The documentation from version 39.5.17 of PLANTA project can be found in the new PLANTA Online Help.

Function Library New from S 39.5.4

New from S 39.5.10

  • Both global and dynamic variables can be used in the parameters.
    • Using invalid variables leads to undefined behavior.

Python Module Subclasses

New from DB 39.5.11


  • Can write CSV files which can be read by PPMS 38.
    • The format of these CSV files looks as follows:

Use Possible?
Source module No
Pool module No
Target module Yes

Parameter Function
filepath Path to the file to be exported. It can either be in relation to the server directory or be an absolute path on the server.
delimiter The separator within the CSV file.
escapechar Character used to escape the delimiter within a value.
encoding Codec with which the file is encoded
overwrite Defines whether an already existing file is to be overwritten upon export
quoting Defines whether the values are to be written/read in inverted commas. Possible values can be found in the Python Documentation


From DB 39.5.11

  • Sends and writes data in PLANTA using the Mts layer.
  • All data that was sent from this module is of the strings type, and as a recipient, the module also expects all values to be strings.
  • Data fields that occur in the mapping but are not available in the data area are ignored without warning.
  • Data fields in window 9 are not filled.
  • The module determines the table to which is imported on the basis of the DDI.
    • This info is used to identify the primary keys in this data area and to fill them first.
    • This behavior enables the update of existing records if the complete primary key is included in the delivery.
  • Provides a field length check.
    • The field length check is not carried out for date fields.

Use Possible?
Source module Yes
Pool module No
Target module Yes

Parameter Function
sorted Values
  • 0 = The values are exported in a random order.
  • 1 = The data is exported in the order set in the source module. The data area from which the data is exported must not have a parent data area.
da_name Python ID of the data area to which you want to import or export.
If the MtsModule is set as a target module, the parameter can remain empty. This implies that all data areas in the module are used as import targets.


  • MtsModule interprets the following inputs as valid values for checkboxes:
    • Deactivated: 'N', '@N', '0', '', 'FALSE'
    • Activated: 'Y', '@Y', '1', 'J', 'TRUE', NEW 'X'

From S 39.5.7

  • Sends and writes data in PLANTA using the Mts layer.
  • All data that was sent from this module is of the strings type, and as a recipient, the module also expects all values to be strings.
  • Data fields that occur in the mapping but are not available in the data area are ignored without warning.
  • Data fields in window 9 are not filled.
  • The module determines the table to which is imported on the basis of the DDI.
    • This info is used to identify the primary keys in this data area and to fill them first.
    • This behavior enables the update of existing records if the complete primary key is included in the delivery.
  • Provides a field length check.
    • The field length check is not carried out for date fields.
  • Use Possible?
    Source module Yes
    Pool module No
    Target module Yes

    Parameter Function
    sorted NEW Values
    • 0 = The values are exported in a random order.
    • 1 = The data is exported in the order set in the source module. The data area from which the data is exported must not have a parent data area.
    da_name Python ID of the data area to which you want to import or export.
    If the MtsModule is set as a target module, the parameter can remain empty. This implies that all data areas in the module are used as import targets.


    • MtsModule interprets the following inputs as valid values for checkboxes:
      • Deactivated: 'N', '@N', '0', '', 'FALSE'
      • Activated: 'Y', '@Y', '1', 'J', 'TRUE'

    From S 39.5.5

    • Sends and writes data in PLANTA using the Mts layer.
    • All data that was sent from this module is of the strings type, and as a recipient, the module also expects all values to be strings.
    • Data fields that occur in the mapping but are not available in the data area are ignored without warning.
    • Data fields in window 9 are not filled.
    • The module determines the table to which is imported on the basis of the DDI.
      • This info is used to identify the primary keys in this data area and to fill them first.
      • This behavior enables the update of existing records if the complete primary key is included in the delivery.
    • NEW Provides a field length check.
      • The field length check is not carried out for date fields.

