###Automatically generated### ###Changes will be overwritten### Charthelper=ConsoleScope['Charthelper'] PPMS_chart_generator=ConsoleScope['PPMS_chart_generator'] #Initialize variables df_reference={} df_reference["AxisXLabel"]="" df_reference["LegendText"]="" df_reference["XValue"]="" df_reference["YValue"]="" df_reference["ZValue"]="" df_reference["AxisYLabel"]="" df_reference["YAxisSuffix"]="" df_reference["XAxisSuffix"]="" df_reference["Event"]="" title="" da_id="" xaml_colorset="" xaml_background_brush="" xaml_dataseries="" xaml_chart="" #Execute datafield configuration exec(df.Customizing.PythonScriptSettings) #Get charthelper object ch = Charthelper(df, df_reference, da_id) #Get value dictionary value_dict = ch.value_dict """Create PPMS_chart_generator instance para.1 - xaml_chart, no default value para.2 - xaml_dataseries, no default value para.3 - xaml_colorset, no default value para.4 - xaml_background_brush, no default value para.5 - dict_values: dictionary, default empty dictionary para.6 - AxesX _label: String, default empty para.7 - AxesY _label: String, default empty para.8 - Title: String, default --> AxesX _label + "/" + AxesY _labell """ #Create PPMS Chart chart_panel = PPMS_chart_generator(xaml_chart, xaml_dataseries, xaml_colorset, xaml_background_brush, dict_values=ch.value_dict, AxesX _label=ch.get_di_title(df_reference["AxisXLabel"]), AxesY _label=ch.get_di_title(df_reference["AxisYLabel"]), Title=title, modlayout=moduleLayout, dict_event=ch.event_dict, suffix_dict=ch.suffix) #Get PMS Chart panel ctl = chart_panel.winpanel
xaml_chart="""""" xaml_dataseries="""""" xaml_colorset="""""" xaml_background_brush="""""" #Initialize datarea_id and chart_title -variable da_id="" title=df.DataArea.Customizing.Name """Define Chart - Properties""" #Set datafield_id for chart_values df_reference={} df_reference["AxisXLabel"]="" df_reference["LegendText"]="" df_reference["XValue"]="" df_reference["YValue"]="" df_reference["ZValue"]="" df_reference["AxisYLabel"]=""
xaml_chart |
Creation of the chart object |
xaml_dataseries |
Template for the creation of data pair objects. Determines the chart type |
xaml_colorset |
Sets the color for a data pair. If nothing is specified, a default value will be used. |
xaml_background_brush |
Sets the background color. If nothing is specified, a default value will be used. |
verbatim>da_id: |
Specification of the data area from which the data is taken. The data area ID must be specified with leading zero. |
title: |
Specification of the chart title. |
df_reference: |
Each chart parameter is referenced by specifying the DF ID with a PLANTA data field from the source area. |
#Set datafield_id for chart_values df_reference["AxisXLabel"]= Specification of the field number for setting the label df_reference["LegendText"]="" df_reference["XValue"]="" df_reference["YValue"]= Specification of the field number for setting the values df_reference["ZValue"]="" df_reference["AxisYLabel"]=""
#Set datafield_id for chart_values df_reference["AxisXLabel"]= Specification of the field number for setting the X axis label df_reference["LegendText"]="" df_reference["XValue"]="" df_reference["YValue"]= Specification of the field number for setting the Y values df_reference["ZValue"]="" df_reference["AxisYLabel"]=df_reference["YValue"]
#Set datafield_id for chart_values df_reference["AxisXLabel"]= Specification for setting the unit label df_reference["LegendText"]="" df_reference["XValue"]="" df_reference["YValue"]= Specification for setting the bar value df_reference["ZValue"]="" df_reference["AxisYLabel"]=df_reference["YValue"]
#Set datafield_id for chart_values df_reference["AxisXLabel"]= Specification for setting the unit label df_reference["LegendText"]= Specification of the field number for setting legend labels df_reference["XValue"]="" df_reference["YValue"]= Specification for setting the bar value df_reference["ZValue"]="" df_reference["AxisYLabel"]=df_reference["YValue"]
