The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Customizing Data Fields


  • Here, you find a list of all topics with customizing data field description grouped by data tables.

1 DT002ITextQ6B
2 DT003HyperlinkQ6B
3 DT030Skin
4 DT031OLE
5 DT035HyperlinkQ1B
6 DT037ITextQ1B
7 DT123Modification
8 DT124Conflict
9 DT314MigrationRule
10 DT315MigrationHistory
11 DT324Statistics
12 DT333GlobalSettings
13 DT342SQLProcedure
14 DT343SQLProcedureCode
15 DT345SystemParameters
16 DT346DatabaseInstance
17 DT347DBCapacities
18 DT350Latency
19 DT351PythonPerformanceMeasuring
20 DT352PythonFunctionCall
21 DT354Dual
22 DT390Effect
23 DT391Subeffect
24 DT392StoreSearchListValue
25 DT397HyperlinkQ2B
26 DT400MiscellaneousObjects
27 DT401ModelParameters
28 DT404Submodule
29 DT405Module
30 DT406ModuleDataArea
31 DT408Format
32 DT409FormatComponent
33 DT410DataArea
34 DT411DataField
35 DT412DataItem
36 DT414DataItemNote
37 DT415DataTable
38 DT416Relationship
39 DT420DBSchema
40 DT421XAMLTemplate
41 DT424Symbol
42 DT425Constant
43 DT426SymbolGroup
44 DT428DialogMessage
45 DT433MacroLine
46 DT435ITextQ2B
47 DT439AutomaticNumber
48 DT440DataItemStructure
49 DT441Language
50 DT443Session
51 DT444Color
52 DT445Exit
53 DT447ListboxValues
54 DT452GlobalVariable
55 DT453ListboxCategory
56 DT454ListboxValues
57 DT455UserVariable
58 DT456DynamicVariable
59 DT460HyperlinkQ5B
60 DT478ITextQ5B
61 DT500ModuleVariant
62 DT510Role
63 DT511User
64 DT512AccessRights
65 DT513WorkArea
66 DT515WorkAreaModule
67 DT516Person
68 DT518RoleUser
69 DT522WorkAreaMenuItem
70 DT525Stakeholder
71 DT525StakeholderPerson
72 DT526PersonResource
73 DT545ITextQ3B
74 DT546HyperlinkQ3B
75 DT559ProjectyearCTGrPool
76 DT565MappingParameter
77 DT590Transactions
78 DT590WebInterface
79 DT591PoolTable
80 DT591WebAttributeParameter
81 DT593ImportParameter
82 DT593ImportParameters
83 DT596WebLogging
84 DT597ExternalSystemObjectMapping
85 DT817FilterClass
86 DT901ITextQ7B
87 DT951ITextQ4B
88 DT952HyperlinkQ4B
89 DT978AccountAssignmentElementPool

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