    Use Possible?
    Source module Yes
    Pool module No
    Target module Yes

    Parameter Function
    da_name Python ID of the data area to which you want to import or export.
    If the MtsModule is set as a target module, the parameter can remain empty. This implies that all data areas in the module are used as import targets.


    • MtsModule interprets the following inputs as valid values for checkboxes:
      • Deactivated: 'N', '@N', '0', '', 'FALSE'
      • Activated: 'Y', '@Y', '1', 'J', 'TRUE'

    Up to S 39.5.4

    • Sends and writes data in PLANTA using the Mts layer
    • All data that was sent from this module is of the strings type, and as a recipient, the module also expects all values to be strings.
    • Data fields that occur in the mapping but are not available in the data area are ignored without warning.
    • Data fields in window 9 are not filled.
    • The module determines the table to which is imported on the basis of the DDI.
      • This info is used to identify the primary keys in this data area and to fill them first.
      • This behavior enables the update of existing records if the complete primary key is included in the delivery.

    Use Possible?
    Source module Yes
    Pool module No
    Target module Yes

    Parameter Function
    da_name Python ID of the data area to which you want to import or export.
    If the MtsModule is set as a target module, the parameter can remain empty. This implies that all data areas in the module are used as import targets.


    • MtsModule interprets the following inputs as valid values for checkboxes:
      • Deactivated: 'N', '@N', '0', '', 'FALSE'
      • Activated: 'Y', '@Y', '1', 'J', 'TRUE'

    New from DB 39.5.7


    • Sends and writes data in PLANTA using the Mts layer.
    • All data that was sent from this module is of the strings type, and as a recipient, the module also expects all values to be strings.
    • Data fields that occur in the mapping but are not available in the data area are ignored without warning.
    • Data fields in window 9 are not filled.
    • The module determines the table to which is imported on the basis of the DDI.
      • This info is used to identify the primary keys in this data area and to fill them first.
      • This behavior enables the update of existing records if the complete primary key is included in the delivery.
    • Provides a field length check.
      • The field length check is not carried out for date fields.

    Use Possible?
    Source module Yes
    Pool module No
    Target module Yes

    Parameter Function
    sorted Values
    • 0 = The values are exported in a random order.
    • 1 = The data is exported in the order set in the source module. The data area from which the data is exported must not have a parent data area.
    da_name Python ID of the data area to which you want to import or export.
    If the MtsModule is set as a target module, the parameter can remain empty. This implies that all data areas in the module are used as import targets.
    auto_task_id The Python ID for automatic creation of a task (e.g. to import costs to it). If the parameter is not filled, no task is created. The parameter is only available if the module is used as a target module in import.
    auto_task_name Name for the automatically created task. The parameter is only available if the module is used as a target module in import.

    From DB 39.5.11


    From S 39.5.15



    Use Possible?
    Source module No
    Pool module Yes
    Target module No

    From DB 39.5.8

    Parameter Function
    da_name See MtsModule
    • is replaced by sending_da and receiving_da.
    • Data of already existing interface configurations are automatically migrated during an update.
    • Individual classes which inherit from MtsPoolModule are also lifted up to the latest stand.
    sending_da NEW Data area from which the data is loaded in the Pool -> Target step
    receiving_da NEW Data area in which the data is stored in the Source -> Target step
    l_var The number to be filled with the current interface configuration in the pool module.
    Allows you to restrict the pool table to the records of the current transaction.
    • The constellation allows flexible customizing. You can now import to a "technical" data area which contains the raw fields and is then exported from a processed data area which processes data using functions like grouping or summarization.

    Up to DB 39.5.8

    Parameter Function
    da_name See MtsModule
    l_var The number to be filled with the current interface configuration in the pool module.
    Allows you to restrict the pool table to the records of the current transaction.


    • Can read and write CSV files
      • It can only import files that can be accessed from the application server with the user running PLANTA.
    • Here, you can take a plain dummy data area with a field as a data area.
    • If the module is used as a source module and the readheader parameter is 1, the source mappings correspond to the column names of a file.
      • If the parameter is 0, the position is used for column definition instead.
    • If the module is used as a target module and the writeheader parameter is 1, the target mappings correspond to the column names of a file.
      • If the parameter is 0, the position is used for column definition instead.

