request MOD009C8Z New from DB 39.5.0
- In the Change Request module,
- change requests can be created for the respective program.
- each program change request can be controlled and be approved or rejected subsequently.
In project change management, a change request is a document which contains a formalized call for alteration of a particular product feature. (Source: Wikipedia
- All change requests undergo a so called approval procedure, i.e. a person (program manager in PLANTA Standard) creates a change request for a project, and another person (multi-project manager in PLANTA Standard) checks this change request and subsequently approves or rejects it.
- Depending on the role of the respective person in this approval procedure, he/she has the respective modification rights for the Change Request module.
Create change request
From DB 39.5.10
- Click on the Create new button in the Change Request module.
- As a result, a new request record is created.
- In the Request field, the automatically generated request ID is displayed and the on and by fields in the Requested column are filled with the currently logged on user and the current date.
- The record is immediately saved automatically. All following changes must be saved explicitly.
- Enter the Request name.
- Select a report from the listbox in the Requested with report field if necessary.
- You can write comments on different factors like objectives, costs, effort, etc. in the Comments area if desired.
- Save.
Up to DB 39.5.10
Click on the Create new button in the Change Request module.
- As a result, a new request record is created.
- In the Request field, the automatically generated request ID is displayed and the Created by, Created by: name, Created on, on, and by fields in the Requested column are filled with the currently logged on user and the current date.
- The record is immediately saved automatically. All following changes must be saved explicitly.
- Enter the Request name.
- Select a report from the listbox in the Requested with report field if necessary.
- You can write comments on different factors like objectives, costs, effort, etc. in the Comments area if desired.
- Save.
Approve/complete/reject change request
- To approve the change request,
- fill the on and by fields in the Approved area.
- Save.
- The status of the change request then changes to approved.
- The requester can see the approved change request in the Change Request module of the respective project. By filling the on and by fields in the Completed column, he/she closes the change request and creates a new baseline for the project. The completed change request is moved to the Completed requests category in the Change Request module.
- To reject the change request,
- fill the on and by fields in the Completed column.
- Leave the fields in the Approved column empty.
- The change request is moved to the Completed requests category and is listed in the Change Request module under rejected.