The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Fast Creation of Employee Data MOD009C7M From S 39.5.4 up to S 39.5.14

Description for versions S 39.5.14


  • In this module, the data of the employee pool table is created and maintained.
  • The employee import interface can then be used to quickly copy employee data to all affected data tables in PLANTA project.


  • Open the Configuration module.
  • Copy the delivered Employee import interface configuration.
  • Open module 009C7M Fast Creation of Employee Data.
  • Select the new configuration here.
  • Insert new employee records via the right mouse button and fill the fields as required.
    • If employee data has already been loaded to the pool from a CSV file, they will be displayed in the module and can be adjusted before copying if necessary.
  • Carry out the transaction in the Transaction module.
    • Please note: Here you have to select the Load data from pool to target transaction type.

See also:

         PLANTA project

  • Suche in Topic-Namen

  • Suche in Topic-Inhalten
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