The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT439 Automatic Number

From S 39.5.20

  • If system customizing changes are made to data tables or data items (e.g. new data items are created, data item parameters are changed), the NEW Tools Restart PLANTA service menu item must be carried out in order to make the changes visible.
    • Note: If you click on the menu item, all open client connections (sessions) are closed. During restart, new client connections are not possible. This does not apply to changes made to I-texts, e.g. changes to the DI name or adjustment of value ranges (also of the VR type).
    • NEW Before restarting the service, the target directory must be deleted so it can be created anew upon server restart in order to make sure that the POJO classes contained in it, which are responsible for the meta data of the data dictionary, are generated anew.

From S 39.5.13 / DB 39.5.5

  • If system customizing changes have been made to data tables or data items (e.g. new data items have been created, data item parameters have been changed), the Reload system customizing button must be clicked on, or the Tools Reload system customizing menu item must be carried out in the Data Dictionary or Data Items modules to make the changes visible.
    • This does not apply to changes to I-texts, e.g. changes made to the DI name or adjustment of value ranges (also of the VR type).

From DB 39.5.3

  • If system customizing changes have been made to data tables or data items (e.g. new data items have been created, data item parameters have been changed), the NEW Reload system customizing button, or the menu item of the same name, must be clicked on in the Data Dictionary or Data Items modules to make the changes visible.
    • This does not apply to changes made to I-texts, e.g. changes made to the DI name or adjustment of value ranges (also of the VR type).

From S 39.5.0

  • If system customizing changes have been made to data tables or data items (e.g. new data items have been created, data item parameters have been changed), the NEW Restart server button, or the menu item of the same name, must be clicked on in the Data Dictionary or Data Items modules to make the changes visible.
    • This does not apply to changes made to I-texts, e.g. changes made to the DI name or adjustment of value ranges (also of the VR type).

Up to S 39.5.0

  • If system customizing changes have been made to data tables or data items (e.g. new data items have been created, data item parameters have been changed), the Reload forking server button, or the menu item of the same name, must be clicked on in the Data Dictionary or Data Items modules to make the changes visible.
    • This does not apply to changes made to I-texts, e.g. changes made to the DI name or adjustment of value ranges (also of the VR type).

DI000388 License

License for which the automatic number takes effect

DI000361 DI

DI the number of which is incrementing

DI000094 Data item

Name of the data item

DI008278 DB schema

ID of the database schema

See also: DB schema

DI026846 DB schema name

Name of the database schema

DI001592 DT

data table

DI008291 Data table

Name of the data table

DI000002 Number construction rule

The schema used to form the automatic number is specified here.


  • Any required characters for the fixed portion, apart from:
    • $ = sign for counter 1
    • ** = last 2 digits of the current year
    • ; = character for logged-on license number (left-justified, padded with blanks if necessary up to the number of the specified ";").
    • Currently not available:
      • % = variable input by the user (remainder as per form)


  • X-$$$$$$-B always brings 10 digits, namely
    • in the first two places: "X-"
    • in the 2nd to 8th digit counter 1
    • in places 9 and 10: "-B"

DI000006 Counter value 1

This shows the current counter value.

From S 39.5.20

  • For all schemas except Q1B and Q2B, the counter value can be reset to the value of VR counter 1 from if necessary. You can then use automatic numbers which were generated but not saved and automatically created numbers of deleted records for automatic reallocation.

DI000007 Counter from

Start value for counter 1. The value may only contain numbers, no letters.

DI000008 Counter to

Final value for counter 1. The value may only contain numbers, no letters.

DI000009 Z1 incrementing numerically

Used for automatic numbers of the alpha type: If appropriate, incremental counting will be strictly numeric.

DI000062 Z1 leading zeros

For alpha numbers which are incremented purely numerically, there is an option to insert leading zeros.

DI000116 Autom. numbers only

Determines whether a number chosen by the user may be input instead of the automatically determined number.


  • Possibly does not allow the user to make an own input in the respective DI. If a data field is hidden, an automatic number will always be used, unless a default value is specified for the data field.
  • If the number has a variable part which the user may input, the user may only input the latter; on output, the entire number will be visible.

DI006105 DB type

Database type

See also: DB type

DI006106 PPMS type

See also: PPMS type

DI006107 DB length

Database length

See also: DB length

DI006108 DF length

Data field length

See also: DF length

DI001931 Modified by

When you modify a record, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

DI000402 Modified on

When you modify a record, the modifying date is automatically entered in this field.

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