DT510 Role
From DB 39.5.12
DI010320 Role ID
Code (ID) of the role
Up to DB 39.5.12
DI010320 Role
Code (ID) of the role
From DB 39.5.12
DI010402 Role
Name of the role
- in the Roles module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
Up to DB 39.5.12
DI010402 Role name
Name of the role
- in the Roles module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
DI027072 Invisible in menu
Parameter which makes a role in the user menu invisible. For
menu item roles, this parameter must be activated, otherwise the role is displayed in the user menu (without menu items).
- in the Roles module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
- Role is not displayed in the user menu
- Role is displayed in the user menu
DI041320 Startup MOD
ID of a startup module which is automatically loaded for a user when the program is started or when the
Extras Home menu items are clicked on, provided that the role is assigned to the user. In order for this setting to take effect, further requirements must be met:
- in the Users module,
- the respective role must be assigned to the user,
- the load startup module checkbox must be activated for the role,
- macro 009A1W must be assigned to the user in the startup macro name field.
- in the Roles module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
- There are two ways to assign a startup module to a user:
- In the Startup macro name field in the Users module you can directly select a macro module for the user. Further information
- Alternatively a role can be assigned to the user, to which then again a startup module is assigned.
- To select the startup module of one or several roles, macro 009A1W Startup aller Rollenmodule must be selected in the Startup macro name field.
DI041523 Module
Name of the module stored in the
startup MOD data field
DI025575 Icon file
Here, an OLE can be stored, which is displayed in the user menu depending on the customizing.
- in the Roles module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
DI026017 Role structure code
Arbitrary order criterion. It is used for selection and sorting purposes. It does not play any role in the
structuring of roles.
- in the Roles module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
DI025626 Release
- in the Roles module,
- provided that the modifying user possesses the required rights
DI010343 Created by
When you create a record, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.
The creating user is also the
owner of a record.
DI010340 Created on
When you create a record, the creation date is automatically entered in this field.