Overview of the most important points:
import clr import sys # Debug: results in reloaded module to reflect code changes in MilestoneChart # sys.modules.Remove("MTA") # sys.modules.Remove("MTA.milestone_chart") from System import DateTime from System.Windows.Forms import * from System.Windows.Media import Brushes from MTA.milestone_chart import milestone_chart from MTA.milestone_dataseries import milestone_dataseries from MTA.time_interval_enum import time_interval_enum # Used global variables from DataField-Configurations # - targetDataAreaId # - processIdField # - processCaptionField # - reportDateField # - targetDateField # - milestoneField # - milestoneFilter # - chartTitleField # report date = report date # target date = milestone date exec(df.Customizing.PythonScriptSettings) # Get DataAreaRecords targetDataArea=targetDataAreaId records=[] roots=list(df.Module.Roots) for root in roots: dataAreas=list(root.DAManager) for dataAreaRecord in dataAreas: if dataAreaRecord.Customizing.Uid == targetDataArea: records.append(dataAreaRecord) seriesList = {} fields = {} # Get field associations from data field configuration fields["ProcessID"] = processIdField fields["ProcessCaption"] = processCaptionField fields["Milestone"] = milestoneField fields["ReportDate"] = reportDateField fields["TargetDate"] = targetDateField fields["ChartTitle"] = chartTitleField # Initialize milestone value filter criterias = {} criterias["Milestone"]=[milestoneFilter] # Extract needed field-values from records for record in records: values = {} areaCU = record.Customizing for key in fields.keys(): fieldCU = areaCU.ChildrenDFC.TryGetValue(fields[key])[1] field = record.ChildrenDF.__getitem__(fieldCU) value = field.GetValue[str]() values[key] = value # Filter by milestone value if values["Milestone"] in criterias["Milestone"]: if values["ReportDate"] != None and values["TargetDate"] != None: if values["ProcessID"] not in seriesList.keys(): seriesList[values["ProcessID"]] = milestone_dataseries() # Create Series from values series = seriesList[values["ProcessID"]] reportDate = DateTime.Parse(values["ReportDate"]) targetDate = DateTime.Parse(values["TargetDate"]) series.data_points.Add(reportDate, targetDate) if values["ProcessCaption"] != None and values["ProcessCaption"] != "": series.title = values["ProcessCaption"] # Create Chart chart = milestone_chart(seriesList.values()) #If necessary, define custom time interval here: #chart.current_time_interval = time_interval_enum.quarters # Set Chart title from specified DataField chart.chart_title=df.DataArea.Customizing.ChildrenDFC.TryGetValue(chartTitleField)[1].Title # Finally render chart do client-control ctl = chart.get_element_host()
Member | Type | Comment | |
time_interval |
Enum of type time_interval_enum |
Sets the time interval for label distance and chart grid. This property is set to _time_interval_enum.automatic by default, but can be overvritten with any value of the specified enumeration. In case of time_interval_enum.automatic , the time interval is dynamically choosen according to chart dimensions and data. |
current_data_series |
List of chart data series. Data series must be provided as instances of type milestone_dataseries . |
If chart rendering is started without this property set up, an exception will be thrown. | |
chart_title |
Specifies the string used as chart title | If no chart title is set up, a hard coded, unlocalized string will be used: "Milestone-Trend Analysis" |
Method | Parameters | Return value | Comment |
milestone_chart (dataSeries) (constructor) |
Optional: List of chart data series. Data series must be provided as instances of type milestone_dataseries . |
Returns a new instance of milestone_chart | If source data is not specified in the constructor parameter, it has to be assigned to the current_data_series property later. |
