DT314 Migration Rule New from S 39.5.0
DI062142 UUID
Primary key of this table in the form of a
Universally Unique Identifier
DI062195 Last run
Displays the value from the
Time field for the last execution of this migration packet
DI062152 Created on
Contains the date on which the migration packet has been read in the system
DI062327 Packet release
Displays, to which release this packet belongs
DI062324 Short description
Contains a sentence that briefly summarizes the information on the migration packet
DI062325 Description
Possibly contains a longer description of the migration packet
DI062328 Packet name
Contains the name of the migration packet. This name equates to that of the Python class.
DI062154 Version
Version of the packet
DI062155 Python path
Path to the Python class
- The standard migration packets of version S 39.5.0 are located under
DI062156 At system start
Specifies whether the packet is to be executed when the server is migrated
DI062157 Completed
Specifies whether the migration packet is completed, regardless of whether the migration packet has been completed automatically during the migration or has been marked as completed manually
DI062326 Packet category
Specifies whether a packet is a
help packet, a
mandatory packet or an
optional packet
DI062200 Traffic light: last status
Traffic light DI which specifies to which status the packet has been set after the last run
indicates that the migration packet has not been executed yet.
indicates that the migration packet has run successfully.
indicates that the migration packet has failed. The failure of a migration packet may have several reasons:
- Before they are run, many migration packets check whether the customizing on which the fix is based, has changed.
- If this is the case, the packet will not be changed. The packet is considered failed.
- In this case, the customizing has to be checked in order to find out whether the modification in question can be carried out.
- If the modification has been carried out or the modification is not necessary, the packet can be set to completed manually by activating the Completed checkbox.
- As a result, it is moved from the Failed/open packets area to the Completed Packets module.
- Many help packets check the customizing for problems.
- If they fail, this means that the customizer must become active.
- As a result, the positions listed in the logfile have to be checked and modified.
- If the cause for the failure has been eliminated, the migration packet can be run again by clicking on the Run packet button in the Overview of all Previous Runs module.
NEW signalizes that this migration packet is still open and waits for another migrationpacket to reach a particular status before it can be run.
NEW signalizes that this migration packet is not relevant for the current update type due to version dependencies.
DI062187 Traffic light: valid Python path
Traffic light DI which specifies whether the value in the
Python path field points to a migration packet
DI063718 Minimum database version
Specifies the lower minimum value of the database version which must be available so that the specified migration packet can be defined as relevant and be executed
DI063719 Maximum database version
Specifies the upper maximum value of the database version which must be available so that the specified migration packet can be defined as relevant and be executed
New from DB 39.5.11
DI064804 DBMS dependency
Specifies whether the packet is dependent on a database management system
- DBMS independent
- Oracle
- Invalid DBMS
New from DB 39.5.11
DI064805 Dependency: expected status
Traffic light for the visualization of the packet status to be expected, on which the current packet depends