    Use Possible?
    Source module Yes
    Pool module No
    Target module Yes

    From S 39.5.5

    Parameter Function
    archive_dir NEW Path to a directory to which the file is to be moved after successful import. It can either be in relation to the server directory or be an absolute path on the server. If the parameter is empty, the server directory is used. If the directory does not exist, it is created
    filepath Path to the file to be imported or exported. It can either be in relation to the server directory or it can be an absolute path on the server.
    NEW Wildcards like * can be used in the name. If several files are found, an error is displayed.
    delimiter The separator within the CSV file
    If a tab is to be used as a separator, you have to enter /t.
    escapechar Character used to escape the delimiter within a value.
    encoding Codec with which the file is encoded
    writeheader Defines whether a title line is written upon export
    readheader Defines whether the first line or the source mappings display the column names in the CSV file
    overwrite Defines whether an already existing file is to be overwritten upon export
    quoting Defines whether the values are to be written/read in inverted commas. Possible values can be found in the Python Documentation

    Notes NEW

    • After a file was imported successfully, the UUID of the interface configuration is written in the file name and copied into the directory configured via archive_dir.
    • If a CSV export is carried out, placeholders can be used in the filepath parameter in order to format a time stamp. The possible placeholders can be found in the Python documentation.

    Up to S 39.5.4

    Parameter Function
    filepath Path of the file to be imported or exported. This path can either be in relation to the server directory or be an absolute path on the server
    delimiter Separator within the CSV file
    escapechar Character used to escape the delimiter within a value.
    encoding Codec with which the file is encoded
    writeheader Defines whether a title line is written upon export
    readheader Defines whether the first line or the source mappings display the column names in the CSV file
    overwrite Defines whether an already existing file is to be overwritten upon export
    quoting Defines whether the values are to be written/read in inverted commas. Possible values can be found in the Python Documentation

    The most common encoding values are:

    encoding Used by
    latin-1 Default Microsoft Excel encoding on German computers
    windows-1252 Default Microsoft Excel encoding on English computers
    utf-8 UTF-8 encoded file without BOM
    utf-8-sig UTF-8 encoded file with BOM

    New from S 39.5.10



    • This module subclass equates to the CSVModule module subclass.
    • The only difference is in the filepath parameter.
      • If several files are found, no error is displayed when using MultiCSVModule, but the files are imported/exported one by one in the sequence of their file names.

    New from S 39.5.14/C 39.5.14



    • This module subclass equates to the CSVModule module subclass.
      • In contrast to this module subclass, however, the filepath and archive_dir parameters do not exist here.
    • In contrast to CSVModule, ClientCSVModule can import/export files that are accessible for the user that opens the PLANTA Client.


    From DB 39.5.7

    Up to DB 39.5.7

  • Imports and exports load records and stamps them in the SAP status field.
  • Use Possible?
    Source module Yes
    Pool module No
    Target module Yes

    Parameter Function
    da_name See MtsModule


    From DB 39.5.7

    Up to DB 39.5.7

  • Works like the MtsPoolModule, but additionally stamps in the SAP status field.
  • Can only be used to export interfaces.
  • Use Possible?
    Source module No
    Pool module Yes
    Target module No

    From S 39.5.8

    Parameter Function
    da_name See MtsPoolModule
    Note: is replaced by sending_da and receiving_da.
    sending_da NEW See MtsPoolModule
    receiving_da NEW See MtsPoolModule
    l_var See MtsPoolModule
    sorted NEW See MtsModule

    Up to S 39.5.8

    New from S 39.5.4


    • If you want to customize an interface with BAPI connection, please contact your PLANTA consultant.
    SAP connection parameters

    New from DB 39.5.7


    • Imports German holidays from a web service to PLANTA calendars. For this purpose, see Calendar

    Parameter Function
    calendar ID of the calendar to which is to be imported
    start_year Year from which on holidays are to be imported
    end_year Year up to which holidays are to be imported
    state Federal state for which holidays are to be loaded. Permitted values: HB, NI, NW, HH, SN, MV, BW, SL, SH, ST, BE, RP, BB, BY, HE, TH

    New from DB 39.5.8


    • Imports absences in the period table
    • Since the period table contains one record per day, the imported data is duplicated for each day between start_date and end_date (including start and end date)
    • The absence_type column expects a numeric value that can be learned from the table below.
    • The values can be inserted using a mapping function like e.g. ConstantValue or Replacer.