get_element_host() |
none |
Returns the configured chart object wrapped up in an instance of ElementHost | ElementHost is a wrapper-class that enables the use of WPF-Controls inside WinForms-Applications. As the supplied chart is such a WPF-Control, the call of this method is a needed when using the chart in combination with WinForms. |
get_chart_grid() |
none | Returns the configured chart object wrapped up in an instance of Grid (a WPF-UI-Control) | When using the chart within a WPF-Form, this method can be called instead of using the wrapper method get_element_host() . As the chart is native WPF-Control there is no need for a wrapper-control in case of WPF-Appliances. |
Member | Type | Comment | |
data_points | A dictionary containing the DateTime-Pairs representing the source data for the milestone chart. Both X (report date) and Y (estimated finish date) milestone values have to be assigned as DateTime-objects. |
In order to use the data series with milestone_chart, at least the DataPoints property has to be set up after creating the instance. | |
title | Optional. Specifiy a fixed caption for this data series. | By default, series title is optained from source data (DataField 08636, Process Caption) | |
color | Optional. Specifiy a fixed color for all data points of this series. | By default, color of data points is choosen automatically for each series. |
Method | Parameters | Return value | Comment |
milestone_dataseries() |
none | Returns a new instance of milestone_dataseries | In order to use the data series with milestone_chart, at least the data_points property has to be set up after creating the instance. See property data_points for further information. |
The chart design is described via XAML which is used for creating WPF based surfaces. Example:
<Grid xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:vc="clr-namespace:Visifire.Charts;assembly=WPFVisifire.Charts" x:Name="LayoutRoot" <vc:Chart Watermark="False"> </Grid>
Carrying out IronPython Scripts on the Client
Class: Chart helper
: Constructor get_chart_dict()
: void df_reference
. PPMS_Chart_generator
: String
Class: PPMS_chart_generator
: Type string (XML)
: Type string (XML) xaml_colorset
: Type string (XML) xaml_background_brush
: Type string (XML) dict_values
: Type dictionary (hash table) __init__()
: Constructor create_element_host()
: set_values()
UML diagram of all used classes:
The charthelper class provides methods to prepare raw data for usage within charts. Depending on the specified chart-parameters, values are converted to be suitable for the Visifire-API.
Member | Type | Comment | |
df | DataField | The DataField -Object containing the current Python-Script | |
df_reference | Dictionary | Dictionary matching the Chart-Parameters with their DataField -equivalents | |
da_id | String | The DataArea where raw data is obtained from | |
Method | Parameters | Return value | Comment |
Charthelper(df: DataField , df_reference: Dictionary, da_id: DataArea ) | df, DataField The DataField -Object containing the current Python-Script df_reference, Dictionary da_id, String |
see comment | Initializes the Charthelper-Instance with default values and then calls get_chart_dict(). |
get_chart_dict() | none | Writes processed values into value_dict | Prepares the given raw data for use with PPMS_chart_generator. The processing applied to the data depends on the parameters found in df_reference |
get_di_title(Uid: String) | Uid, String Uid of the desired DataField |
Returns a String containing the title of the DataField with the specified UID. |
The PPMS_chart_generator class provides methods for chart-generation with use of custom XAML-formating. Note that generation of charts depends on data that has been processed by an instance of the charthelper class before.
