The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

DT545 I-text Q3B

DI026456 I-text current language

I-text of the current language

DI010275 I-text

Display/Editing options for the I-text in the respective language

DI026458 Modif. date earlier?

DI010262 Language code

Display of the language/languages

DI028174 Check

Option, whether the respective I-text has already been translated into this language or not

DI010261 I-number

DI023531 Data table

Display of the data table of the DI to be translated

DI023533 Record ID

DI010266 Changed on

When you modify a record, the modifying date is automatically entered in this field.

DI010269 Changed by

When you modify a record, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

DI010265 Created on

When you create a record, the creation date is automatically entered in this field.

DI010268 Created by

When you create a record, the ID (code) of the logged-on user is automatically entered in this field.

The creating user is also the owner of a record.

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