    Absence reason ValueSorted descending
    Sickness 399
    On- and off-the-job training 113
    Special vacation 48
    Maternity leave/parental leave 47
    Absence 46
    1/2 day absence 45
    Vacation 44
    1/2 day of vacation 43

    Parameter Function
    da_name See MtsModule
    date_format The format of the date values in the start_date and end_date columns. For possible values, see Python documentation.

    New from DB 39.5.11


    Subclass of MtsModule which is able to update data in the conversion factor table.


    • Can only be used as a source module
    • Parameters like BAPIModule and additionally project_definition where the SAP project ID must be entered to import the WBS structure for this module.


    • Can only be used as a source module
    • Parameters like BAPIModule and additionally project_definition where the SAP project ID must be entered to import the WBS structure for this module.

    Mapping Functions

    • The following mapping functions can be used according to the type.


    New from DB 39.5.11


    • Returns the true/false boolean value depending on the configuration
    • Input value: is not considered
    • Output value: boolean value (true/false)
    Parameter Function
    true Defines whether true or false is to be returned. possible values: 0 (false) and 1 (true)


    • Reads the value from an arbitrary variable and returns it
    • Input value: Not relevant
    • Output value: Variable content
    Parameter Function
    variable Variable to be read out, e.g. @1 or @G123. Supports all variable types.


    • Enables you to apply the Slice function from Python to a value.
    • This can be used in order to cut off parts of the text or to invert the text.
    • Input value: text
    • Output value: text

    Parameter Function
    start Index to begin at
    step Step width at which to cut off
    end Index to stop at


    • Replaces a value by another one
    • Input value: text
    • Output value: text

    Parameter Function
    old_value Partial string to be replaced
    new_value Value by which the partial string is to be replaced


    • Returns a constant value
    • Input value: is not considered
    • Output value: text

    Parameter Function
    value By specifying a sign, it is stripped. If nothing is specified: all types of spaces/tabs

    New from S 39.5.7


    • Cuts off the specified signs before and after a value

    Parameter Function
    chars The sign that is to be cut off
    If no sign is specified here, all types of spaces/tabs are cut off.

    New from DB 39.5.8


    • Cuts off the specified characters at the beginning of a value.

    Parameter Function
    chars The sign that is to be cut off
    If no sign is specified here, all types of spaces/tabs are cut off.


    • Cuts off the specified characters at the end of a value.

    Parameter Function
    chars The sign that is to be cut off
    If no sign is specified here, all types of spaces/tabs are cut off.


    From S 39.5.8

    • Returns the value of a DI from DT466 and writes a note in the log-file if it could not be found in DT466.
    • Input value: is not considered
    • Output value: text

    Up to S 39.5.8

  • Returns the value of a DI from DT466.
  • Input value: is not considered
  • Output value: text
  • Parameter Function
    project Technical project ID of the project
    task Technical task ID of the task
    res_id Resource ID
    python_id DI Python ID of the DI that is to be returned


    From S 39.5.7

    Up to S 39.5.7

  • Returns the value of the Person for the code which is passed on as a value.
  • Input value: a valid code
  • Output value: the value of the Person field
  • New from S 39.5.8


    • Adds the configured string to the input value
    • Input value: text
    • Output value: text

    Parameter Function
    text Text that is to be added to the input value
    left Determines whether the text on the left of the string is to be added; possible values are 0 and 1
    right Determines whether the text on the right of the string is to be added; possible values are 0 and 1


    • Rounds the input value to the defined number of digits
    • Input value: number
    • Output value: text

    Parameter Function
    digits A number greater/equal to 0; Defines the number of digits to which the input value is to be rounded. If the parameter cannot be converted to any number, the default value 2 is used.