Method | Parameters | Return value | Comment |
PPMS_chart_generator(xaml_chart: String, xaml_colorset="": String, xaml_background_brush="": String, dict_values={}: Dictionary, AxesX _label="": String, AxesY _label="":String, Title="": int) | xaml_chart, String XAML-Code used as basic Chart-Template xaml_dataseries, String XAML-Code that detemines the Chart-type (e.g. bars, pie) xaml_colorset, String XAML-Code used for formating of data-series xaml_background_brush, String XAML-Code used for formating of chart background dict_values, Dictionary Contains the prepared data used for chart generation QAxesX_label, String Caption of the X-Axis QAxesY_label, String Caption of the Y-Axis |
After execution, class-member winpanel contains a Chart-Control ready for usage | The produced control can be used within Windows Forms appliances |
create_element_host() | none | Assigns a new instance of ElementHost (containing generated Chart) to class-member winpanel | To reflect changes of properties, the chart needs to be redrawn via draw_chart() and then embedded into an ElementHost via create_element_host() |
draw_chart() | none | String containing the XAML-rendering code for current chart. | see also: create_element_host() |
xaml_chart="""<Grid xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:vc="clr-namespace:Visifire.Charts;assembly=WPFVisifire.Charts" <x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <vc:Chart Watermark="False"> <vc:Chart.Titles> <vc:Title Text="" /> </vc:Chart.Titles> <vc:Chart.AxesX> <vc:Axis Title="" /> </vc:Chart.AxesX> <vc:Chart.AxesY> <vc:Axis Title="" /> </vc:Chart.AxesY> <vc:Chart> <Grid>""" xaml_dataseries="""<UserControl xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:vc="clr-namespace:Visifire.Charts; <assembly=WPFVisifire.Charts"> <vc:Chart> <vc:Chart.Series> vc:DataSeries RenderAs="Pie" MarkerEnabled="True" <MarkerType="Circle" LegendText=""> </vc:Chart.Series> </vc:Chart> </UserControl>""" xaml_colorset="" xaml_background_brush="" """Define Chart - Properties""" da_id='42162' #Set datafield_id for chart_values df_reference={} df_reference["AxisXLabel"]="134082" df_reference["LegendText"]="" df_reference["XValue"]="" df_reference["YValue"]="142717" df_reference["ZValue"]="" df_reference["AxisYLabel"]= df_reference["YValue"] title=df.Dataarea.Customizing.Name
###Automatically generated### ###Changes will be overwritten### from charthelper import Charthelper from chart_generator import PPMS_chart_generator #Execute datafield configuration exec(df.Customizing.PythonScriptSettings) #Get charthelper object ch = Charthelper(df, df_reference, da_id) #Get value dictionary value_dict = ch.value_dict """Create PPMS_chart_generator instance para.1 - xaml_chart, no default value para.2 - xaml_dataseries, no default value para.3 - xaml_colorset, no default value para.4 - xaml_background_brush, no default value para.5 - dict_values: dictionary, default empty dictionary para.6 - AxesX _label: String, default empty para.7 - AxesY _label: String, default empty para.8 - Title: String, default --> AxesX _label + "/" + AxesY _labell """ #Create PPMS Chart chart_panel = PPMS_chart_generator(xaml_chart, xaml_dataseries, xaml_colorset, xaml_background_brush, dict_values=ch.value_dict, AxesX _label=ch.get_di_title(df_reference["AxisXLabel"]), AxesY _label=ch.get_di_title(df_reference["AxisYLabel"]), Title=title) #Get PMS Chart panel ctl = chart_panel.winpanel #Delete datafield variables del xaml_chart del xaml_dataseries del da_id del df_reference del title del ch del value_dict del chart_panel del Charthelper del PPMS_chart_generator del xaml_background_brush del xaml_colorset
I | Attachment | History | Size | Date | Comment |
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Chart1.png | r1 | 6.8 K | 2009-09-24 - 13:34 | |
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Chart2.png | r1 | 5.8 K | 2009-09-24 - 13:41 | |
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Chart3.png | r1 | 3.0 K | 2009-09-24 - 13:44 | |
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Chart4.png | r1 | 10.0 K | 2009-09-24 - 13:52 | |
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Chart5.png | r2 r1 | 52.5 K | 2009-10-13 - 14:06 | |
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Chart6.png | r2 r1 | 4.0 K | 2009-10-13 - 14:10 | |
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Chart7.png | r2 r1 | 3.7 K | 2009-10-13 - 14:12 | |
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Chart8.png | r2 r1 | 5.4 K | 2009-10-13 - 14:14 | |
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Chart9.png | r4 r3 r2 r1 | 39.1 K | 2009-10-13 - 14:16 | |
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Charts.doc | r1 | 832.0 K | 2009-10-13 - 11:05 | |
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XAMLTemplates.png | r2 r1 | 46.2 K | 2009-10-13 - 11:26 |