    • Returns the value of a DI from DT467 and writes a note in the log-file if it could not be found in DT467.
    • Input value: is not considered.
    • Output value: text
    Parameter Function
    resource Resource ID
    python_id DI Python ID of the DI that is to be returned

    New from DB 39.5.7


    • Extends the entered string on the left by the defined signs and sets the entire string to the defined length
    Parameter Function
    fillchar Signs by which the string is extended
    width Entire length of the string with extension

    • Input string: "foo"
      • fillchar: \s
      • width: 5
    • Output string: " foo"


    • Extends the entered string on the right by the defined signs and sets the entire string to the defined length
    Parameter Function
    fillchar Signs by which the string is extended
    width Entire length of the string with extension

    • Input string "foo"
      • fillchar: x
      • width: 5
    • Output string: "fooxx"

    New from DB 39.5.15


    • Replaces the input value (in case it is empty) with the value of another data item
    • Output value: input value (if not empty), otherwise the value of the specified data item
    Parameter Function
    uuid UUID of the record from which the data item is to be read
    datatable SQL ID of the record from which the data item is to be read
    dataitem SQL ID of the data item to be read


    • Specifies the PLANTA UUID for the specified ID from an external system, provided that it is linked
    • Input value: ID from an external system
    • Output value: PLANTA UUID
    Parameter Function
    system Code of the external system (e.g. 728 for PLANTA pulse)
    type Type of object which has this ID (e.g. 'workload' for loads from PLANTA pulse)


    • Specifies the value of a data item for a record with the specified UUID
    • Input value: PLANTA UUID
    • Output value: Value of the data item
    Parameter Function
    datatable SQL ID of the record from which the data item is to be read
    dataitem SQL ID of the data item to be read



    • Changes a value to UPPER CASE LETTERS
    • Input value: text
    • Output value: text


    • Changes a value to a text value
    • Input value: arbitrary
    • Output value: text


    • Changes a value to an integer
    • Input value: arbitrary
    • Output value: integer

    Parameter Function
    round Configures whether the value is to be rounded first


    • Changes a value to a floating point number
    • Input value: arbitrary
    • Output value: Floating point number


    • Converts a text into the PLANTA date format
    • Input value: text
    • Output value: integer

    Parameter Function
    format Format of the date. For possible values, see Python documentation.


    • Converts the PLANTA date format to a text
    • Input value: integer
    • Output value: text

    Parameter Function
    format Format to be used for the date. For possible values, see Python documentation.

    New from S 39.5.7


    • Has no parameters and takes a functional project ID as a value and returns the technical project ID or none.


    • Returns the value of the Person for the code which is passed on as a value.
    • Input value: a valid code
    • Output value: the value of the Person field


    • Has no parameters and converts a number, like e.g. 10- to -10


    • Has no parameters and takes a functional project ID as a value and returns a technical project ID or none.


    • Via the compatible decomposition (NFKD), it converts the special signs that are not shown by PLANTA project to signs that can be displayed by PLANTA project.

    Parameter Function
    encoding Encoding to which the input text is to be converted. By default, this parameter is preset with the coding of the server and does not have to be changed.

    New from DB 39.5.9


    • Takes the "project" value and converts the handed-over WBS ID to a UUID.

    New from DB 39.5.11


    • Checks whether there is a record with the transferred date value for the respective conversion factor ID, the Valid from value of which corresponds to the date. If it does, the position is returned (DI000343).

    Parameter Function
    conversion_factor_id Conversion factor ID, saved in DI000341
    format Date format for the incoming value (like e.g. PLANTADateToString)

    New from DB 39.5.11


    • Converts a date to a year.

    Parameter Function
    format Defines the date format to be handed over.

    New from DB 39.5.11


    • Fetches the value from the DI configured for the specified project
    • Input value: Technical project ID
    • Output value: text

    Parameter Function
    python_id The Python ID of the DI from DT461 Project


    • Returns the PLANTA pulse user for a PLANTA project user
    • Input value: user code from DT511 (DI010323)
    • Output value: PLANTA pulse ID of the user or None


    • Converts a PLANTA project UUID to a PLANTA pulse ID
    • Input value: UUID
    • Output value: PLANTA pulse ID of the user or None


    • Converts the UUID of a resource assignment to the board ID of the task
    • Input value: UUID of a resource assignment (DI060939)
    • Output value: board ID of the task

    New from DB 39.5.15


    • Converts the value to a json value which can be processed by Jira

    Parameter Function Default value
    format Format of the json value (must contain the '{input}' placeholder) {'id': '{input}'}


    • Converts seconds to hours and returns them as float


    • Converts a Jira ID to a PLANTA project UUID
    • Input value: ID of a Jira object

    Parameter Function
    type Type of the external object (as saved in the DT597ExternalSystemObjectMapping table)


    • Returns the value of the specified data item from a record with the specified PLANTA project UUID from the specified table
    • Input value: UUID of a PLANTA project object

    Parameter Function
    table SQL ID of a PLANTA project table
    dataitem SQL ID of a data item from the specified table


    • All validators have 2 parameters:
      • child_when_invalid: Here, the name of one of the children of the validator can be entered. If the validator fails, only this child is carried out. If the validator is successful, the child_when_invalid string is ignored.
      • mark_record_as_invalid: If this parameter is at 1, the record is marked as invalid and is not transferred when the validator fails. If the parameter is at 0, only this column is ignored upon transfer.


    • Checks whether the value is logically true


    • Checks whether the transferred value is a primary key in the configured table

    Parameter Function
    table_num Table number in PLANTA to be checked


    • Checks whether the transferred value is in the configured value list

    Parameter Function
    values A list of values that must be separated with the configured separator
    separator Separator for separating the list into separate values


    From S 39.5.7

    Up to S 39.5.7

  • Checks whether the transferred value corresponds to the configured value
  • Parameter Function
    value Value to compare with


    • Checks whether the configured value is available in the transferred value

    Parameter Function
    value Value to be available


    • Checks whether the transferred value is a primary key in the configured project

    Parameter Function
    project The technical project ID of the project to be checked


    • Checks whether the transferred value is a valid resource assignment in the configured project and task
    • Additionally, the validator can create a resource assignment if none exists.

    Parameter Function
    project The technical project ID of the project to be checked
    task Technical task ID of the task to be checked
    create_if_not_exists In case the resource assignment does not exist and this parameter is at 1, the resource assignment is created

    New from S 39.5.7


    • Compares values. The validator fails if the comparison fails.
    • Input value = arbitrary

    Parameter Function
    value Specifies, against what to compare
    operator Specifies, how to compare: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
    type Specification of the type, possible values: TEXT, INTEGER and FLOAT. Prior to the comparison, the validator converts the values of the value parameter and the input value to this type.

    New from DB 39.5.11


    • Checks whether the handed over year is available in the budget of the project as a yearly tranche.

    Parameter Function
    project Specifies the technical project ID of the project in which the check is to be done.
    cost_type_group Specifies the cost type group subject to the check.
    create_if_not_exists Specifies whether the yearly tranche is to be created if it does not exist. Valid values: 1 or 0

    New from DB 39.5.15


    • Checks whether the ID transferred from an external system has already been assigned to a PLANTA project object

    Parameter Function
    external_system Specifies the ID of the external system
    external_type Specifies the type of the object from the external system

    New from DB 39.5.7

    System Check Classes

    Parameter Function
    HostnameConditional Compares the parameter value to the host name of the application server
    PortConditional Compares the parameter value to the port entered in globals.conf of the PLANTA server
    WorkDirConditional Compares the parameter value to the work directory of the PLANTA server
    IPAddressConditional Compares the parameter value with the IP address of the application server


    See also: Here you can find an overview of all PLANTA link contents

             PLANTA project

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